There are comments in this thread about the game being "more realistic" and more "sim" like.
I've played tennis over 15 years and this game isn't "more realistic" after the patch... it's simply less fun.
If I hit a monster forehand off of a guys weaker backhand then the point is generally over or at least WILL be after he poops his reply. (In REAL tennis)
The game was much more realistic in this respect BEFORE the patch as now it seems nearly impossible to hit a winner off of your stronger wing. And don't even attempt it off your weaker wing.
The simple fact is this is a video game. It will never be "real" tennis because it's just not.
But what it SHOULD be is FUN! And with this patch they've sapped all the fun out of this game.
I know a lot of you guys are hardcore online players and play hours and hours and are great online players. Perhaps to you the patch is great (although it seems like even some of the hardcore players on here don't like the new patch)because you devote a lot of time playing this game competitively online.
To us regular folks who like to play once in a while and have some fun... the game has completely turned a 180 and is no longer fun.
It's frustrating, boring, and simply no fun to play.
SO, as has been suggested earlier in this thread, I agree that they should UNDO the patch for us regular folks and leave the patch in tact for you online hardcore players, if that is in fact what you guys want.... the rest of us just want to go back to having fun with a video game.
I can go play real tennis (and do) all the time for a "realistic" game.
Give me a fun video game to play when I'm sitting in my living room if you don't mind.