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Postby tigerofintegrity » Mon, 02 May 2011 01:58

Hollaa Itz Mike wrote:woah dude, sry to offend u, just stating my opinion, just like everyoen states there opinion that anyone who uses TI/MD (me) is cheesy...dont call out 1 side and not the other ;)

They don't accuse specific players like you do. That's something that should be sorted out privately.

Anyway, like I said, if someone is using a drop shot nearly every point then that should be easy to predict and take advantage of. And if you're losing to that even though they're doing it every point, then that might mean it's a good tactic against you. If that is happening to you a lot and you're not doing well against that tactic, then maybe you need to look at a different player type, one that's faster or something.

Over-using drop shot is not an exploitation of a problem in this game unlike the slice serve out wide which takes advantage of the movement problems with the game. Try drop-shotting off a power shot or a deep shot or on the stretch and you're not going to be getting much success. Using a tactic a lot alone does not constitute cheating. Nadal hits to Federer's backhand 80% of the time in a match but it's hardly cheating.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Mon, 02 May 2011 02:02

Hollaa Itz Mike wrote:
Coolhand Texas wrote:
Hollaa Itz Mike wrote:jok3r fr hits a dropshot on about every single point when he plays me...cheesy player...

woah lets watch the accusations man. it was not the point of the thread to start naming cheesy players

woah dude, sry to offend u, just stating my opinion, just like everyoen states there opinion that anyone who uses TI/MD (me) is cheesy...dont call out 1 side and not the other ;)

why would you have offended me???

All i said was this thread was not about accusing players of being cheesy. and yours was a more personal attack.

Because as you stated people are complaining about a setup (not you), they are not complaining about you specfically. you however pointed out Joker by name.

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Postby Hollaa Itz Mike » Mon, 02 May 2011 04:33

ok..im sorry for calling him out...but i agree that people who hit dropshots every point are very cheesy
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Postby Crotatsuya » Mon, 02 May 2011 05:28

So everyone who finds a tactic for himself in this game is cheesy now?
Maybe you are simply not good enough at this game yet or lack anticipation?
You can't blame the guy for using drop shots if they work against you.
If you find a weakness you exploit it, thats how it goes. In games just like in sports. You can argue that one would not do this in real life, but don't forget that this is a game. People tend to forget that on this board sometimes.
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Postby Moralspain » Mon, 02 May 2011 07:22

The point of this thread was letting you know the ideology behind ITST, otherwise we could all be playing the World Tour, so stop dropping accusations,and please don't make me lock it, i know we're all mature people.
It's a general concept, don't know what you are focusing on hitting drop shots only, which by they way are not cheesy if you use them properly, if you're only tactic in every single point of the match is the drop shot that's a cheap tactic then, is that so hard to understand?
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Postby Crotatsuya » Mon, 02 May 2011 08:07

If you play against someone who has Drop Shot Artist as a skill he will most likely try to get you far behind the baseline and use a drop shot as a weapon to win the point. Its only logical for him and not cheap. I don't get where this is going, really. In a game where it is highly unlikely that any good player makes a random mistake and where risk doesn't exist one has to find a way to score somehow, why is that so hard to understand?
There are special talents in this game for a reason.
Another thing is, that you can not use drop shots in every situation, so there was definitely a wrong strategy used against that player.

Or to put it in another way, if you have a chance to 100% score a winner cross court in every rally, and you do it all the time, would that be considered cheap too? Would you rather play a ball your opponent has a chance to reach rather that score, knowing that said opponent would not hesitate to score himself if given the same choice/chance?

I just want to comprehend what exactly is considered cheap and what is not, and tell me where I am wrong considering the gameplay mechanic of Top Spin 4.

(I totally agree on the wide serves though, which contrary to a well timed drop shot is a real flaw in the gameplay, since there is no way to run before the opponent hits the ball.)
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Postby Baghdad Baghdatis » Mon, 02 May 2011 10:40

tigerofintegrity wrote:
Hollaa Itz Mike wrote:woah dude, sry to offend u, just stating my opinion, just like everyoen states there opinion that anyone who uses TI/MD (me) is cheesy...dont call out 1 side and not the other ;)

They don't accuse specific players like you do. That's something that should be sorted out privately.

