Seriously - a quick 10/15 google + notepad - grab the names/email addresses of a half dozen or more IT faculty-heads from various universities - draft an email along the lines of "Hi! We are a voluntary organisation we an existing web-presence and would love to have an iphone app developed that would offer some/similar functionality - unfortunately, we don't have any funding for this project, but thought it might make an interesting little project for some of your students!! The website can be found at etc etc - and mention what you'd mainly like the app to do/be used for - sling the email around and see what happens!!! Lecturers are always looking for good ideas for projects for students - Object C and iphone/ipad development is HOT HOT HOT right now....reckon the only problem you (the administrators) will have is a deluge of offers!!!
Let me know if I can be of any help (not with the coding...again, i don't know any object C at this moment in time)