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Postby SlicerITST » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 15:12

djarvik wrote:
SlicerITST wrote:
The American version did grow on me. At first i hated it. Now i only detest it. What i like about the British version is that you still had the sense that it could be real. That it could really be an office somewhere in the country. The American characters are taken to the extreme. Its still funny but in no way close to reality.

oh how wrong you are!

The American version is a "mild" version compare to reality. Trust me. I work in the office and visit a lot of offices. :)

I actually meant compared to the British version. In the first seasons the storylines where quite similar. They took each British character and enhanced their crazy character flaws by a 1000. What they end up with does not feel like a workable office. It is more a comedy set. At least to me and according to my experiences in European offices.

Im pretty sure most offices in the USA are more in the line with the British version. Sure, we have all encountered these types of characters in real life. Just not all in one office place without any sane guys around.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 17:12

Can I add my 2 cents, and say that I think the office sucks. Never liked it at all. :lol:

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Postby JohnCurveo » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 20:13

Dexter - Californication :P
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Postby Rob ITST » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 20:44

Not sure it's worth opening a new thread, but.....

List your top 3 shows that didn't make it. In other words, they got cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons - a too common trend these days, imo.

My three:

1: Better Off Ted - 2 short seasons. Loved it, and will still watch an episode every now and then on Netflix.
2: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 1 short season, and 1 full season. They cancelled it right when it was really sucking me in. :evil:
3: Alcatraz - 1 season. It has got to be one of the most senseless cancellations. It seemed to be very popular, but I guess the ratings just weren't high enough.
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Postby djarvik » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 20:51

Rob ITST wrote:3: Alcatraz - 1 season. It has got to be one of the most senseless cancellations. It seemed to be very popular, but I guess the ratings just weren't high enough.

I second that. I thought it was rather good and starting to get interesting.... :cry:
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Postby emate007 » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:12

Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones, just got into this and watched all 2 seasons in under a week. :shock:

Agree with Better off Ted, one of the funnier shows I've seen for years. Too bad they didn't make it.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:31

Networks cancel shows way too fast these days. I loved alcatraz, jericho, kidnapped. all get cancelled within the first season. It sucks to get into a show and then they cancel it within its first season.

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Postby Rob ITST » Mon, 27 Aug 2012 22:26

I don't even watch new shows anymore. I record them, keep the whole season, and wait to see if they get renewed before I watch. Alcatraz was an exception - even after I knew it was cancelled, I watched the entire first season in a few days. I just had to see what everyone was talking about.

Even though it lasted 5 seasons, I consider Heroes to be an early cancellation. The show was #1 in DVD sales and streaming/download purchases, but the ratings had slipped and NBC claimed it cost too much to make. I know it's a business, but you'd think they'd have kept it just due to it's popularity. It shows they don't care about the viewers.
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Postby Amazing Matheja » Tue, 28 Aug 2012 01:32

Rob ITST wrote:Not sure it's worth opening a new thread, but.....

List your top 3 shows that didn't make it. In other words, they got cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons - a too common trend these days, imo.

My three:

1: Better Off Ted - 2 short seasons. Loved it, and will still watch an episode every now and then on Netflix.
2: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 1 short season, and 1 full season. They cancelled it right when it was really sucking me in. :evil:
3: Alcatraz - 1 season. It has got to be one of the most senseless cancellations. It seemed to be very popular, but I guess the ratings just weren't high enough.

Same here ! :evil:
(I remember you had the picture of that girl playing the "good" terminator as your avatar ! ^^)
It's one of the last show I *cough* downloaded *cough* ... Since, I don't really follow any shows... :/
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Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 28 Aug 2012 03:34

Still have her as my Xbox gamerpic.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 28 Aug 2012 03:50

Caprica was a show I would have liked to have seen more of., I usually wait a few years before I watch a show to see if it gets canceled or not aswell. Think the wire deserves a shout as a top drawer show
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Postby Vieira151 » Tue, 28 Aug 2012 03:52

emate007 wrote:Game of Thrones, just got into this and watched all 2 seasons in under a week.

Read the books. They are much better and there is a fair amount of deviation in the series, but that just means you can view them as seperate entities. Reading the books will help you understand it better, though I think the producers have done a good job at making the TV series simple enough to understand for non book readers.

Either way, it's awesome. :D
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Postby safe_as_milk_ » Fri, 31 Aug 2012 04:28

Amazing Matheja wrote:
safe_as_milk_ wrote:Twin Peaks... ulysses 31, various 70s detective shows, oz, breaking bad,

Man of good taste !

Ulysse 31, the anime ?
Man ! How I liked it too ! ^^ But I must admit that I liked Saint Seiya, Hokuto No Ken, DragonBall, City Hunter, Cobra or Goldorak (Grendizer) a bit more... ^^ (Recently I discovered Jojo's Adventure, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop... Pure bombs too !)

I also was a huge fan of Oz !...

But if you ask me what is the best show EVER for me : Starsky & Hutch ! No doubt ! 8)

yeah! ulysses/ulysse was brilliant. what use is kids tv without a good dose of bleak existentialism and sci-fi greek mythology?

Never saw those other shows... but I did love M.A.S.K, and did you ever see that old GI joe film? it was absolutely ridiculous... skip to 7:20 in this clip: ... ure=relmfu
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Postby Fifa Tee » Fri, 31 Aug 2012 09:49

The Wire - Micheal
House - House
One Tree Hill - Lucas

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Re: Top 3 Shows

Postby Cro Morgan » Sat, 20 Oct 2012 05:15

djarvik wrote:
Hugo Chavez wrote:1. Breaking Bad


For the fans of Breaking Bad, a VERY good interview with Bryan Cranston ... =endscreen

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