Another Bug?

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Another Bug?

Postby coke4 » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 23:56

I think I might have found another bug, if this is even a bug and not what actually happens in real life.

Anyway what has happened a few times is this, my player is on or just inside the baseline and the player hits a top spin shot into my backhand corner. And, instead of just stepping back a bit, my player turns around, runs back as if he were chasing a lob until he is almost out of screen and hits a mediocre ball back.

Anyone else feel this is a problem?
P.S sorry if there is already a thread discussing this, I had a quick look but there are so many threads in TS4 now, and so many have become arguments that it is impossible to read them all
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 00:00

I've had this happen as well sometimes. I think it is probably not so much a bug as you just need to observe what direction you are moving the player (how much "down" you are using) and compensate. You are probably using more of the down direction than you think.
Sherlock 117
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Postby jayl0ve » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 00:22

I was going to say the same thing but I didn't want it to come out the wrong way!

I've done this quite a few times in the demo I think it's just what Sherlock said
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Postby coke4 » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 14:56

I thought it was me, but the fact my player turns fully around and runs further back then he needs to has made me think otherwise
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