No more Top Spin series !!!

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Postby jayl0ve » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 04:27

What would Helen Keller know about looking at anything?

jk jk jk jk :P
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Postby SlicerITST » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 14:29

Top Spin 2 wasnt developed by PAM Development either. 2K Sports still have the rights to the Top Spin series. So if they really want to there can be a Top Spin 4. It is unlikely that this is an extension to TS3 though. A new development company means new thoughts about a game. 2K Sports is still the one to take the initiative.

Its still sad to see such a great company go though and i hope all the employees find new work.
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Postby Q. Reese » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 19:53

You think 2K Sports will still be interested in the series Slicer?
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Postby SlicerITST » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 20:43

No idea. For them its all about the finances. If they can make a buck out of it they will probably do it. The discussion whether or not TS3 was a financial success has already been held on ITST once. I personally dont think so, hence it might be doubtful 2K Sports continues the TS series. On the other hand there is certainly room for another installment of the TS series. There are enough gamers who love tennis. Its one of those sports that has followers in all continents. Why would games like NBA2K, Madden or Fifa sell more then a tennis game?
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Postby Q. Reese » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 20:47

Exactly. I remember that topic before, and you brought up the same point that I said.

Yea, it does not look too hot for Top Spin. I guess you can pull out the ax. :wink:
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Postby emate007 » Sat, 13 Feb 2010 22:13

Without PAM, there is absolutely no chance 2K will make another tennis game. Even with an engine already developed they couldn't turn enough of a profit with TS3, I see no reason for them to waste more time and money to start from scratch which is significantly more expensive. They didn't want to even pay the guys to update the game one more time, they shuttered the ENTIRE STUDIO.

2K sports is hurting pretty bad in general right now, aside from basketball they have no foothold in any other sport. Baseball is a mediocre product, hockey is getting eaten alive by EA. I wouldn't be surprised if 2k gave up on sports altogether (but certainly baseball at the very least) once their exclusive deal with MLB runs out. That happens in 2011 I believe.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 02:05

So the chances of another tennis game coming out in the next 3 years, is not good?

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Postby Q. Reese » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 03:12

Coolhand Texas wrote:So the chances of another tennis game coming out in the next 3 years, is not good?

You want the ax now or later? :cry:
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Postby emate007 » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 05:52

From 2K, I'd say 3% chance, at best. EA still has Grand Slam tennis in the works, but it sounds like that will be a quirky motion control game like the Wii version. I don't follow Virtua tennis or sega at all, couldn't say if that's due for another edition but I wouldn't bet on it either.
Seems like tennis games are in for a big drought, no developer has really hit a home run, or really more than a single. Mario Tennis for the 64 is the only game that really attracted people who don't play/watch tennis.
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Postby KluddKalle » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 09:14

There's still the possibility that the PAM-people wants to make more tennis games. And in that case perhaps we will see a completely new tennis game.

Also, EA could see the opportunity here to grab the tennis game-market. So who knows, maybe Grand slam tennis will get more priority from them now?
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Postby AUSSIE_FABS » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 12:36

Grandslam tennis is just a wii game isn't it.

Looks like the best wii tennis game to date though, you can actually control where you hit it lol.

If ea gets tennis, be ready to use the right stick for everything. They sure love their right stick, maybe they will remove stats for custom players and you only get better through yourself ie skate.
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Postby emate007 » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 17:47

AUSSIE_FABS wrote:maybe they will remove stats for custom players and you only get better through yourself ie skate.

I've never played more than the skate demo, but that kind of player progression is a concept I really like. Where your custom player becomes better at certain things the more you do them correctly. For example if applied to TS3, if you risk perfectly on the forehand side 5 times in a row, your forehand skill increases.
I've thought about that for a while now, and I think it would really help the player find their strengths, and develop a style/strategy based around them.

Oh, and GST is just for Wii now (fantastic game, but one that I don't really ever want to play), but it's coming to PS3 and 360 late this year.
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Postby emate007 » Sun, 14 Feb 2010 17:52

KluddKalle wrote:There's still the possibility that the PAM-people wants to make more tennis games. And in that case perhaps we will see a completely new tennis game.

Also, EA could see the opportunity here to grab the tennis game-market. So who knows, maybe Grand slam tennis will get more priority from them now?

It's possible, but highly unlikely without publisher funding. As you said, it would have to be completely new, as they don't own the Topspin brand which makes it even more of a risk. PAM was dissolved more than 6 months ago, I would bet all the employees floated away to some other job instead of rallying around working on a new game without a paycheck.

You're right about EA, they have a tremendous opportunity to 'wow' the market with a good product. Let's hope for the best, and that it plays just as well with and without motion control.
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 15 Feb 2010 04:45

AUSSIE_FABS wrote: maybe they will remove stats for custom players and you only get better through yourself ie skate.

This would be perfect...
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Postby Q. Reese » Mon, 15 Feb 2010 06:31

EA Sports, in my opinion, has a great chance to take tennis and run with it. I mean really lean into the game and produce a game that no one has ever seen before. I mean kill it! They can do it! :tu
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