power more then 80 ruins the game

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power more then 80 are fair?

Poll ended at Sun, 27 Mar 2011 01:13

Total votes : 39

Postby o Sinna o » Thu, 24 Mar 2011 22:07

That's the Character Pfnerch used in our Match.

And after he lost the Match he cried around.

He uses self a Guy with Power over 80 and starts such a Thread after that.

laughable :lol:

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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Thu, 24 Mar 2011 22:09

Hamburgerboy27 wrote:
Thereby can not to rise a fair Tournament.

:shock: :shock:
what is not fair ??


Hamburgerboy27 wrote: but i have NEVER play a ITST Matches without Rules...is new for me and i sure not lucky about this

:shock: :shock:

because of that you will create rules ???
come on . thats ridicolous

risk shots for "low skilled" players (your words) aren´´t available anymore -so be happy ,or is it forward too hard and fast for you to play TOPSPIN ??
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Postby Saarbrigga » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 15:45


This weekend i will have time to focus on TS4, the past 5-6 days were just warm up.

I have a question about creating a character.

If you have 50.000xp for build a player in 1-2 minutes, i don t understand how to reach 80-90 in any different ability.

Example: Hamburgerboy built a player with 12 for offensive baseline play and 8 defensive baseline play, 0 for volley.

I tried the same...12-8...just for a check out. But my player doesn t reach the ability s of his player.
His forehand and backhand is something about 88, the one of my player is something like 68 and 79.

Is it necesarry to train with different coaches to reach higher scores in any different area?
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:07

niten you must add the right coach , where made FH bh stat +10

also bin mir nicht zu 100% sicher aber ich denke du brauchst einen anderen goldcoach
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Postby SlicerITST » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:44

Niten, check out the coach you need to reach those stats with the tool Till69 made:

http://www.intertopspintour.net/forum/v ... hp?t=14169
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Postby Hamburgerboy27 » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:55

Niten Doraku wrote:QUESTION:

This weekend i will have time to focus on TS4, the past 5-6 days were just warm up.

I have a question about creating a character.

If you have 50.000xp for build a player in 1-2 minutes, i don t understand how to reach 80-90 in any different ability.

Example: Hamburgerboy built a player with 12 for offensive baseline play and 8 defensive baseline play, 0 for volley.

I tried the same...12-8...just for a check out. But my player doesn t reach the ability s of his player.
His forehand and backhand is something about 88, the one of my player is something like 68 and 79.

Is it necesarry to train with different coaches to reach higher scores in any different area?

Yes you need the right coaches :wink:
But my forehand and backhand is about 88?I have forehand and backhand 84...power 79...you can see my coaches when you see my World tour player and all another Setups and Coaches by the WT. :wink:

My Coaches have +15 Forehand and Backhand :!:

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Postby kyuuji » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 18:54

I only have 76 in power, but in my opinion, it is enough..

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Postby Saarbrigga » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 20:10

Thanks guys...now i understand more and more how it works.

I didn t realized how important the different coaches are. Even if your player has lv 20, he s not finished then and his strenghts and weaknesses change if you change the coach.

I am playing right now at power 83, vh and bh 72.

Honestly i agree a little bit with pfnerch.
Power 83 is very close to ping pong, my last opponent dropped, i guess it was because of this. :?

@ Hamburger

It was a mistake, sorry.
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Postby NickZ3535 » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 22:49

After playing a ton of guys, I also agree with those that say power over 85 is pretty cheesy and unrealistic. I know it's early in the game, but IMO it takes away from both the realism of the game as well as the fun of the game.

The problem for me, is that the guys that use all that power never get their weaknesses revealed - in the hands of a good player the characters can end the point so quickly that the opponent never has a legitimate chance of exposing the bad speed/volley/whatever skills. Obviously against bad players you can still beat them, but if somebody knows what they are doing, the game just turns into guessing which way the guy will hit each point. This should happen occasionally in a tennis game, but it shouldnt be every single point.
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Postby djarvik » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 23:54

NickZ3535 wrote:After playing a ton of guys, I also agree with those that say power over 85 is pretty cheesy and unrealistic. I know it's early in the game, but IMO it takes away from both the realism of the game as well as the fun of the game.

The problem for me, is that the guys that use all that power never get their weaknesses revealed - in the hands of a good player the characters can end the point so quickly that the opponent never has a legitimate chance of exposing the bad speed/volley/whatever skills. Obviously against bad players you can still beat them, but if somebody knows what they are doing, the game just turns into guessing which way the guy will hit each point. This should happen occasionally in a tennis game, but it shouldnt be every single point.