Anyway, like I said, if someone is using a drop shot nearly every point then that should be easy to predict and take advantage of. And if you're losing to that even though they're doing it every point, then that might mean it's a good tactic against you. If that is happening to you a lot and you're not doing well against that tactic, then maybe you need to look at a different player type, one that's faster or something.

Over-using drop shot is not an exploitation of a problem in this game unlike the slice serve out wide which takes advantage of the movement problems with the game. Try drop-shotting off a power shot or a deep shot or on the stretch and you're not going to be getting much success. Using a tactic a lot alone does not constitute cheating. Nadal hits to Federer's backhand 80% of the time in a match but it's hardly cheating.

@ tigerofintegrity

As usual man you talk a lot of sense, although I would like to pick you up on one of your comments at the drop shot in a minute.

Yes there is no need for anyone members to call out other members - this is a good refresher thread from Moral Spain and it will benefit new members in the kind of things that get spoken about here and more specifically what differentitiates a community like ITST from the online World Tour.

Drop shot

My opinion on this shot is that in isolation it is far from being a cheesy shot - it is actually a very clever shot and takes timining and skill to execute well. Also, as pointed out there is a coach that comes with this skill so there is a degree of emphasis placed on it from the out set in TS4. However, from where I stand overuse of a drop shot ain't pretty and I don't really agree that it is a good tactic if you constantly use drop shot to yield success over your opponent. I think it is very difficult to draw a line in the sand as to where the cut-off should theoretically be and in reality it can never be achieved because different members wil truly believe different things.

My personal preference, and I repeat my personal preference, is that I use drop shot to mix things up a bit or to try and close a 20+ stroke rally when my opponent leasts expect it. I probably hit no more than 5 drops shots in a whole match but thats just me - I guess because in the Pro ATP tour you never really see excessive use of it and therefore it is ingrained in me to do the same. By excessive I mean playing drop shots all through games as if it is the main shot - I appreciate a player like Andy Murray can at times hit a few more drop shots than his opponent but thats about it). Also it is not a shot I want to overuse because it looks odd if done too many times, in my opinion. If I am honest if a player did more than one/two drop shots in a game (e.g. 1 game, not set or match) it would irritate me but again thats just me.

If a player, whether it be a "drop shot artist" or not played drop shots on most points then I am sorry but this for me is terrible ugly gaming tennis.

In reference to Crotatsuya's quote:

"I just want to comprehend what exactly is considered cheap and what is not, and tell me where I am wrong considering the gameplay mechanic of Top Spin 4."

At the moment it is very early days in TS4 and therefore it will take some time to estbalish through feedback and a careful watch by members / ITST on what is going to be deemed cheesy. As in TS3 there were some specific rules for example for serving where players were not allowed to move further outwide than the default serving position - moving inside towards the 'T' was allowed. This was a rule. Another rule was the returner had to be behind thew baseline, standing on or in-front of the baseline was not allowed. I am not saying this has been enforced as a rule yet in TS4 but was used to illustrate my point on rules.

Cheesy tactics on the other hand where styles of play that were against the sportsmanship of ITST - in TS3 these were talked about by members and including such actions like 'line dancing' where players would be in almost constant movement from side to side, most argued it was unnecceasry and cheap because it was a way of putting off the server. The miniority opposition argued that it was to help them return! Another cheesy tactic in TS3 was the short risk slice for other reasons etc etc.

However, as I said before, as TS4 is in its younger years the above has not yet been explored enough and tactics that were cheesy or create an advantage in TS3 might not translate to TS4.

Some members may just play a game from start to finish that is not pretty and some may resort to a change in tactics when they are behind - so the way I call it is that a member should know where to draw the line, change in tactics is fine and sometimes a very intellingent way of playing if you have a B game but I like to resort to B games that require skill and exectution and out-thinking my opponent. For example changing from deep flat control shots to counter punching or changing a sytle to mix up using a shorter game to bring my opponent into or closer to the net....

