Sports drugs.

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Drugs in sports

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Sports drugs.

Postby Tamthewasp » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 09:06

Should performance enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?

I believe there is good points on both sides of this argument.

I personally would like too see dtugs allowed ( not heroin, cocaine etc..) I want to see my favourite sports heroes being the very best that they can be. If that involves taking a few drugs so be it. Sports stars already do almost evrything to be in peak pyshical condition. Protein shakes. Muscle growth formulas etc...

Also would you rather see del potro hitting a serve at 140mph or 170mph.

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Postby SlicerITST » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 13:40

The problem with allowing it is that there will always be that guy pushing the boundaries regardless of his health.

If you give every athlete in a certain sport access to a certain type of drug nobody will benefit from this drug. Thus they venture towards other drugs. First off, you are giving athletes from richer countries a benefit as they will be able to receive the newest and best drugs out there. Secondly, at one point there will be athletes crazy, desperate or brainwashed enough to do something really dangerous.

If you advocate just allowing certain types of enhancements then i see mostly the same issues. For example, American players could access better drugs then players from Argentina or Latvia. Doesnt seem fair to me at all.

I think what you mean is to allow players to take certain drugs to improve the overall level in sports. As you may already have noticed i renounce that. Only problem i have is that i am an avid cyclist fan who thinks that the Tour de France has become almost boring due to the dropping level of the cyclists (probably due to the absence of drugs). So yes, i am a hypocrite. :lol:

Also would you rather see del potro hitting a serve at 140mph or 170mph.

It depends. If it is wrecking his body then i dont want to watch that sport. We could also develop robots that play perfect tennis. Wouldnt that be even more exciting to watch? They are performing better hence it is more pleasant to watch?
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Postby Elgogrin7 » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 15:44

Are u drunk or high???

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Postby Cro Morgan » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 15:53

SlicerITST wrote:i am an avid cyclist fan

Based on the above, probably drunk and high.
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 20:42

I can see both sides of the argument. A lot of purists and former stars argue that that sort of thing will tarnish the game and ruin their legacy. The fact is that they were doing things to get ahead though even if it wasn't using cutting edge drugs. Also now there are tons of people in all sports (some more than others) doing this and getting away with it so at least if you opened it up the other guys could make it a bit more fair.

The biggest misconception is that taking drugs or steroids will make you a great player, or makes these players great. It's fair to say it certainly gives you a nice "push" but it's also pretty ridiculous to say that guys like Bonds, McGwire and Sosa aren't three of the best baseball players of the past three decades- probably all time.
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Postby emate007 » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 22:15

Totally agree. Bonds gets vilified as the poster boy for drug use. Fact is, he wasn't the biggest or worst cheater, but just the best at it.
He is kind of a dick though, so I don't feel too bad for him.
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Postby edlglide » Sat, 14 Jan 2012 01:07

emate007 wrote:Totally agree. Bonds gets vilified as the poster boy for drug use. Fact is, he wasn't the biggest or worst cheater, but just the best at it.
He is kind of a dick though, so I don't feel too bad for him.

I think the reason he gets vilified more than anyone else is that his drug use made a completely mockery of what most baseball fans hold dear. Bonds was already a first ballot Hall of Famer before anything -- then suddenly he's hitting 70 home runs in his mid 70s; doing things no one else has even come close to. Sosa and McGwire hit a lot of homers, but that's just about all they did.....Bonds was such a great player before steroids that he basically turned into a hitting robot. 70 homers in a season, broke Hank Aaron's record....that's why he became the poster boy.
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Postby VillaJ100 » Sat, 14 Jan 2012 02:28

Its things like Marion Jones though, yeah she is disgraced and stripped, but that bitch won the olympics and stood there and took all the praise, and the woman who came second had to stand there thinking she was 2nd best. You can strip Jones and give her the gold, but the experience of being in the stadium and hearing your anthem and crowd calling you etc will never ever be replaceable, and is in my eyes the worst thing about it.

Plus personally if i won a race etc by 0.02 secs and was juicing, for the rest of my life i would have that gold but think, if i wasnt on drugs would i have lost? almost certainly.
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Sat, 14 Jan 2012 02:35

Just for the record I'm not FOR drugs in sports at all. I think that anyone that's cheating should be publicly stoned by a crowd, but in certain sports they find scapegoats where there's tons of other guys doing it. Take Albert Pujols: this guy could end up smashing every record imaginable and just about everyone knows he's doing it but pays a lot of money and works really hard to avoid getting caught.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sat, 14 Jan 2012 20:08

I don't really know about baseball but i know that there was a lot of drugs being taken in it. Is it really cheating?

Slicer in the Olympics athletes then your point on the richer country's getting the better drugs is valid Yes this would be unfair.
I also see what you are saying about desperation but the desperate athletes without drugs are still going to desperate athletes and maybe turn to these illegal drugs.

As a consumer i would not feel cheated if sports people i go to see,( football and ice hockey) Where using drugs.

The point that if evry1 had access to these drugs it would basically cancel it out. Maybe, but it would certainly improve the standard of level that we are seeing.

So I think we should allow drugs in sports but have rules that limit the amount used or in baseball say have only 3 players per team allowed.
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Postby Vieira151 » Sun, 15 Jan 2012 21:18

SlicerITST wrote:For example, American players could access better drugs then players from Argentina or Latvia.

Apart from Gulbis.
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Postby Amazing Matheja » Mon, 16 Jan 2012 14:34

How could we allow/promote drug use in sports (or in life in general) ?
"Yeah ! It's ok ! You can use drugs to push your body to the limits ! Yeah you can put your life in danger ! Go tell your kids it's ok !..."
"Yeah ! No problems ! He beats you ? Use drugs ! No ! That's not cheating ! Trust me kid !...."

I'm not naive, I know almost all top athletes in any sports do things to enhance their performance and/or their consistency...
But c'mon, you can't open the (Pandora) box officially !... I totally don't care if they run the 100 m in 10 sec'. As long as there is (fair) competition, as long as they "play" to win, enjoying themselves and enjoying the crowd... Pushing the limits is what competition is about, but please ! In a fair and healthy way !... I don't want to see robots/mutants... I have comics and movies for that...

That's more or less my feelings about that... ^^
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Postby AMAZING ZIZOU » Mon, 16 Jan 2012 16:32

Drugs will just ban the fiarness of sports.

The best athelete won't be the better one, it will be the one who has the best product.

I don't think I'm ready to see a fat white boy win the 10 000 meters in the olympics or a muscled black guy win a medal in swimming yet
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Postby djarvik » Mon, 16 Jan 2012 16:52

Vieira151 wrote:
SlicerITST wrote:For example, American players could access better drugs then players from Argentina or Latvia.

Apart from Gulbis.

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Postby coke4 » Thu, 19 Jan 2012 23:47

I find it a bit strange you have no problem with athletes using PED's but have a problem with them using other drugs
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