He will be here, soon (Beltic)
Thanks guys.
My problem is a bit complicated. Most of my life I had stomach issues, issues that doctors cannot diagnose. I am very sensitive to foods, is it is even a tiny bit not fresh - I will be in pain. I went to a lot of doctors and every single one said I have no problems. Well, when I am in pain the next time - I curse all these doctors, by name, one by one, with every minute of pain.
This problem would come and go. Last time I had it was a year ago....it was REALLY good the last year. But about 3 weeks ago it came back and now it bothers me a lot. I am in constant state of discomfort, I will try and describe it: Imagine a straw, the one you use to drink the cocktail with. Now, imagine that you take all the air out of that straw. What happens? The straw squeezed together in a vacuum. Well, this is how I feel a lot of times all the way from my mouth to ma (pardon) ass.
What I started doing is trying to isolate foods that cause this, it was w while back. I failed. I could not pin point the exact food that causes it, but I did found out that it usually occurs after meat consumption. Specifically the caw and pig. I have never recorded an episode after chicken....Lamb, very little.
So I am trying to come up with a diet that may prevent future episodes. They are not pretty. I am in pain, I feel like throwing up - but not all the way, kinda in the middle. And it persists for quite some time, usually at night time. It's ugly, really.
I am otherwise a rather healthy individual, a sportsman. I play tennis 3 times a week, I exercise 3 times a week as well. So I have only one day when I am not active.
I know my nutrition rather well as well. I know my proteins and carbs etc... so my question is less about the theory and more practicality.
I know Nuts are a very good source with Pine nuts being the highest content in protein...but also in fat. So I started eating nuts. From vegetables, I think beans are pretty high in Proteins.
Xavi, I know very well what you are talking about. I was in the same boat with proteins, consuming them as much as I could while cutting carbs. I didn't even felt good doing it

but looking good was more important at the time.
Anyway, I think it is a good topic to discuss, appreciate the answers and ideas guys!
Level 13 Edberg and counting...