What are your thoughts now on the rule?

Your forum to discuss the fourth generation of Top Spin.

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What do you think about the rule? Was it a good idea?

Yes, i enjoy the powerfest
Yes, but another rule needs to be made about power
Total votes : 24

What are your thoughts now on the rule?

Postby Hollaa Itz Mike » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 00:10

Not trying to start an arguement here, and i am sure not many ppl regret it, but i just wanted to see..

when people were complaining about the TI/MD setup, i told them that if this was banned, this game would become a complete powerfest....quote: "all people are going to do is switch to a character with a lot of power, and then this will become the character that everyone uses" and it looks like that is the case....as sahy rabari is now everyones buddy....

i believe that a match between two TI/MD players was much more fun as you could actually hit a ball down the line close to the line. And you got some very interesting rallies. Now it is just flat shots back and forth. Not once have i played an ITSST match since the rule against someone with less than 80 power...

therefore, i believe that all we have done is switched this to a complete power game.....

ill admit it, i doubt i could be many of the top 10 players if they were using 80+ power and i was using something less than 70...its next to impossible, and i guarantee that if i had 80 power and my opponent used less than 70...theres not a chance in hell i would lose to them

so what are your thoughts?
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Postby Andymachine » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 00:15

to be really honest , if i see a topspin shot i take it and hit down as hard as i can , i really dont see what the fuss is about, if people are good defensively then good for them but its a bit of a cowardly way to play the game if thats all they rely on , but SEEING as its BANNED why make another topic about it!!!? Leave it and move on ! Its not allowed on ITST , if it happens to u on random matches so what !
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Postby Hollaa Itz Mike » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 00:24

Andymachine wrote:to be really honest , if i see a topspin shot i take it and hit down as hard as i can , i really dont see what the fuss is about, if people are good defensively then good for them but its a bit of a cowardly way to play the game if thats all they rely on , but SEEING as its BANNED why make another topic about it!!!? Leave it and move on ! Its not allowed on ITST , if it happens to u on random matches so what !

not trying to start a fuss...idk if the TI/MD setup is even good anymore...i stated that i just want to get the general opinion of everyone on here
Hollaa Itz Mike
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 00:27

Hollaa Itz Mike wrote: i just want to get the general opinion of everyone on here

...then phrase the poll normally. Cmon man.
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Postby Mack2300 » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 03:14

Constant extreme power slicing seems to be the key play now. Played a guy in WT earlier who used nothing but slice shots for the entire match. It looked completely ridiculous and was way too effective.
Hopefully there is a way to counter this rather than having to resort to a slice cheesefest.
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Postby Likos86321 » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 03:25

Mack2300 wrote:Constant extreme power slicing seems to be the key play now. Played a guy in WT earlier who used nothing but slice shots for the entire match. It looked completely ridiculous and was way too effective.
Hopefully there is a way to counter this rather than having to resort to a slice cheesefest.

Agree with mack here. Placing is too deep and neutralizes your shots.

What i use for a counter is to no pre press in order to get to a good position fast and control flat shot (with perfect if possible) to the open court. It depends though from the situation sometimes topspin control is better to be used.

For the update now, the errors are significantly increased; i was have 1,2 errors each match, now i have 5-10 errors.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 03:43

the poll is biased, there is no way to vote correctly if you like the current rules.

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Postby Hollaa Itz Mike » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 06:07

what r u talking about coolhand? its the top one
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Postby Hollaa Itz Mike » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 06:45

after playing today i honestly feel like the rules are fine...i am beginnign to like them....
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Postby MrMackNasty » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 07:20

this game is completely different now it seems for me.
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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 07:27

I agree. It really does feel COMPLETELY different.

It's not terrible but I'm not sure if it makes the game actually better
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Postby Julius Jackson » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 08:00

so basically this poll wants everyone to use the 2 players lol

the gm feels MUCH better in all facets except for net play...net play has some bugs now...especially in doubles...lets hope 2k finds them
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Postby Vieira151 » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:58

I wish there was a 4th option. It hasn't affected how I view the game and the tour in the slightest.

Though I have not been able to play since the latest patch update.
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Postby Garghamell » Tue, 07 Jun 2011 23:50

as the mediocre player that i am, i can only say this: i had more fun getting humbled by Hollaa Itz Mike, who had a balanced, slightly power-heavy player like myself, than to supermassy831, who had a character with 100 POWER and a 91 FH (yes, a 61 BH but to no avail, 100 PW was too much even on BH). it seemed like her 45 SPD was inconsequential. can she be beat? sure. but that game style coupled with the incessant slice serve out wide is just not fun whatsoever. i know, i know. it's not just fun. it's serious fun. javascript:emoticon(':shock:')
we're looking for balanced gameplay and various styles. i like the rules so far. i wouldn't mind seeing a limit on the power stat (say 90), and even the re-inclusion of TI/MD. my only hesitation would be the MD part. it just seems somewhat unfair...

truthfully, aside from supermassy831's lopsided stats and seemingly poor sportsmanship, every one i've encountered so far has been great. it's been competitive, challenging and fun. i look forward to more great matches with the ITST community. :wink:
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Postby bydox » Wed, 08 Jun 2011 08:37

Voted for a rule in order to limit Power.
Playing players with 90+ Power and 90+ FH is everything but fun, and I'd say it's everything but sim. It's just a pain in the arse to play and not fair at all since the game itself favors this kind of "play style".

I think the kind of thing that give a well balanced and fair competition is to limit every stats to something like 85 or 90. That would be more "sim". I know this would never happen on ITST, just a thought.
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