djarvik wrote:
This time your character levels up in a broadly RPG fashion, earning XP across both online and offline matches. This allows you to spend points on your attributes. However, your choice of play style will affect exactly where you can spend them. Play styles come in four different, self-explanatory flavours. Theres the serve and volley-ers, the offensive baseline players, the defensive baseline players and all-rounders. Once picked at the start of your career, your play style will put XP caps in certain areas of your development.
So baseline players will never be able to earn a massively good volley, while serve and volley specialists won't be as quick around the court. All-rounders, meanwhile, are the jack of all trades and masters of none, with decent, if unremarkable stats throughout. Of course, if that all sounds a bit stressful for you, you can spend XP to reset your play style, pop the settings on auto-attribute and let the console do everything for you, leaving you to concentrate on the real business of navigating the handsomely-modelled characters around the court.
Actually, this may be the "holy grail glitch" we've all been wanting. Sounds like after completing the career, you can use some of the xp you've earned and start over from scratch, but maybe still use up all the levels you've earned up to that point??? I hope so.