djarvik wrote:SlicerITST wrote:
The American version did grow on me. At first i hated it. Now i only detest it. What i like about the British version is that you still had the sense that it could be real. That it could really be an office somewhere in the country. The American characters are taken to the extreme. Its still funny but in no way close to reality.
oh how wrong you are!
The American version is a "mild" version compare to reality. Trust me. I work in the office and visit a lot of offices.
I actually meant compared to the British version. In the first seasons the storylines where quite similar. They took each British character and enhanced their crazy character flaws by a 1000. What they end up with does not feel like a workable office. It is more a comedy set. At least to me and according to my experiences in European offices.
Im pretty sure most offices in the USA are more in the line with the British version. Sure, we have all encountered these types of characters in real life. Just not all in one office place without any sane guys around.