How do some Players produce those Angles?

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Postby NickZ3535 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 04:59

Mack2300 wrote:
NickZ3535 wrote:The forehand/backhand trait has a ton to do with it. I know this because my character has a lot better forehand, and thus it is A LOT easier for me to hit those angles with my forehand.

Other than that, it's like other guys have said - getting perfect timing is key, as is being into the court. If you're behind the baseline, it makes it much harder.

Unfortunately though, I think this is one of the things that really pulls away from the realism of the game. Sure, you see some angles in the pros, but the angles generated in this game completely destroy any kind of realistic rally that might begin... Oh well. I'd like to see them nerf the angles a bit, or at least make angled shots more likely to go out and/or slower off the racquet.

Constant extreme angled rallies are not normal but that is how a normal rally works in this game it seems. And this is where TS3 got it more right as you had the clear option of either hitting down the line or going cross-court, and you didn't have this constant unrealistic angled rallies.I don't know why they changed the gameplay so much. All it needed was some tweaking, not a major overhaul into Virtua Tennis arcade style :(

agreed 100%

And Jay, I agree with you too, but it's much worse in this game. At least in TS2 you couldn't generate nearly the amount of pace. Yes, in TS2 the short top spin was a good putaway shot when you had some open court, but if (when! :D ) you get this game you'll see that some rallies with people that are good at the game are just short angle after short angle after short angle. And though it takes some skill to keep hitting them, it doesn't look anything like real tennis!
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Postby riley108 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 06:21

MACK2300, i agree with u 100%, the cross court battle sucks its so unrealistic infact i think ts4 is rubbish compared to ts3, ok they took the risk returning out of the game which is fair enough that its self is realistic and is much easier for the newbie but lets be honest you cannot have a rally like you could on ts3 moving your opponent from side to side waiting to land the killer pucnh, all this game is about is who can hit the better cross court shot or who can get there opponent off screen 1st, this is not tennis and the more i play this game the more i hate,, im so dissapointed with ts4 especially after all the build up to the game,, dont get me wrong i will play but there is no way i will enjoy this game as much as i did as a good all sim match on ts3
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Postby jayl0ve » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 07:04

NickZ3535 wrote:
Mack2300 wrote:
NickZ3535 wrote:The forehand/backhand trait has a ton to do with it. I know this because my character has a lot better forehand, and thus it is A LOT easier for me to hit those angles with my forehand.

Other than that, it's like other guys have said - getting perfect timing is key, as is being into the court. If you're behind the baseline, it makes it much harder.

Unfortunately though, I think this is one of the things that really pulls away from the realism of the game. Sure, you see some angles in the pros, but the angles generated in this game completely destroy any kind of realistic rally that might begin... Oh well. I'd like to see them nerf the angles a bit, or at least make angled shots more likely to go out and/or slower off the racquet.

Constant extreme angled rallies are not normal but that is how a normal rally works in this game it seems. And this is where TS3 got it more right as you had the clear option of either hitting down the line or going cross-court, and you didn't have this constant unrealistic angled rallies.I don't know why they changed the gameplay so much. All it needed was some tweaking, not a major overhaul into Virtua Tennis arcade style :(

agreed 100%

And Jay, I agree with you too, but it's much worse in this game. At least in TS2 you couldn't generate nearly the amount of pace. Yes, in TS2 the short top spin was a good putaway shot when you had some open court, but if (when! :D ) you get this game you'll see that some rallies with people that are good at the game are just short angle after short angle after short angle. And though it takes some skill to keep hitting them, it doesn't look anything like real tennis!

Man I got the red rings of death 2 days ago :x 2nd time.

I got a b-day coming up though so I'm sure I'll be able to con some friends or family into buying me a new one :P
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Postby Mack2300 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 07:48

riley108 wrote:MACK2300, i agree with u 100%, the cross court battle sucks its so unrealistic infact i think ts4 is rubbish compared to ts3, ok they took the risk returning out of the game which is fair enough that its self is realistic and is much easier for the newbie but lets be honest you cannot have a rally like you could on ts3 moving your opponent from side to side waiting to land the killer pucnh, all this game is about is who can hit the better cross court shot or who can get there opponent off screen 1st, this is not tennis and the more i play this game the more i hate,, im so dissapointed with ts4 especially after all the build up to the game,, dont get me wrong i will play but there is no way i will enjoy this game as much as i did as a good all sim match on ts3

Well said. There was indeed great satisfaction in constructing a point in topspin 3 and there was actual momentum where you could really feel yourself getting more and more in control of the point. In contrast, in topspin 4 it is so frantic that you never feel in proper control as there is always the danger that your opponent will make an unrealistic last minute turnaround in the rally.
Well I guess it is all about the money at the end of the day. I don't think topspin 3 sold as well as was hoped due to the steep leaning curve which turned off the casual gamer, so 2k were taking no chances when it came to topspin 4. To be honest, the alarm bells were ringing for me when I heard they wanted to make it feel more like a fighting game.
I'll stick with it though and give it more time.
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 07:53

I'm finding it easier to end the lamo crosscourt battles by smacking a flat shot down the line to get him running... or hit a ball deep up the middle as a "reset" of sorts. Usually after doing that a number of times they try to guess when I'm going to launch a down the line shot and I wrong foot them more often. If you go crosscourt repeatedly you're playing into their hands.

Most of the guys that play me know I like to hit different shots ideally (and I love topspin invasion hehe :lol: ahem willjonesjr :wink:)
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Postby o Sinna o » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 08:41

Hm some Guys miss their old Top Spin 3 häh?
I think it's just a matter of Taste which Game you prefer but I had the Problems you had with the Change from Top Spin 1 to Top Spin 2.

