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Postby djarvik » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 15:24

Where are you? :D

I need your help. Basically, I am cutting down on my, meat consumption. For now, I will stay with Chicken and Lamb on the rear occasions. Not ready to give them up yet. But Cows and Pigs - got to go! :lol:

My reasoning my not match yours (I miss those discussions!), it is health related.

So my question to you is this: Protein. I need good sources of casein and other proteins, not from meat.

I know I can just google, but I think it will be funner to discuss it here.
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Postby Marco_Theo_81 » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:01

Potatos, the king of vegetable protein!
But also many legumes, preferably crude.

I weighed in the year 2000, at 18-19 years of ages 131 kilogramms. Then I started to refuse eating sauces and Junk food and also carbohydrate, but not potatos. Of course not deep-fried. :wink:
With much exercises and switching my eating habitudes I lost 42 kilos in two years. ( very proud ). 89 kilogramms was my result.

Now with 188cm heigt and 92 kg and 31 years of age I am in a good physique condition.

Al, you wrote health related. So important is, to test with regularity your blood pressure, if you change radically your habitude to eat.

But of course, I am not a doctor, but experienced with changing eating habitude.

P.S What does it mean BELTIC? Can't found in translation program
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Postby Moralspain » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:05

you know something? yesterday i read an article (not on the internet) from a scientist/nutritionist on a newspaper where she said that meat (cows etc) are far better for our health than chicken, contradicting all we thought till now
so my recommendation is to eat a little bit of everything, meat, oily fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits, chocolate (70%-85%), rice, pasta, cereals, bread olive oil etc...

As you may know in Spain (at least in Mallorca) we "tend" (not everyone of course) to eat the Mediterranean diet avoiding eating fried foods, fast food,pastry, sweets...

PS: If you are a sportsman don't cut down the carbohydrates, they're necessary, many guys who want to have big muscles stop eating carbohydrates and start eating proteins all day, not a good thing for your health, yep your muscles will be bigger, but your kidney will be worse, just an advice, not kidding.
If your an sportsman you need to eat carbohydrates every day, thats simple, i'm saying this because i know friends who had problems in the past with all these stuff. You know... everyone wants to be the guy with biggest muscles when the summer starts, and they follow "bad" "unhealthy" diets.

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Postby Moralspain » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:10

Marco_Theo_81 wrote:Potatos, the king of vegetable protein!
But also many legumes, preferably crude.

P.S What does it mean BELTIC? Can't found in translation program

potatoes are mainly carbohydrates, they're super healthy but if you want to lose weight not the right aliment, you mainly lost weight because you cut down sauces etc and because the "EXERCISE".
If you don't exercise and eat all day potatoes you're not gonna lose weight, that for sure.

here you can check the nutrient composition


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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:18

Simply eat dates. Good for health

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Postby Marco_Theo_81 » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:19

Yes, that's true, but I had to choice between Pasta, Rice or Potatos. And Potatos have the most complexity in the construction of carbohydrate.

And Potatos were just a little part of my "new" habitude as I started to change my health level and body look. Maybe 10% in the week I ate potatos dishes. Ate much vegetables and fat free meet. With, like you said, much movement.

Best time in a Halfmarathon, 21.5 km, 1 hour 51 min and 16 sec. Not bad for a heavy man like me. Also here I was very proud, to have a time under 2 hours.

Dates... so delicious!!! :)

So this Beltic is a doctor I suppose?
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:31

He will be here, soon (Beltic) :wink:

Thanks guys.

My problem is a bit complicated. Most of my life I had stomach issues, issues that doctors cannot diagnose. I am very sensitive to foods, is it is even a tiny bit not fresh - I will be in pain. I went to a lot of doctors and every single one said I have no problems. Well, when I am in pain the next time - I curse all these doctors, by name, one by one, with every minute of pain.

This problem would come and go. Last time I had it was a year was REALLY good the last year. But about 3 weeks ago it came back and now it bothers me a lot. I am in constant state of discomfort, I will try and describe it: Imagine a straw, the one you use to drink the cocktail with. Now, imagine that you take all the air out of that straw. What happens? The straw squeezed together in a vacuum. Well, this is how I feel a lot of times all the way from my mouth to ma (pardon) ass.

