Offline doubles with+against CPU

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Offline doubles with+against CPU

Postby TomBs » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 01:05

Honestly, playing offline doubles with and vs CPU is hilarious :lol:

I just ran into a special event, which was a doubles match, with scoring system 1st to 11 points, but you can only score when you serve. Anyway, the scoring system doesn't really matter, but the match was so extremely funny.

It is probably caused by the same scripting that's the cause for the impossibility to wrongfoot the CPU. So please put it on the list for 2k :)

Anyway, it's almost impossible to win a point, that's what I can tell you. It took half an hour for the match to finish, and I lost 4-11.

It really has nothing to do with real doubles. The reflexes of the CPU are just so extremely quick. They were literally standing at the net smashing into each other with the CPU just able to hit it back :lol:

I felt so useless at the net. Since you can't really anticipate for a shot crosscourt (the CPU can change immediately to down-the-line) you can't hit a volley unless the ball is hit to you. And if that's the case, honestly you do not have time to get the timing right. If you do (I managed quite a few times actually) there is just no gap to put it into. You can't really aim in between the players, and if you hit at the net player it will come back all the time. If you go towards the baseline player obviously it comes back always as well. You just got to be lucky with a putaway or a smash.

However, if you are at the net, it takes a while before you get to hit the ball. The rallies between the CPU can go on and on and on and on and on and... you get the point. The longest rally I had was 70 strokes... It could have been longer if I hadn't tried to force myself into the point, and thus leaving gaps for the opponents to hit the ball into.

Also, the CPU is really quick with movement on the court. So even if I was forcing myself into the point at the net, my partner would just cover about everything. Very rarely could the opponents hit a winner.

I was just sitting on my bed, watching the rallies, wondering what the hell was happening there :lol:
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Postby SoundfSilence » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 11:48

Respect the CPU!
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Postby venom400 » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 13:08

I skipped all the doubles events , they were boring ,(even more so than real life doubles lol) and it is so hard to hit an effective volley on this game that the guy at the net is usually just a wall , they need to improve volleys a tad bit.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 15:11

You need to use the power volley more often and cheat more towards the middle to cut shots off.

Yes, the CPU has incredible reactions and gets almost every volley back in play. If not for that, the doubles seems like it would be pretty accurate. Online doubles would be so fun with this game.
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Postby TomBs » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 15:30

Had another likewise event. Decided to give it another try. Went way better in the beginning, also due to the crap opponents+partner. Still really tough to hit a winner, but only used power volleys, hoping for perfect timing.

Went up 10-4 (serve&score system, first to 11), then somehow the CPU improved, didn't hit errors anymore, and it became even more impossible to hit a winner. Also my partner couldn't hit a winner anymore, despite opportunities, and thus I lost 10-12...

3rd attempt: 11-7 :D
Had this incredible rally where me and my partner were at the net, and the opponents were just blasting shots with full power at us, lasted 46 shots before they hit an error.
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