But you may not forget that TS4 offers huge Improvements in Point of Balance and Timing.

I think you Guys need just lil bit more Time with it and so do I.
It's the Experience you gather in a Game what can really bring you the Advantage and brings you on the highest Level.

You know I am Guy who learns some Things very quickly and also one who needs enough Time for a few other Points in a Game.
You don't become a Master over Night you know.

TS4 is still new.

You know it's always the same if a new Sequel of a Series comes out. Some Guys are always crying about the good old Times which they had with a previous Game and some just love it. I understand what you feel because I made this Experience in the past too but I want to stay positive about TS4 and I like this Masterpiece very much even if I have to make huge Improvements to be competitive in the ITST.

But hey, it's a new Game and Time will show it.

It's like with Counter Strike 1.6 or Counter Strike Source. :wink:
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Postby tenjintenkai » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 09:13

I can feel what you guys are saying. These never ending rallies sometimes get on my nerves as well. The short cross court shots battles can become a bit silly. And how frustrating it is when you want to end it with a flat shot long line and in fact your shot is going in the direction of the middle of the court and your opponent has the time to make it and cross court you again. So what do we end up to do? endless cross courts in hope to wrong foot opponent.

I am trying to make variations to my shot and it seems i rely sometimes to much on slice shots because it helps end a 45 shots rally. :?

Also as fun as it can get, a 3 sets match can get borring from middle second set because you feel like you and your opponent are doing more of the same everytime and it gets old. I had this feeling playing some great matchs then after a while during the match, when me and my opponent figured out our "patterns" it becomes less fun.

I like the game and still have very interesting matches but i think the real good balance would be an inbetween this and TS3.
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Postby o Sinna o » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 09:37

You have to enjoy those Rallies. You know some Points in TS4 are very quickly over and in some Points the Opponent gets the hardest Shots back. But we have to deal with it.

TS4 has so many stong Points that you can deal with a few nerving issues.
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 13:38

But there are more and more nerving issues arising Sinna unfortunately...

and Tenjin, I hear you with that because I've hit many a flat down the line shot and it lands 3 feet from the sideline. But then my opponent as expected hits a crosscourt shot, which I hit down the line again... then if the same thing happens I hit the crosscourt ball that usually ends the point. With that variation I usually wind up winning 79% of the time lol.
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Postby riley108 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 17:10

yeah whats thats all about the down the line shot 9 times outa 10 ends up more central rather than down the line even though i try desperatley to hit the line whats that all about? sorry but this not as good as ts3, why have they changed the gameplay so much? they only had to take the risk shots out the game to make it realistic but instead they took the risks out of the game and added the cross court battle its insane
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Postby Mack2300 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 17:28

riley108 wrote:yeah whats thats all about the down the line shot 9 times outa 10 ends up more central rather than down the line even though i try desperatley to hit the line whats that all about? sorry but this not as good as ts3, why have they changed the gameplay so much? they only had to take the risk shots out the game to make it realistic but instead they took the risks out of the game and added the cross court battle its insane

Yeah I've said before that the flat shot doesn't work like it should. In this game, it feels more like a topspin shot to me if anything, or what the topspin shot should be like. Flat shot should have much more pace, and by all means an element of risk to it if you want to fire down the line.
Actually, I think all the shots seem a little "exaggerated". The topspin shot is more like vicious moonball lol.
Ok, I'll stop complaining now :P
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 18:22

Mack2300 wrote:
riley108 wrote:yeah whats thats all about the down the line shot 9 times outa 10 ends up more central rather than down the line even though i try desperatley to hit the line whats that all about? sorry but this not as good as ts3, why have they changed the gameplay so much? they only had to take the risk shots out the game to make it realistic but instead they took the risks out of the game and added the cross court battle its insane

Yeah I've said before that the flat shot doesn't work like it should. In this game, it feels more like a topspin shot to me if anything, or what the topspin shot should be like. Flat shot should have much more pace, and by all means an element of risk to it if you want to fire down the line.
Actually, I think all the shots seem a little "exaggerated". The topspin shot is more like vicious moonball lol.
Ok, I'll stop complaining now :P

I SECOND THAT!! LOL the first time I played the demo and saw the topspin shot I was like "gee...that's a bit extreme"
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Postby Moralspain » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 18:35

i don't hate angles, i hate the fact that the game doesn't allow you to recover your position well, even when your player is a guy with high speed, stamina... he sweats blood you get in the right position again..
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Fri, 01 Apr 2011 16:17

Moralspain wrote:i don't hate angles, i hate the fact that the game doesn't allow you to recover your position well, even when your player is a guy with high speed, stamina... he sweats blood you get in the right position again..

Right. I think 2K should have accounted for that by making your player more responsive.

I was just watching some tennis highlight videos, and counted all the short crosscourt topspin angles that I saw.

2...and they all were returned. 2K's got some work to do...
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Postby Hawkeye Miihawk » Fri, 01 Apr 2011 16:37

Lol yeah I too hate those "parralel to baseline ball wars" in TS4, but I can live with it. I usually hit controlled topspin shots deep to the corners of the court to prevent people from going for those angles. That seems to work best at neutralizing how deep an angle your opponent can get were they to try and angle you off. It's gotten to the point where people start playing those "control topspin deep to the corners" game with me, because if they try and go for the angled shot it won't be that angled, and I'll have the ability to hit an even better one or go down the line.

A real tennis game would be more about errors, UF and F. You aren't going to be pulling someone 20ft out wide like in TS4. Hopefully they add more errors in the next one.
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