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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 15:14

it would be nice when someone can create a list where you see how much attribute xp ,and for which attribude you earn for every level you use .

with this it would be much easier to build up a player
s/v LEVEL 1 -20 which attribude XP in every level
OBL -LEVEL 1 -20 ""
DBL level 1- 20 ""

maybe someone can make a calculator (like the goldcoach calculator) for this .where you see level for level how much xp for which attribudes

also thought it would be nice when we have a explaining what coach extraskills exactly do ?

mean what makes as example higly flammable exactly ??
or what means diesel server ?
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Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 17:13

Amazing First Volley The first volley you perform in a rally is
more efficient.
Approach Shots Expert Your approach shots are harder to counter.
Brutal Volley Your power volleys are more efficient.
Crushing Passing Shot Play more powerful shots when your opponent
is at the net.
Diesel Hard Hitter Become more and more precise with your
power shots during a rally.
Diesel Returner Perform more and more efficient return shots
during return serve games.
Diesel Server Perform more and more efficient serves
during your serve games.
Drop Shot Artist Discover an innate talent to perform
drop shots.
Fatality Your shot is more precise if you aim
on the open court.
Focus Service Get better serves when trailing in the game.
Highly Flammable You’re on fire when on a 4-point (or more)
winning streak during a set.
Inside Out Master Play more powerful shots when you perform
an inside out swing.
Instant Rocket Reach your maximum power sooner
on power shots.
Longer, Better! Perform more and more precise and reliable
shots as the rally gets longer.
Low Volley Specialist Playing a low volley is no longer a problem.
Monster Defense Play more precise shots and make less errors
when you are trailing in the game.
Passing Shot Sniper Play more precise shots when your opponent is
at the net.
Poisoned Slices Force your opponent to return less efficient
shots by playing low slice shots.
Reach Swings Expert Play more efficient shots when on the run
and stretching to hit the ball.
Return Serve Counter Use the power of your opponent’s serve
to perform a counter by returning it
with a well-timed flat finesse.
Semi-volley King Playing a shot just after the first bounce will
no longer be a problem.
Serve Stick Berserker Get increased precision with your powerful
advanced serves.
Shot Counter Use the power of your opponent’s shot
to perform a counter by returning it
with a well-timed flat shot finesse.
Slice Invasion The more slice shots you perform during
a rally, the more efficient they become
and more difficult for your opponent to return.
Smell of Blood Play more efficient shots when you have
a game point.
Spectacular Volleys Expand your arsenal of volleys to perform
spectacular shots.
Spin Serve Master Get devastating spin serves.
Top Spin Invasion The more you use top spin shots during a rally,
the more efficient they become.
Volley Shots Artist Your normal, control and drop shot volleys are
more efficient.
Wrong Foot Expert Play more precise shots when you wrong foot
your opponent.
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 17:32


explained on one look . awesome job rob . really nice .
Last edited by GOA MASTER MDMA on Sun, 27 Mar 2011 17:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Cro Morgan » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 17:34

Still a bit unclear as to why all of this was placed in a (supposedly) sim-styled version of tennis. :nono
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Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 17:58

They're one of my favorite parts of the game. In some ways, I think it is pretty sim-like:

Some players play tougher with a lead or when behind, some are better at redirecting pace, better in long rallies, hit better shots on the run, good closers, etc.

I think it makes the pros more balanced (can't speak about created characters, since I haven't played online yet).
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Postby Cro Morgan » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 18:10

Yeah, but it should be ME, the actual person, who plays better with a lead, or whatever, not something that's programmed into the game.
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Postby ANILTJE » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 18:20

Agreed :-) It's not a sim :-)

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Postby Hawkeye Miihawk » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 18:36

I agree with rob. If anything it makes the game more sim-like. These are the kind of differences you see within real life pros as well.

If there were no skills then it would be like TS3/VT, where all big servers are the same, all offensive baseliners are the same, etc. With these skills you can see differences between characters of similar playstyles. Some S&Vers are better at low volleys, some basliners can handle pace better, some defensive baseliners play better as the rallies get longer, etc.

Karlovic S&Vs, but it's definitely not the same as pete sampras/max mirnyi/etc.
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Postby djarvik » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 18:56

I am with Cro and Anil on this one. This makes the game more arcade. However I do like the idea of coaches, I would just did ot a bit different.

Now you can cover you real life weakness of being nervious and making bad shots when behid by using a perk. :s. Nothing SIM about it.
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Postby TomBs » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:01

Agree with all of you partially :)
I like the coaches, add variety to the game/setups. Only a few skills are mental skills, and indeed I don't like those. I do like the others however, all useful in some way, and everyone prefers different skills (unless a skill really stands out of course).

I like Robs idea (in the other topic) though, about coaches giving you some extra points for the weaknesses instead of optimizing your strong skills even further.
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Postby djarvik » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:05

...but that will makes us all the same. I stand by my idea of coaches deducting stats as well as adding them. +10 power shoal come with -4 speed. +15 FH should never come with +15 BH.

Coaches are great idea done badly.
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Postby cj-united » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:28

A problem that I am finding is that in trying to create a Pro that has its strengths as well as its flaws (I rarely venture online so I'm happy to do so) I'm actually struggling to do this? I was trying to have my CAP's serve and speed as its weaknesses and I believe serve is currently his 2nd highest ratest stat, while his volley is a lot lower than I had wanted? This just me, or... ?
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:32

the coaches make the game little more arcade in my opinion:

without coaches the game is more sim

but the whole coach aspect is somehow cool with all the skills they have .
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Postby ANILTJE » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 20:35

GOA MASTER MDMA wrote:the coaches make the game little more arcade in my opinion:

without coaches the game is more sim

but the whole coach aspect is somehow cool with all the skills they have .

OMG :shock: :shock:

I agree hahaha

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Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 27 Mar 2011 20:38

TomBs wrote:Only a few skills are mental skills, and indeed I don't like those.

I can see that for sure. But the others add variety that just isn't possible with the stats alone.

Just be glad you can't get "Monstrous Defense" and "Monstrous Offense" on the same character. You'd play better no matter what the score was.
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