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Postby dsavbeast012 » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:01

I'd say that it's a bit easier to hit UE's on routine shots w/ bad timing, which is good, but there's still not enough UE's on those super stretched shots, if you get good timing those still go in regardless of positioning. I do like that timing matters now, but wish that they would go all the way and make it a true sim w/ more UE's. I know that would p!ss people off, I'm already seeing people whine about the UEs now and there's still not enough IMO. But the UEs now is better than before.

SporTec Ironik wrote:@ Mataii : I think I understand what you mean : are you talking about low speed players? If so i agree with your statment. I still have the feeling that speed doesn't count that much or that there is something in this game I don't understand regarding player's movement.

All I can say is that w/ my Ivo clone 48 speed I can still run down nearly every shot if I know where the ball is going, and get it in play. It should be harder for low speed guys to hit shots on the run, that's the biggest issue as to why it seems speed doesn't matter right now.
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Postby C4iLL » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:03

I love the patch, thanks 2K, (we had a great fun yesterday, playing a set with Lukkystef, we had some rallies like 50-60 shots on grass court, a lot of breaks, etc).
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Postby fedfan » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:05

It's harder to hit good shots on the stretch with the exception of the lobs which you still seem able to do from some silly positions.

Plus played someone with 40 speed and they still seem to move very very quick, could have been the lag though
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:07

fedfan wrote:It's harder to hit good shots on the stretch with the exception of the lobs which you still seem able to do from some silly positions.

Plus played someone with 40 speed and they still seem to move very very quick, could have been the lag though

no speed still does not factor well at all. played a bunch of really fast players with 40 speed

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Postby Chederer » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:15

i think sometimes the speed rating is misinterpreted; i think higher speed in this game defines your agility---not necessarily how fast you are on a dead sprint, but how fast you react in getting back into position after you hit a shot and how fast you are able to change directions.

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Postby TomBs » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:21

Could well be the case yes. Played as Rafter vs. Courier. Could reach dropshots (hitting a good shot off them is a different story), but had so much trouble reaching balls nearby when I was on the wrong foot, sometimes conceding a winner with the ball landing close behind me. Whereas the other day with Murray I would be able to get to such balls.
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Postby polakis » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 23:01

I think tha game favors a lot S&V players. If you are a good player tha ball cant past you on the net...

Its frustrating. I only lose from these players now...
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Postby dsavbeast012 » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 00:26

fedfan wrote:It's harder to hit good shots on the stretch with the exception of the lobs which you still seem able to do from some silly positions.

Plus played someone with 40 speed and they still seem to move very very quick, could have been the lag though

Yep, got killed by a few of those in my match today. Thought the update would fix that, but no dice.
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 00:36

dsavbeast012 wrote:
fedfan wrote:It's harder to hit good shots on the stretch with the exception of the lobs which you still seem able to do from some silly positions.

Plus played someone with 40 speed and they still seem to move very very quick, could have been the lag though

Yep, got killed by a few of those in my match today. Thought the update would fix that, but no dice.
not to sound ungrateful but let's moan about the speed problem so 2K do.something about it and any movement glitches period and some raqucets and clothing gear as DLC and serve volley glitches
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Postby xMFHxMataiiBANNED » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 02:05

The truth is I can keep a rally going as long as I want.. I only 'lose a point' when I get impatient because I'm so bored with hitting left and right dropshot, lob, short angled shot, down the line etc, slice x5 per rally (tactics) ..even if someone wrong foots me I can turn around while the ball is in mid flight after committing to a certain direction and carry on rallying.

Basically they've destroyed the OFB setup.. if people really want to spend 3 hours having endless rallies thats up to them.. but I can guarantee you the only people supporting this patch right now are the S&V players. The game has become exactly as I warned in the quotes in my previous post in this thread.
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Postby MrMackNasty » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 02:24

dsavbeast012 wrote:I'd say that it's a bit easier to hit UE's on routine shots w/ bad timing, which is good, but there's still not enough UE's on those super stretched shots, if you get good timing those still go in regardless of positioning. I do like that timing matters now, but wish that they would go all the way and make it a true sim w/ more UE's. I know that would p!ss people off, I'm already seeing people whine about the UEs now and there's still not enough IMO. But the UEs now is better than before.

SporTec Ironik wrote:@ Mataii : I think I understand what you mean : are you talking about low speed players? If so i agree with your statment. I still have the feeling that speed doesn't count that much or that there is something in this game I don't understand regarding player's movement.

All I can say is that w/ my Ivo clone 48 speed I can still run down nearly every shot if I know where the ball is going, and get it in play. It should be harder for low speed guys to hit shots on the run, that's the biggest issue as to why it seems speed doesn't matter right now.

I disagree. Even with reach swings expert I have had mulitiple faults or errors on good or perfect timing. It was frustrating because reach swings expert should cancel those errors out with good/perfect timing.
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Postby L Sanchez MD » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 02:38

Even as a S&Ver, I think the rallies are too long, and it's incredibly slow to win a point at the baseline, even with the increased UEs.
The patch was a step in the right direction, but it's not perfect yet.
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Postby Rob ITST » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 02:48

Because of the increased effect of stamina, and the decreased effectiveness of hard to reach balls, I have a new technique that really shortens rallies:

If I can't get in good position, I don't try to hit the ball. :lol:
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Postby dsavbeast012 » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 03:24

MrMackNasty wrote:I disagree. Even with reach swings expert I have had mulitiple faults or errors on good or perfect timing. It was frustrating because reach swings expert should cancel those errors out with good/perfect timing.

I'm not saying these faults don't exist, just that they still aren't prevalent enough, particularly for low speed guys.
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Postby nrmn » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 10:48

I agree with those saying that rallies can be really long now. Seems like even if you fail and hit a short ball you can still catch up and keep the rally going. It's really hard to finish the point off because the ball seems to move alot slower or something.

I also think that powershots are not as good as they used to, even if you hit a nice one the opponent can get to it alot of the time. Basically its like the game is more about trying to make your opponent make an UE rather than trying to hit a winner.

It's a step in the right direction in some ways, but it still needs alot more tweaking imo.
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