Having some problems with TS4!

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Having some problems with TS4!

Postby farshad » Thu, 30 Jun 2011 07:07

Hello everyone,
i noticed the game is not being played smoothly sometimes, i mean as an example, i was playing in career mode( no connection problem) in one of those exibitions matches, it was a double match in greece, the ball was flying so strange! it was like lagging , coudnt stand it. it happened in some other tournaments too but not as bad.
it even happens at the first practice court when you start the game(blue court with the ball machine), if i stay behind the baseline, when the ball get close to me it lags a bit.
another problem that i have is about the online mode. we are playing and all of a sudden it stops and start showing the stadium with birdeye from different angles, so all i can do is to quit the game by PS button and enter again.
i remember i had a freezing problem once and i had to restart the system.
yes, so many problems:D so is anyone experiencing any of those problems or its just me ?
sorry for my crappy english, its not my main language.
Posts: 268
Joined: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 12:05

Postby ANILTJE » Fri, 01 Jul 2011 15:02

You got it with other games too????

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Postby farshad » Sat, 02 Jul 2011 09:46

I tried my TS4 copy on two different ps3 and it was the same problem,so it shoudn't be the system. i dont have another copy to test and thats why i asked if anyone else is experiencing the same problems or not.
unfortunately most of ps3 games are glitchy nowdays so you cant be sure about anything.
Posts: 268
Joined: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 12:05

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