Frequently using drop shots with drop shot artist skill?

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Postby Andymachine » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:43

fedfan wrote:All of this back and forth on the forums is becoming ridiculous. If people have a problem with someone take it up with them by pm, don't post it on the forums and then be surprised when everyone starts putting their opinions into the mix.

There are rules and then there is fair play and etiquette. Most people here use to play first and foremost for fun and to enjoy good competition now everyone just wants to win and don't care how they do it.

Btw this isn't aimed at anyone inparticular, if I had an issue with someone I'd take it up with them directly or via the host.

And finally without the management and hosts who use their free time to keep itst going everyone would be confined to world tour, or nothing if you have a ps3 so a little bit of respect is owed all round I think.

Agreed Fedfan , nowadays every day when i log on this site there is yet another bitch fest or soemone accusing something of something , or calling out someones name , im not saying this didnt used to happen but its like every day now a new thing going on , anyone has an issue with another player discuss it with the managers or host of the event etc whatever
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Postby djarvik » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:56

I am trying to keep it contained. But then people start bitching because I lock threads. :lol: So what then? ...what is the way out?

I hate all the recent bitching as well. I also hate people coming in out of nowhere and start questioning intergity of this site and management. One decision, one comment and they all get worked up, come on forums ...
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Postby Moralspain » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:06

Let's clarify this, there're no rules about how many drop shots you can hit during a match, just because it would be impossible to check, that being said, you have to understand something, ITST is a site where players compete fairly, trying to avoid what has been called cheesy tactics, main difference with the World Tour.

As we have posted many times:

As you may or may not know, "cheesy" is a term used to describe a style of play that most players consider to be unfair. The style takes advantage of the games limitations, making it completely unrealistic compared to real life tennis.
There are universal "unwritten" rules concerning "cheesy" play. We've never had to make firm rules because the ITST community respects their existence. They involve playing fairly & not using the known "cheesy" tactics that lessen this game.

We are proud to say that the majority of our community follow this ethos closely, but if you are someone who doesn't, considered yourself warned: "cheesy" play in ITST matches is never tolerated.

I haven't played against you, so i can really tell, but if you hist drop shots in very single point of match, that would be a cheesy tactic in my humble opinion.
Let's say we have many reports against you for that reason, that would mean there's something wrong about your game, don't you think?, we're (Hosts and Management) are not judging you, the members are. If we get many reports, the Managers will send you a warning first btw.
Last edited by Moralspain on Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:09

agreed with djarkvic..... u should consider urself lucky that he is spending his free time helping you....
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Postby Enummievol » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:25

djarvik wrote:I am trying to keep it contained. But then people start bitching because I lock threads. :lol: So what then? ...what is the way out?

I hate all the recent bitching as well. I also hate people coming in out of nowhere and start questioning intergity of this site and management. One decision, one comment and they all get worked up, come on forums ...

I'm assuming that im the player ''coming in out of nowhere'' , so do i need to spend a lot of years with this community to question anything ? I'm just brainstorming, im not saying that anyone lied or something like that , i hope you guyz understood what im trying to tell , because english is not my primary language.

Anyway, another thought came into my mind , what if some people group up and report a player just to get him or her out of the picture?

I really dont think using drop shots a lot is cheesy , its called a ''shot'' , we have a wide selection of shots to make and it should be up to us which one to select , otherwise the rallys will be boring and way too long.

Again , the things i wrote is not personal , i just want to learn , im sure someone else already questioned these things , but yesterday i made a mistake by backing off from playing drop shots the way i want just because im gonna get banned with doing nothing wrong. If i wont be welcome in this community , i'll leave, no problem , but asking questions and questioning rules should be fine as long as its done in a proper and kind way. We should also be able to question and discuss laws and rules in real life, but in most countries , especially in Turkey sadly its a thought crime, so Freedom of expression for the win i guess :)
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Postby djarvik » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:29

I was actually thinking of someone else.

BTW, would you consider ANY amount of drop shots cheesy?

Say for example if out of 100 points played 90 are dropshots.
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Postby SlicerITST » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:33

Anyway, another thought came into my mind , what if some people group up and report a player just to get him or her out of the picture?

This is actually a genuine concern of us and always a consideration in our decision to address someone about his playstyle.

All i can say is that we are a quite experienced team and have dealt with many similar situations. We know the dynamics of the community hence we can spot when what you describe happens.
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Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:41

If you have to ask if you're doing something cheesy, there's a good chance you are.

BUT, I'm not sure if using drop shots is cheesy, even if you use them on very point: If you use them enough, your opponent should know it's coming, and it's pretty easy to counter. If your opponent is surprised when you hit one, then you're probably not abusing them.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:44

Rob ITST wrote:If you have to ask if you're doing something cheesy, there's a good chance you are.