Agree but let me add this: Power alone is fine, problem is, power comes in packages with great serve. I say it shouldn't. I say make it so you must put some SV to get the serve up, that will improve things a bit.
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Postby VillaJ100 » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 23:56

djarvik wrote:
NickZ3535 wrote:After playing a ton of guys, I also agree with those that say power over 85 is pretty cheesy and unrealistic. I know it's early in the game, but IMO it takes away from both the realism of the game as well as the fun of the game.

The problem for me, is that the guys that use all that power never get their weaknesses revealed - in the hands of a good player the characters can end the point so quickly that the opponent never has a legitimate chance of exposing the bad speed/volley/whatever skills. Obviously against bad players you can still beat them, but if somebody knows what they are doing, the game just turns into guessing which way the guy will hit each point. This should happen occasionally in a tennis game, but it shouldnt be every single point.

Agree but let me add this: Power alone is fine, problem is, power comes in packages with great serve. I say it shouldn't. I say make it so you must put some SV to get the serve up, that will improve things a bit.

Yeah this sounds right. Otherwise you should have a OFB with a weak crap serve, like agassi.
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 00:41

AL I couldn't agree more. o Sinna o all you did dude is create a chocolate version of Andy Roddick.

**Sidebar: I think Roddick should be unplayable in the first ITST tournaments. Even he doesn't even hold serve that many times in real life.**

Al hit it on the head when he said the serve stat comes bundled with the power increases which shouldn't happen. It's too easy for a noob to just create a Roddick-esque player and win every match... which imo is going to happen if they don't fix the problem of the overwhelming power-serve combo stat.

That, and it's really starting to piss me off... maybe I should drop-shot everything against these Roddick-esque players?
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Postby Hawkeye Miihawk » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 03:40

Powerful strokes & big serve combo definitely ruins this game. That's why I love playing people from ITST over WT.

It's too early, but imo, a rule that models the characters after the pros would be the best idea, especially for offensive baseliners and big servers.

If you want to be an offensive baseliner, then you'll have to be like djokovic, serena, or agassi. A big server? Then roddick is your pick. You then have to look at how much of a percentage the pros have in their stats and make your baseliner or big server like that. I'll explain.

Let's say want an offensive baseliner, and you decide to be like djokovic. He has 555 pts. Customs are somewhere between 540 and 550. I'll just use 545 as the middle ground. His stats are

FH 83
BH 78
SRV 62
VOL 40
POW 74
STA 74
SPE 67
REF 77

Going by percentages, 83 is 14.95% of 555. 78 is 14.05. So your offensive baseliner, designed to be like djokovic, would look something like this, percentage wise.

FH 14.95% of 545
BH 14.05% of 545
and so on.

If you want an offensive baseliner with a bigger serve, then serena would be your pro character model. Baseliner with better return? Agassi. A big server, then roddick is your choice. This way you can't have a big server AND a powerful baseliner who can end points so quickly before their weakness can be exploited. This way people can still have the kind of characters they want.

Let's take a look at the big server/powerful strokes combo using this method. Serena is the candidate here. She has 555 points. Serena's stats % wise are

FH 13.51
BH 13.51
SRV 14.41
VOL 7.39
POW 14.41
STA 13.69
SPE 10.63
REF 12.43

Now using the 545 pt custom medium, you have

FH 73.6
BH 73.6
SRV 78.5
VOL 40.3
POW 78.5
STA 74.6
SPE 57.9
REF 67.7

This is definitely more managebale. They can also have a big server, like roddick, but then in doing so they would have to have bad strokes like roddick. They'll be like my karlovic. Good serve and decent power, but can't rally and is too slow to chase down balls.

This way stats people love soo much, big serve and power, will still work, but they can't end points as quickly anymore when they don't have the 2 stats at 95 anymore, with a forehand at 95 as well.

All we'll have to do is create a "Pro characters percentage thread" so people can see how points will be distributed for offensive baseliners and big servers. So far I wouldn't put any restriction on the other stats. They seem balanced. As long as the power/serve stat is eliminated, and all styles can flourish then all will be good.

Imo, this is the only way you can effectively give people the kind of character they want, good serve and power or whatever, but at the same time making them realistic. This percentage idea would only apply to powerful offensive baseliners who want big serves or vice versa. The other stats don't have such a huge advantage like power and serve combined. Anyone else who doesn't want to create such a character (huge power/serve), would have no rules to abide by, unless ofcourse we find another combination that is too good. Then we can use this percentage system for that style as well..
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Postby Hawkeye Miihawk » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 03:47

Things will not fit point for point percentage wise, but you get the idea. Ofcourse people will complain how "The only way to get that stat is to have a coach I don't want". Well, I personally say that that is an unforunate problem that they will have to deal with.
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Postby NickZ3535 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 05:00

Yeah, you make some good points for sure. I think we'll have to start taking stuff like this into consideration when the warmup tournaments start to show how the stats are somewhat unbalanced.
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