UFC 103

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Postby djarvik » Tue, 31 Aug 2010 02:44

Just for the record BROKE LESNAR SUCKS MAJOR D***S! :lol:

Don't know why, but i just hate every tang bout this guy. Cant stand his arse.

....and GOA, I think Mir will win, for sure! :P
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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 31 Aug 2010 03:04

Brock's easy to hate. I'm a fan of his cuz I think he's very exciting as a fighter, but I can see how he'd rub a LOT of people 'the wrong way'. I think he's simply an awesome fighter- his personality doesn't really factor in. Dare I say he's even underrated?? I mean, he surprised the HELL out of me and everybody else by triangle choking Shane Carwin into submission. Doesn't matter that Carwin was already gassed, he managed to submit him and knew the exact right time to slap on the sub- that's all that matters! Not to mention every interview with Lesnar is HILARIOUS because he always has some incredibly perplexing country-boy gobbledy-goop coming out of his mouth, like when he said "I tell you what...Frank Mir's got a horseshoe up his ass....I'm gonna tear it out and beat him with it!"

WTF Brock? :? :lol:
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 31 Aug 2010 03:16

yeah, he can fight well alright! ....but his face, its just asking for a straight right.
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Postby maximo » Tue, 31 Aug 2010 03:40

jayl0ve wrote:Well you don't necessarily need to know Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, you just need to be competent in some kind of grappling art, i.e Greco Roman Wrestling, Judo, Sambo, etc

Right, and i respect all the martial arts, and all are goods, but if u want to be a great fighter , u have to learn bjj.
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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 31 Aug 2010 06:49

Yeah most great fighters know at least a few things about BJJ and are at least a purple or brown belt.

BTW did anybody see Couture get his BJJ black belt after beating Toney?

I thought that was pretty cool...kind of silly that he got it by choking out a guy who has no idea WTF he's doing, but cool nonetheless.
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Wed, 01 Sep 2010 13:19

maximo wrote:
jayl0ve wrote:Well you don't necessarily need to know Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, you just need to be competent in some kind of grappling art, i.e Greco Roman Wrestling, Judo, Sambo, etc

Right, and i respect all the martial arts, and all are goods, but if u want to be a great fighter , u have to learn bjj.

its true and not true .
look brock lesnar . hes a pure ringer and stay on top .
mean when you know how works a takedown defense,or a defense on the ground - its enough to know how to come back in standup .
thinkabout chuck liddell and his style.
at least you have to know how a choke or a submission works -

so you can win a title without BJJ - but to defense your title and to be a true champion -you need BJJ coz UFC (dana white)allways brings fighters in the octagon who open the handycaps from a champion .

BTW : DJARVIK , its possible that MIR can beat FILLIPOVIC .
he´´s a good fighter but i go forward with crocop for the win .
at all i don´´t like FRANK MIR

BTW2 : i saw this black belt thing -but i think it was just a joke- a black belt for beating TONEY ?? hmmmmmm, .....
mean possible is all-couture trained alot for got the black belt .
so is it true couture is now a blackbelt??
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Postby jayl0ve » Wed, 01 Sep 2010 13:47

Yeah he is really a black belt in BJJ now :shock: That was for real
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sat, 11 Sep 2010 12:13

yeah "CAPTAIN .AMERICA " is indeed a black belt now .

tonight 2 big fightevents starts
in boxing are fighting
the KLITSCHKO brothers are the most popular boxers in germany (not mine )
first fight klitschko won very lucky.
who will win ?
opinions ?
and also tonight the SHARK FIGHTS 13 starts
http://www.mmaconvert.com/cards/shark-f ... s-results/
jardine - prangley
also paul daley is fighting
this will be a interrest event.
honestly i didn´´t saw before a SHARK FIGHTS EVENT
but i heared good things about this SHARK FIGHT EVENTS
so i will take a look on it

by the way -
looks trevor prangley not like the twin brother from "THE NEW YORK BAD ASS " PHIL BARONI ????

i think so ,no?
left pic BARONI ....right pic PRANGLEY

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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sun, 26 Sep 2010 12:11

djarvik wrote:

....and GOA, I think Mir will win, for sure! :P

good prediction AL !!
FRANK MIR won with a knee knockout in round 3 :!: :!:
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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 26 Sep 2010 12:43

Beginner's luck :P

(I mean Al, not Mir. And just that he's a beginner in ITST mma fight predictions :lol: )

I didn't watch UFC 119, but I did catch Frank Mir vs. Cro Cop on a live stream on the internet. Very depressing, to say the least. I don't like seeing Mirko laid out on the floor like that :cry: To be honest it was an extremely, EXTREMELY boring fight until the very end when Mir caught him with a knee. It's not the end of the world for Mirko...I've heard that he has had thoughts of retiring soon, but I don't think losing to Frank Mir is the end of the world. As much as I hate Mir, he is still a quality fighter. Besides, Cro Cop was coming off 2 wins- this would have been his 3rd win in a row. Hopefully he will keep fighting.

I am currently watching DREAM 16...very exciting stuff, I love watching DREAM and Sengoku and all the smaller non-UFC organizations. I'm gonna get back to watching DREAM 16 but I just wanted to comment on UFC 119 a little bit
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Postby djarvik » Sun, 26 Sep 2010 13:39

jayl0ve wrote:Beginner's luck :P

(I mean Al, not Mir. And just that he's a beginner in ITST mma fight predictions :lol:

Predictions - yes. MMA - no. :wink: Been semi-serious about following mma for the last 10 years or so.

Lets see if I can repeat!!!
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Mon, 04 Oct 2010 15:39

at weekend i had the time to watch the whole UFC119 event plus preliminary fights, and i must say the event was boring..!!

only the dunham -matt serra fight was great.?
you saw the crazy cut from dunham?? wow very crazy cut from dunham .
respekt for him to fight forward with this handycap
also in parts the mitrione fight was good. but the rest ..........booooooring

the main and co main event was also boring.
esspecially the crocop-MIR fight was extraordinary boring till the knee brings the knockout for mir . very boring fight.
i think mirco crocop is to old . too much fights . to much knocked out .
its time for him to end his MMA carriere.
MIR is back in buisness with this win

great news for germany

at UFC 122 the UFC is second time ever in germany .
yeah how fukking great is this.
i really try to buy a ticket to see the event live.
but i think this will be real difficult togot a ticket.

in germany the UFC isn´t allowed in german TV (crazy politics man)
they stopped to send the UFC events in german TV :twisted: :twisted: :
however i download the events anyway without commercial.

i´m really happy that the UFC is back in germany
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Postby Saarbrigga » Mon, 04 Oct 2010 19:00

That s great! :D

But GOA, do you think it will run without problems?

Remember 1 year ago when UFC 99 was in Köln. Many important politicans stated the never want UFC comes back to Germany...and if they don t allow it, it can t be made...
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:48

why did germany ban UFC from tv there?

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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:50

Probably something to do with it being American.

We're the source of all the world's problems with violent crimes, didn't you know that?

j/k but for real I don't know why it was banned, I'm pretty sure it's just seen as 'barbaric' there.
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