BUT, I'm not sure if using drop shots is cheesy, even if you use them on very point: If you use them enough, your opponent should know it's coming, and it's pretty easy to counter. If your opponent is surprised when you hit one, then you're probably not abusing them.

Ya, i played a guy on WT who did this, and it was easy winners after a couple of games...
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Postby TomBs » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 19:40

djarvik wrote:I was actually thinking of someone else.

BTW, would you consider ANY amount of drop shots cheesy?

Say for example if out of 100 points played 90 are dropshots.

Wouldn't be cheesy if these 100 points are all very long rallies.

Just watched an irl tennis match between some of the best players from Belgium, and on the clay they did hit quite a few dropshots. Surely not to extreme amounts, but then there weren't many very long rallies either.

And I'd say it would be cheesy if the dropshot was 1. too easy to pull off, AND 2. nearly impossible to counter. So far my experience is that it isn't too easy to pull off (must say I haven't faced drop shot artists yet), and it's very possible to counter it.

If your opponent is hitting dropshots on every point, then either you are doing something wrong, or if you're not then your opponent is stupid enough to not change tactics.
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Postby Enummievol » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 19:59

The problem is , some of my opponents will find my '' drop shot artist'' playstyle cheesy , some not , and those that will report me will get me banned eventually? So am i forced to drop a skill and playstyle which i enjoy to play because of this threat or should i play the way i want as long as its counterable and not considered a cheat?
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 20:16

Enummievol wrote:The problem is , some of my opponents will find my '' drop shot artist'' playstyle cheesy , some not , and those that will report me will get me banned eventually? So am i forced to drop a skill and playstyle which i enjoy to play because of this threat or should i play the way i want as long as its counterable and not considered a cheat?

you have a misconception here. just because someone reports you, does not mean you are going to be banned.

the management team reviews the reports they get, and see if they are just pissed of losers or if there is an actual cheesy style of play going on. If the management team thinks its cheesy and you should not do it as much, they would give you a warning/notice and ask you to stop doing it.

Only by ignoring their warning/notice and continuing to do this cheesy tactic would you be suspended or banned

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Postby Enummievol » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 20:35

Coolhand Texas wrote:
Enummievol wrote:The problem is , some of my opponents will find my '' drop shot artist'' playstyle cheesy , some not , and those that will report me will get me banned eventually? So am i forced to drop a skill and playstyle which i enjoy to play because of this threat or should i play the way i want as long as its counterable and not considered a cheat?

you have a misconception here. just because someone reports you, does not mean you are going to be banned.

the management team reviews the reports they get, and see if they are just pissed of losers or if there is an actual cheesy style of play going on. If the management team thinks its cheesy and you should not do it as much, they would give you a warning/notice and ask you to stop doing it.

Only by ignoring their warning/notice and continuing to do this cheesy tactic would you be suspended or banned

I'm aware of this , what if most of the community thinks the opposite of itst moderators about the play being cheesy or not? I already got a warning from a itst moderator yesterday when i was playing against him, but i insist that playing clever drop shots on every point is not cheesy , do i need to wait for a real life pro to come up with this style of gameplay to be able to use it ingame? Drop shot on every point may sound stupid in real life tennis but someday it might come true who knows , the thing im trying to say is , lets say %60 of the community thinks its not cheesy, %40 thinks that it is cheesy and itst moderators mostly think its cheesy, from what i read it seems like i need to drop that style of gameplay and move on , and to be honest today i decided not to stop using drop shots often, im gonna have to leave this site in the end probably :(
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 20:47

consistent use of drop shots are a hard thing to clarify.

for one, they are pretty easily to pull off. which helps it classify it as a cheesy tactic. The other is that they are pretty effective which again helps it become a cheesy tactic.

On the other hand, when your opponent is behind the baseline and is consistently chasing down balls down, why not use a dropshot? That is when I would do it.

Now in my opinion if you dropshot me when I am behind the baseline chasing balls left and right, I probably wont get too mad. The only time I ever get pissed off with dropshots is when a player is on the defensive behind the baseline and while on the stretch he uses a dropshot. Thats the only time I ever get mad.

If you got warned by the management team, then I would cut back on the drop shots. Use them more sparingly and who knows it may work out better, because it would be more of a suprise.

BTW: I had the drop-shot artist skill for awhile. Really liked playing with it, but ran into some of the same problems you are. I probably didnt use it as much as you did, but when I did use it, it was when I was in an offensive position and my opponent was behind the baseline. But nonetheless I still had people complain.

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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 20:56

I think ppl are always gonna be pissed, even if you use one or two clever dropshots, cuz it makes them look retarded.... :lol:
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