by Murderface84 » Fri, 31 May 2013 05:53
Hey everybody it's me jayl0ve (well this has been my screen name for a while now actually)...definitely not dead ('or worse' LOL I got a good laugh out of that), life's just been pretty insane for the past two years. Not trying to throw a pity-party, but in May 2011 a good childhood friend of mine died of a heroin overdose and I was a pallbearer at his funeral...shortly thereafter I lost a girl (though we are now together), got kicked out of my band, and last year my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer and underwent emergency surgery within like, a week of her diagnosis. She got very very good treatment and is recovering pretty well; it's a struggle sometimes though, but I am glad she's still alive despite all she's been through.
I guess I needed a break from competitive gaming, especially tennis games man, they will drive you nuts...only game I've really been playing competitively is SF2: hyper fighting on my PC thru a site called 'Supercade' where My tag is GOOD NIGHT IRENE', but even that I don't play anymore due to my computer taking a s**t.
Anyways I'm gonna stop here because I am typing on an iPhone, and quite frankly this is a pain in the butt.
Just had to respond, didn't want anybody thinking I died haha...
Btw I am on this tag because I had forgot my jayl0ve password, tried to guess it a few times, then checked my email to see what it was...then i screwed up entering the password (iPhone), and the site told me I had attempted to login too many times and I need to enter the 'captcha' thing. Well no matter how many times I enter it as it appears on screen, it won't let me in, so...