Virtua Tennis 4 (TBA 2011)

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Virtua Tennis 4 (TBA 2011)

Postby djarvik » Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:10

Well, its finally happening. A new Tennis game and......its a VT :?

It looks exactly the same as earlier versions, maybe a tad polished but now will utilize Sonys Move. ... with-move/

Hopefully, these news will be a bit of a Push to EA to go ahead and reopen-finish the EA Tennis (GTS)
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Postby ANILTJE » Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:31


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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:44

looks like its the same crappy game like every other VT
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Postby emate007 » Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:57

ANILTJE wrote:Here is another look at it

Sounds like it sucks so far...

And will probably still be worse than ts3 when released.
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Postby Elargento » Thu, 19 Aug 2010 16:04

too bad no more top spin, nor smash court tennis.
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Postby Moralspain » Thu, 19 Aug 2010 16:14

i can not understand that **** comet Halley effect every time you hit the ball.
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Postby Mack2300 » Thu, 19 Aug 2010 20:16

Just makes me more sad that no Topspin 4 will be released :(
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Postby Cro Morgan » Thu, 19 Aug 2010 20:41

Dunno, looks kind of promising/fun to me. :?
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Postby SonicSabrewolf » Sun, 22 Aug 2010 21:48

3D beer solutions.. :D
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Postby VillaJ100 » Mon, 23 Aug 2010 12:27

time will tell. making a tennis simulator i think is just not economically viable, yes millions of people play tennis, but how many of those play video games? and how many of those have a specific system? not many really, thats why virtua tennis appeals to kids and casual fans because its 'easy' and arcade like, so every year they churn out another, while games like ts3 are rare with the releases.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Mon, 23 Aug 2010 19:52

If it has 4 console doubles and even modest improvements to the online lag problems, I'm in!
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Postby Cro Morgan » Tue, 24 Aug 2010 13:47

(bold type = good news)

From IGN UK...

If ever you wanted a concise demonstration of how far video games have come, take a look at its recreation of tennis. Only a handful of generations it was Pong's abstract lines zipping about that represented the sport; now Virtua Tennis 4 is all that's cutting edge bundled into one slice of arcade fun. Played out in dazzling 3D and using the Move controller, it's a game that proves that Sony is positioning its PlayStation 3 not only as the console of the moment, but also the console of tomorrow.

There's even room for the staunch traditionalists who baulk at motion control and prohibitively expensive 3D technology; Virtua Tennis 4 is the first installment proper in a much adored albeit increasingly stale series in some time, and to mark the occasion SEGA's got its original team back in Japan on the job. That much is clear from the visual style alone, and beneath the shock and awe of the 3D presentation there's enough evidence to prove that this is from the company that brought blue skies to gaming, it's lines bold and its palette equally so.

The game beneath all this is also familiar, though from the brief demonstration available at Sony's Gamescom preview event it's hard to gauge too much. With control restricted to the Move wand itself, the player's footwork around the court is left to the computer's whim, leaving them free to concentrate on the art of swinging wild and furious.

And so, disappointingly, playing this early version of Virtua Tennis 4 isn't dissimilar to Nintendo's approach to the sport in Wii Sports. There's certainly a subtlety to what's capable with the motion control, and it smartly recognizes driven forehands, sliced backhands and smashes amongst other shots. The viewpoint, in this demonstration, is fixed to a close third person camera that switches in and out of first person as the ball draws near, with the player's arm appearing as a ghostly outline as a shot's about to be fired off.

There was also sadly no chance to test it fully, with a computer-controlled Andy Murray proving fairly dumb opposition as he stood transfixed on our more powerful returns, and nor was there a chance to see the game in its vanilla form when played without the bells and whistles of 3D and motion control, but there's certainly hope that Virtua Tennis 4 could make SEGA's aging franchise relevant once again.
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Postby Tantsutallinn » Tue, 24 Aug 2010 14:01

well Sega is in Japan as is Bimboosoft. They should sit together
and make one good VDT Virtua Dream Tennis :)).
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