"Fast Player Building" on unlock overview

All around, Serve & Volley, Offensive or Defensive Baseliner. What are you? Discuss TS4 characters, coaches and tactics here.

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Postby NickZ3535 » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 18:14

After you unlock the function, when you start a new player it will ask you if you want to enable fast building. If you do, it gives you unlimited (I think) experience that lets you level up to level 20 immediately.
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Postby o Sinna o » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 20:18

NickZ3535 wrote:After you unlock the function, when you start a new player it will ask you if you want to enable fast building. If you do, it gives you unlimited (I think) experience that lets you level up to level 20 immediately.

OMG that is so cool I could cry. That makes the missedout Animationpack good again. That keeps me motivated until I reach Level 20 and you know what? I am Level 17 now because I played the freaking Offline Career the half Day. I will finish it tonight for sure.

Don't worry Guys I'll stay with you this Time. Ofcourse I can't be so active in the Forum if I play the half Day. *hehe*
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 21:51

If you want more coaches however, don't you have to play through the career with that player? I doubt they'll unlock them all as you max out a offensive baseliner...
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 21:59

JJ_DUBZ_87 wrote:If you want more coaches however, don't you have to play through the career with that player? I doubt they'll unlock them all as you max out a offensive baseliner...

Coaches are only unlocked when you level up your player. The coaches are unlocked the same way even when you do the quick player creator version. You get the same coaches you would otherwise get. So if you do only offensive baseliner you will only get offensive baseliner coaches. At least when I tried it I didn't have all the coaches available, I'm not sure where people are getting that from.
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 22:02

I thought so... I'm playing through all the styles (OBSCENELY LONG!!!) just so I can have a greater selection of coaches. I feel that's the best way, and then I can decide which player I enjoyed playing with the most. For now All Around is looking the most favorable, (2) Offensive Baseliner, (3) Serve and Volley, and (4) Defensive baseliner.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 22:07

By the way, my first player was a mix between defensive baseliner and S&V. The stats were S&V 7, Offesnive Baseliner 1, Defensive Baseliner 12. My thought was to make a player who plays defense and waits for a short ball, and then when he gets it can attack the net. Unfortunately seems like it will be too difficult of a strategy to win with. What he does well on defense he doesn't do well enough because his speed is just a little bit too low. What I might try and do is use a different coach that can up the speed a bit and see if that works. Otherwise I'll be making good use of the quick creator :D
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Postby NickZ3535 » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 23:03

News Flash:

You DON'T have to play through with multiple styles to get new coaches. I played through using the unlocked player creater, but just assigned my stats differently and it unlocked all the other coaches. there's no need to play through manually.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 23:24

Right, that's what I said somewhere. That's great news, because if it weren't that way you would basically have to play through the career 3 or 4 times :x
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Fri, 18 Mar 2011 03:07

NickZ3535 wrote:News Flash:

You DON'T have to play through with multiple styles to get new coaches. I played through using the unlocked player creater, but just assigned my stats differently and it unlocked all the other coaches. there's no need to play through manually.

can you elaborate?

You completed career mode once, then made another character with the player creator and instead of putting your stats towards offensive baseliner (like your first player) you put them to defensive baseliner and unlocked all the defensive baseliner coaches??

I just want clarification...

Take for example, my serve and volley guy. If I complete career mode with him (earning all the SV coaches), all I'd have to do is use the quick player creator and max out Offensive baseline play to get all of those coaches?
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Postby o Sinna o » Fri, 18 Mar 2011 03:29

OMG Gyus say what you want but the Developers made everything right with this Masterpiece. How cool is this Option man?

Now I know exactly how it works. After you played the first Match with your very first fully trained Character (Level 20) you unlock the fast Player Building Option. This Option gives you 50.000 EP right from the Start and now you can level up to 20 easily with a few simple Presses on the Buttons. This you can all do in the Player Zone, even choose your Goldtrainerwish.

The only thing you still have to do after that is to reach the Challenges from your last choosed Gold Coach what you can do easily in one or two Tournaments in the Careermode. Man I really wished it would be so great and that we get such a Option and now that we have it and I see how it works I am really really pleased.

I just made a absolut Offensive Baseline Beast. This Guys has almost no Speed or Volley at all, but he has Power without end and a Servicegame without end.

