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Postby Crotatsuya » Mon, 09 May 2011 10:02

Any infos on how the playstyles actually work?
Are the later ones really better than the basic ones like Hard Hitter or All Round?

I changed from All Round to Big Server and noticed, that it plays almost the same with better serves and slightly inferior slices.

So is Rocket Server basically the best Netplay style then? Or does it just trade some other skill in for even more serve?

What do you play and why?

Furthermore, are there even hidden playstyles? I noticed, that your rival Tenniel has Atomic Forehand.
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Postby Oscarzero » Mon, 09 May 2011 11:32

Very likely all are balanced like in VT3. There's no "better" playstyle by default.
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Postby Crotatsuya » Mon, 09 May 2011 13:18

Strange then, that they made the most balanced playstyles available from the beginning... But I thought so as well. At least the balance is better than in Top Spin 4..^^
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Location: Bochum, Germany

Postby Oscarzero » Mon, 09 May 2011 14:55

Because in fact that's the same as VT3 arcade version. For example, in Arcade, you can select Federer as your character, which has "all round" as his original style. Later on you can change it into "Various Shots", and then 'Tactical Player", and finally "Tricky Player". Shot control is better, angle is wider, but with less power and slower movement etc.

It is extraordinary interesting for VT3 arcade because like you can create a strong backhand Federer with special costumes and rackets which have different kinds of effects.

VT3 is always a very well-balanced game and so I do belief Sega did the same to VT4.
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Postby Crotatsuya » Mon, 09 May 2011 16:37

So you think rackets an costumes do have an effect in this game? I didn't try it out yet.

I don't wanna play with a watering can or a hammer, don't know which one I got for achieving "legend" status.

Maybe I should put on that King of Players shirt together with one of those things to try it out...:D
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Postby Oscarzero » Mon, 09 May 2011 17:57

Well that's for VT3, I am not sure whether those special items have similar effect in VT4 lol
Let those Japs to figure it out, they are experts :D
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 18 May 2011 02:16

anyone know if net play is actually playable here ulike TS4? if so il def. get t. Also, wats the best netplay style?
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