However I would not for example call a B game that a member suddenly resorts to outwide slice serving 100% on deuce court if trailing or constant then drop shots in an attempt to yield an advantage if your opponent is rendered senseless - some may not agree but I personally would never disrespect my opponent like that, even if I did think it would give me a better opportunity to win. I can say this from being World Number 1 SIM in TS3 and I never had to resort to such tactics to beat the best.

A 'pocket guide' of conduct during matches for members from Baghdad would be:

1. Be competitive by all means.
2. Don't do something during a match to an opponent that you would not like to be done to you.
3. If you have just had a thrilling point and you loose the point let the replay run itself out of respect to your opponent as they may want to watch it (my preference)
4. Never leave a match if you loose by simpy saying nothing and logging off (my preference).

They call me Baggy...

TS3: No.1 MSS - retired (15 titles)
TS4: No.3 MS - retired (2 titles)
Baghdad Baghdatis
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Postby tigerofintegrity » Mon, 02 May 2011 11:20

Baghdad OrgaSIM wrote:@ tigerofintegrity

As usual man you talk a lot of sense, although I would like to pick you up on one of your comments at the drop shot in a minute.

Yes there is no need for anyone members to call out other members - this is a good refresher thread from Moral Spain and it will benefit new members in the kind of things that get spoken about here and more specifically what differentitiates a community like ITST from the online World Tour.

Drop shot

My opinion on this shot is that in isolation it is far from being a cheesy shot - it is actually a very clever shot and takes timining and skill to execute well. Also, as pointed out there is a coach that comes with this skill so there is a degree of emphasis placed on it from the out set in TS4. However, from where I stand overuse of a drop shot ain't pretty and I don't really agree that it is a good tactic if you constantly use drop shot to yield success over your opponent. I think it is very difficult to draw a line in the sand as to where the cut-off should theoretically be and in reality it can never be achieved because different members wil truly believe different things.

My personal preference, and I repeat my personal preference, is that I use drop shot to mix things up a bit or to try and close a 20+ stroke rally when my opponent leasts expect it. I probably hit no more than 5 drops shots in a whole match but thats just me - I guess because in the Pro ATP tour you never really see excessive use of it and therefore it is ingrained in me to do the same. By excessive I mean playing drop shots all through games as if it is the main shot - I appreciate a player like Andy Murray can at times hit a few more drop shots than his opponent but thats about it). Also it is not a shot I want to overuse because it looks odd if done too many times, in my opinion. If I am honest if a player did more than one/two drop shots in a game (e.g. 1 game, not set or match) it would irritate me but again thats just me.

If a player, whether it be a "drop shot artist" or not played drop shots on most points then I am sorry but this for me is terrible ugly gaming tennis.

And you, my friend, talk plenty as usual (with a lot of sense too of course!). :wink:

The reason why pros don't use it often is because the drop shot is such a risky shot. If it's not perfect or doesn't catch your opponent off guard, you basically hand them the initiative in a rally. I feel that's the same in TS4. A bad drop shot is usually punished and if you use it too much, it's easily anticipated. It's not an overpowered shot in this game so using it often wouldn't make it cheating for me. It probably isn't a whole lot of fun to play against but it shouldn't be the cause of someone losing the match over it.

Using it once or twice per game wouldn't necessarily be a problem in my book if you're strategically building up a point and using that as your main weapon. It's like mostly hitting to someone's weaker wing and then waiting for the short ball to use your killer forehand on. Just building up for the right moment to unleash your weapon. It's also a good way to bring your opponent into the net in this game since most people barely put points in volleying and short slices into the court tend to get punished instead of drawing your opponent in.

I mean, you are always going to find things that irritate you on the court even though you know it's not really bad sport. For example, a lot of the top pros can seemingly pull out a magic wand and hit an ace on a break point out of the blue and do this several times in a row. I'm sure that must be really irritating too but you know, it's not really unfair. So sometimes, some things that people do on a court against you, you just have to live with.