I have written the Attributes on a Paper. This Guy has a 45 plus Points Goldcoach. Not all Gold Coaches give you 45 Points, some give you only 35 I've noticed with my first Creation Cheng Peng.

That's my Guy and he looks damn cool. :)

Skills: Serve Stick Berserker and Focus Service :lol:

Forehand: 76
Backhand: 66
Service: 98 :lol:
Volley: 40
Power: 98 :lol:
Stamina: 77
Speed: 40
Rflexes: 50

You see that you can still make Creations to the Extreme but the Developers knew the extreme Creationpossibilty ofcourse and tested the Game in Point of Balance.

You know what's cool? More are always better ofcourse but the four Characterslots are exactly good to make a Player for one of the four Styles.

Now I got my first extreme offensive Baseliner.

Tomorrow I will make three more, a extreme defensive Baseliner, a extreme Serve and Volley and a Allround Guy and then are the four Slots full and I got everything I need.

Sweet isn't it?

Tomorrow I can finnaly start playing online for real. The first two Onlinematches I played on the first Day were so smooth and good playable that it's a Joy to play online. :D
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Fri, 18 Mar 2011 03:55

I love you o Sinna o!!

Question answered... I'm taking my all around gal to level 20...

So the coaches for Defensive Baseliner will be unlocked as you stack up your defensive baseliner levels RIGHT SINNA?!? lol I want to be absolutely sure before I delete my other dudes. And then the only "playing" you have to do is meeting the coach objectives...

I'm glad to hear that!

Sorry I'm so slow tonight boys...I'm almost asleep and my brain is operating on 37.9%... and 34% of that is going towards cleaning my room...

:cry: I didn't even get to play TS4 today! ::sobs::
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Fri, 18 Mar 2011 03:57

Sherlock 117 wrote:Coaches are only unlocked when you level up your player. The coaches are unlocked the same way even when you do the quick player creator version. You get the same coaches you would otherwise get. So if you do only offensive baseliner you will only get offensive baseliner coaches. At least when I tried it I didn't have all the coaches available, I'm not sure where people are getting that from.


But I get it :lol::roll:
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Postby o Sinna o » Fri, 18 Mar 2011 04:37

JJ_DUBZ_87 wrote:I love you o Sinna o!!

So the coaches for Defensive Baseliner will be unlocked as you stack up your defensive baseliner levels RIGHT SINNA?!?

Yes exaclty that's how it is my Friend.

Guys Guys, my Creation is a absolutely Servicebeast and I was just able to beat Nadal on very hard in the O2 Arena. You sould have seen this Match. I won 3:0 4:3 (7:2 Tiebreak).

And believe me if you didn't already played Nadal on very hard I can only say you have to be full concentrated a fortiori if you play with such a low Speed like me. But you know what? Even if this Guy has only a 40 Speed I could reach almost all Balls between the Rallies except the CPU wrong footed me.

Ofcourse humans do special things and hit the Balls like they want and can but after this Challenge against Nadal I at least know that I have a Chance against everybody. Ofcourse I will lose many Matches especially against ITST Players but if you just had seen the Match against the Nadal CPU on very hard you would agree.

Tomorrow I'll make my extrem defensive Baseliner, extreme Serve and Volley and a Allrounder, like I said before.

But I already really like the Style of my first Creation. It fits to me and my Servicegame is damn strong with this Guy.
Last edited by o Sinna o on Fri, 18 Mar 2011 04:43, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Cro Morgan » Fri, 18 Mar 2011 04:40

o Sinna o wrote:Skills: Serve Stick Berserker and Focus Service :lol:

Forehand: 76
Backhand: 66
Service: 98 :lol:
Volley: 40
Power: 98 :lol:
Stamina: 77
Speed: 40
Rflexes: 50

Erp. That looks like trouble.
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Postby o Sinna o » Fri, 18 Mar 2011 04:41

Cro Morgan wrote:
o Sinna o wrote:Skills: Serve Stick Berserker and Focus Service :lol:

Forehand: 76
Backhand: 66
Service: 98 :lol:
Volley: 40
Power: 98 :lol:
Stamina: 77
Speed: 40
Rflexes: 50

Erp. That looks like trouble.

Hehe so it is Buddy. ^^
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