by venom400 » Sun, 07 Jun 2009 16:56
Wow a lot of posts to answer ...
First of all , Fed loses to Rafa , and Rafa loses to other guys , if Rafa didn't lose to anyone then I would say he is a tennis god , it just so happens that Rafa has a style that is very uncomfortable for Roger , that is the end of it ,
Everyone agrees Nadal is a beast in clay, the formula to beat Rafa is to over power him with big powerful flat shots , anyone that likes to hit high balls and knows how to hit them hard will beat Rafa.
The way to beat roger is with high balls on his backhand , if you don't have this you will not win , and not only that but since Roger knows everyone is doing this he practices this shot a lot , and with all the players trying this strategy against Roger he is getting better at dealing with this particular shot.
And Roger not having charisma ? are you nuts ? everyone loves him , even his oponents and the fans were actually going for Roger even he was the favorite to win , how is this not charisma ?
Agassi is great , but charisma and class is the name of the game for Roger
And to everyone that talks crap about Roger when he loses but out of the sudden they are his "fans" when they win you guys are hypocrits ,you are either his fan or you are not , I want to see how many people remain Nadal fans if he continues to lose stick trough good and bad .
Anyways I have to go take my cat out of the microwave I will be right back .
"It's nice to be important , but it's more important to be nice" Roger Federer .
"All who gain power are afraid to lose it , even the Jedi" Emperador Palpatine .
Venom400 the Classic Tennis player.