I agree using it all the time at inopportune moments or just a couple of shots into rallies is overdoing it and probably not very good sportsmanship though. It's not something I would ever do either, I never like to overdo anything on the court (at least not consciously) because I feel that unpredictability is a great weapon but like I said, if someone is doing it a lot, just punish them for it and they'll stop it pretty soon. :P
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Postby Baghdad Baghdatis » Mon, 02 May 2011 11:47

tigerofintegrity wrote:
And you, my friend, talk plenty as usual (with a lot of sense too of course!). :wink:

:lol: :lol:

Yep I agree with you on that if a drop shot is not well executed it is an easy put away for the opponent - in TS4 it kind of floats and kicks up to mid court or if too acute cross court it drops past the outer lines.

You have hit the nail on the head with this one though:

"I never like to overdo anything on the court (at least not consciously) because I feel that unpredictability is a great weapon"

That for me just sums all the above up that has been discussed and is exactly how I like to play and react! Man if only you had an Xbox or I had a PS3 as I know we would have some cracking matches 8)
They call me Baggy...

TS3: No.1 MSS - retired (15 titles)
TS4: No.3 MS - retired (2 titles)
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Postby tigerofintegrity » Mon, 02 May 2011 12:28

Baghdad OrgaSIM wrote:Man if only you had an Xbox or I had a PS3 as I know we would have some cracking matches 8)

Well right now I'm in the US working as a research assistant in a lab but I will be done with that in a month's time and head back home to Ireland. Then I will have access to my 360 again (I only brought my PS3 with me) and I might get TS4 on that too. I'm still in the 'considering only' phase though. :)
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Postby diesel501 » Mon, 02 May 2011 22:09

To be totally honest drop shots on this game is unrealistic as you can only drop it to either side of the court never a good one in the middle, and If a drop shot goes wrong it always goes to one of two places, to the center T or just out past the baseline also in the center. They however can be countered so If somebody chooses to be a demon at drop shots than let them be, because its not your preferred style doesn't mean others shouldn't like it. as long as it can be countered which it can, there shouldn't be a problem. It makes itst more realistic. I can't stand playing serve and volliers it doesn't mean its a bad thing. however it does mean I won't be inviting for friendlies. It's a style I just don't like playing but banning it would be criminal. I believe this in regards to drop shot artists. It brings more of a variety to the game and believe its good for the game. You can't use the same rules for a different game. It doesn't make any sense. Sorry that just my opinion.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Tue, 03 May 2011 04:18

TheSPECIALIST09 wrote:To be totally honest drop shots on this game is unrealistic as you can only drop it to either side of the court never a good one in the middle, and If a drop shot goes wrong it always goes to one of two places, to the center T or just out past the baseline also in the center. They however can be countered so If somebody chooses to be a demon at drop shots than let them be, because its not your preferred style doesn't mean others shouldn't like it. as long as it can be countered which it can, there shouldn't be a problem. It makes itst more realistic. I can't stand playing serve and volliers it doesn't mean its a bad thing. however it does mean I won't be inviting for friendlies. It's a style I just don't like playing but banning it would be criminal. I believe this in regards to drop shot artists. It brings more of a variety to the game and believe its good for the game. You can't use the same rules for a different game. It doesn't make any sense. Sorry that just my opinion.

Agreed. One of the funnest matches I played was an all-around guy who had some volley skill + drop shot artist. He hit drop volleys and came in all the time, and exploited my weakness because I had only 39 on volleys. I won some points, and lost some points. At first I was getting angry, but as I thought about it, it really wasn't unfair or unbalanced, he was exploiting his skill against my weakness. It would be different if perfect drop shots were easy to hit and impossible to defend, that just isn't the case. I ended up losing the match, told him gg and that he had a really awesome gamestyle, and got a new Xbox friend in the process! It was quite different from anything I've experienced, and I would love to play him again.
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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 03 May 2011 05:52

I think the drop shot in this game is well implemented, it's quite difficult to hit a clean winner unless you're into the court quite a bit.
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