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Postby Sure Shank2 » Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:15

djarvik wrote:I wish they would make it so the more power you have, the less proficient your control shots are. So if you want to be a power house, then your control game should be inconsistent. And if you want to have great control, you sacrifice power. If you want both, then you need to ballance out your power.

that would be great, seeing as i dont use control shots AT ALL :D
Sure Shank2
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Postby Chederer » Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:22

Sure Shank2 wrote:
djarvik wrote:I wish they would make it so the more power you have, the less proficient your control shots are. So if you want to be a power house, then your control game should be inconsistent. And if you want to have great control, you sacrifice power. If you want both, then you need to ballance out your power.

that would be great, seeing as i dont use control shots AT ALL :D

i feel that the game does implement this....i have played with 69 power pretty much the whole time...and i have great placement with this guy...just cant put it away to save my life...then i created a instant rocket; crushing passing shot guy this weekend...i feel my placement is quite different than the lower power guy...I LOVE THIS GAME

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Postby Hawkeye Miihawk » Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:33

Coolhand Texas wrote:I really liked how they implemented that before the patch. you could return easy serves inside the baseline, but when a harder serve came it was way more difficult to even get it in the court. Its different now, I have seen some do it in WT, but it is still not that big of problem in my opinion

I don't mind if they want to step in to retrun, but their returns are going in now. It was harder to return inside the baseline before, so it was risky. The serve and volleyers, especially, abused it used it in such a cheesy way. Slice return from 5ft in and charge to net. I use an allrounder, and don't have the power to hit through them easily at net. It's harder to pass S&Vers at net now, so they always got the chance to hit the first volley. Add that to the fact that they were drop volleying on practically every single point. Those were some of the most frustrating matches I've ever had.
If returning from inside the baseline and slicing are harder, then people would think twice about stepping 5ft in and slice returning everything back.

djarvik wrote:I wish they would make it so the more power you have, the less proficient your control shots are. So if you want to be a power house, then your control game should be inconsistent. And if you want to have great control, you sacrifice power. If you want both, then you need to ballance out your power.

That's actually a very nice idea. I wonder how it could be implemented and if it can.

Maybe characters with a minimum of 5 points in all stats would have average precision and average powerful shots. If offensive baseline is your dominant stat, then you'll have weak precision shots and strong powerful shots. If defensive baseline is your dominant stat then you'll have strong precision shots and weak powerful shots. If serve and volley is your dominant stat then you'll have weak precision and weak powerful shots.

I'm up for anything that gives allrounders any kind of leg up :D.
Bias aside, I actually like this idea. It can be hard to be an allrounder

-Offensive basliners have a bigger serve, higher strokes, and more power than you. You have trouble hitting through them even though they have 40-60 speed
-Defensive basliners have higher strokes than you, and in some cases even more power. Lol, you have trouble hitting through 40-60 speed, then imagine how it feels trying to hit through 75+speed. They can also overpower you with their high strokes even when they have low power cause their strokes are so high, and their power isn't very far from yours.
-Serve and volleyers, even though they have low strokes, can still keep up with allrounders just fine in rallies, and you have trouble hitting through them even though their speed is between 40-60.

This way the offensive/defensive baseliners, and s&vers can't "do it all" per say. Offensive baseliners would be forced to play offensively, and if they try to play defensively with precision shots they'll have a weak game and draw more errors. Defensive baseliners would be forced to use precision shots, and their power game would be weak and cause more errors as wells. Since s&ving is better now, the baseline would be even more dangerous for s&vers.

Right now it can hard to use an allrounder. Ofbs/Dfbs have higher strokes, and this automatically makes their precision and power shots more effective than an allrounder's. S&Vers can keep up with allrounders and beat them in rallies, and it can hard for an allrounder to pass them up at net cause his strokes and power aren't high enough.
You also have to be able to finish points at net and serve and volley every now and then with an allrounder, but this can be hard cause baseliners can hit effective precision or powerful shots because of their high strokes. S&Vers can also pass you at net easily with their low strokes as well.

It's no surprise why 99% of players are either an offensive/defensive baseliner or s&ver. I'm trying to think of an advantage an allrounder has, but i can't think of 1. Your average stats are actually a weakness cause you get out rallied, overpowered, and you aren't powerful enough or your strokes aren't high enough to have an effective baseline game, even against serve and volleyers.

This "shot effectiveness dependent on your dominant stat" idea is actually very nice. This way allrounders won't automatically have weaker precision/power shots simply because their strokes/power are lower.
Hawkeye Miihawk
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Postby Hawkeye Miihawk » Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:21

I forgot to add
Characters with equal baseline and serve and volley stats, say (10ofb/10s&v, 8s&v/4ofb/8dfb, etc) would have an average shot for their dominant baseline stat, with the other baseline shot being weak

So 10ofb 10s&v would have average powerful shots with weak control shots
8s&v 4ofb 8dfb would have average precision shots with weak powerful shots
Hawkeye Miihawk
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Mon, 13 Jun 2011 21:41

this sounds like a good idea.... but all rounders are still going to be useless. I used to play with one, and you have to be twice as good as the other guy to stand a chance. They are just not viable as a competetive setup, IMHO
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Mon, 13 Jun 2011 22:14

Hawkeye Miihawk wrote:I forgot to add
Characters with equal baseline and serve and volley stats, say (10ofb/10s&v, 8s&v/4ofb/8dfb, etc) would have an average shot for their dominant baseline stat, with the other baseline shot being weak

So 10ofb 10s&v would have average powerful shots with weak control shots
8s&v 4ofb 8dfb would have average precision shots with weak powerful shots
axel mingnolet 9/2/9 fh 71 power 67 liseth aguilar 9/6/5 fh 83 but it has low power or alex bickham 6/6/8 fh 81 bh 66 so you can have an all round setup with groundstrokes that have precison and these stats arent balanced for example alex bickham6/6/8 you could have two wings 70 enough to have precise shots off both sides but it does mean you have to be very court savy thts why i designed my all rounders ala sampras i.e all round game but the strongest part of their game is their net play. Have you tried ian moore or elvir christen sv 10/ dfb 10 they are both go for all round play both give 70 wings or Lukas novak 13sv /7 dfb another good all round setup fh 81 70 + serve,volley and speed with insideout master. your wrong there are setus ot just depends on you court and controller savy .
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Postby zaka » Mon, 13 Jun 2011 23:50

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:this sounds like a good idea.... but all rounders are still going to be useless. I used to play with one, and you have to be twice as good as the other guy to stand a chance. They are just not viable as a competetive setup, IMHO

I am an "all-rounder" post-update and I am top 10 in WT.

I am not twice as good as my opponents, the secret is to find your opponent's weakness and then exploit it. That is why I suck at quick matches because there isn't enough time to find the weakness. But I am a beast at tournaments.

3/9/8 setup
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 14 Jun 2011 00:31

That seems more like a baseline setup..... what coach?
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Postby zaka » Tue, 14 Jun 2011 01:04

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:That seems more like a baseline setup..... what coach?

I use TI/MD for tournies, my max attribute is my FH at 79(I don't have anything in the 'red' or 'grey' so that's why I consider myself all-round).

I have currently been practicing with various coaches to see if I can gain any advantages in this patch, I have yet to find one with my lame setup LOL.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 14 Jun 2011 01:32

jOIN THE CLUB :oops:
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Postby Immortal Strife » Tue, 14 Jun 2011 01:42

zaka wrote:
RainingAmoeba79 wrote:That seems more like a baseline setup..... what coach?

I use TI/MD for tournies, my max attribute is my FH at 79(I don't have anything in the 'red' or 'grey' so that's why I consider myself all-round).

I have currently been practicing with various coaches to see if I can gain any advantages in this patch, I have yet to find one with my lame setup LOL.

Being that you are having pretty good success post patch with a basline player how are you countering the S & V players, what techniques are you using? I play with 0-12-8 semi-volley king/shot counter player and I can't seem to make passing shots anymore, I've tried short angles, drop shots, lobs, flat control shot down the line all to no avail.
Immortal Strife
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Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 14 Jun 2011 02:07

Now that it's gotten hard to pass, you baseliners should be lobbing a lot more. Make the volleyer move away from the net a bit, and you should see passing shots opening up.

And I don't think you should feel cheesy about it. It's easier to cover the net without getting so close, so there's no reason the net player can't cover the lob.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 14 Jun 2011 02:17

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Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 14 Jun 2011 02:23

As much as I like to do it, S&V should be the weakest setup. If this were 1988, it would be different. Plus, I kind of don't like the fact that so many people are S&V'ing now - it was cooler when it was more unique.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 14 Jun 2011 02:34

TBH, it is the second weekest setup, after OB and DB, but better than AA.
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