What I started doing is trying to isolate foods that cause this, it was w while back. I failed. I could not pin point the exact food that causes it, but I did found out that it usually occurs after meat consumption. Specifically the caw and pig. I have never recorded an episode after chicken....Lamb, very little.

So I am trying to come up with a diet that may prevent future episodes. They are not pretty. I am in pain, I feel like throwing up - but not all the way, kinda in the middle. And it persists for quite some time, usually at night time. It's ugly, really.

I am otherwise a rather healthy individual, a sportsman. I play tennis 3 times a week, I exercise 3 times a week as well. So I have only one day when I am not active.

I know my nutrition rather well as well. I know my proteins and carbs etc... so my question is less about the theory and more practicality.

I know Nuts are a very good source with Pine nuts being the highest content in protein...but also in fat. So I started eating nuts. From vegetables, I think beans are pretty high in Proteins.

Xavi, I know very well what you are talking about. I was in the same boat with proteins, consuming them as much as I could while cutting carbs. I didn't even felt good doing it :lol: but looking good was more important at the time. ;)

Anyway, I think it is a good topic to discuss, appreciate the answers and ideas guys!
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:34

Marco_Theo_81 wrote:
So this Beltic is a doctor I suppose?

I dont think so.... but he is a vegetarian and really knows a lot on the subject. He is went through a lot in his life on that subject and is very passionate about it....
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:49

One question: hasn't it been proved by the nutrionists and doctors and through expermental investigations and biological researches that bear(wine) and pig's meat are not good for Health?
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Postby L Sanchez MD » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:58

Marco_Theo_81 wrote:P.S What does it mean BELTIC? Can't found in translation program

Since his name is 'Beltic Caldy' I always just assumed it was a switched around version of Celtic Baldy :lol:
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 17:05

@ Ali-Iqb93

You asking a real question or a rhetoric one? If this is a rhetoric questions - then provide the source.

Personally, I am really big into wines. Have been for the past 15 years or so with 0 problems. The key, as with everything, is moderation. I consume about 3-4 bottles a week with my wife. On average 1-2 glasses a day. Its a great antioxidant and natural relaxant.

Beer is pretty much in the same boat. Having a bottle with dinner is healthier then having a soda or even a glass of water with that meal.

As for pig meat, I don't know. I am not a big fan, but some of it can be really tasty. But once again, with moderation you should not have any issues.

I have read studies from both extremes, it is important to realize, they are extremes and as such push their agenda hard. There is nothing better then a real life examples, your parents, your grand parents - their health and their diets. Of course one should account for the ever changing food industry as well, that is trying to be profitable first, healthy second.
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 17:17

Damn brik you going to eat fish? Supplement your protein with shakes I'd recommend ON as a brand. Take your whey in the day and casein later. If you want a little boost try a teaspoon of creatine daily. Other than that youre on the right track with the legumes.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 17:21

I read an article once in the papers that even a properly cooked meat of pig will still cause health problems. You mentioning that you had stomach issues most of your life, so I thought this might be one of the reasons.
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 17:42

ILuvBillVal wrote:Damn brik you going to eat fish? Supplement your protein with shakes I'd recommend ON as a brand. Take your whey in the day and casein later. If you want a little boost try a teaspoon of creatine daily. Other than that youre on the right track with the legumes.

Thanks dude. Yeah, like I said, I know my proteins. I used to take creatine a lot. Good stuff, that is really bad for you. Protein shakes are good option and I can start drinking them again, just need to find a brand that "fits". Some complexes my digestion doesn't like.

Whey in the morning, then afternoon....evening - casein. That's the golden rule. I dont want to gain weight though, just a bit. I am at 178lbs, want to get it to 185 on the lean side. I am lean now. So I only need the maintains proteins. The gains will come slowly. I may add one shake of why early morning. I usually have hard time to swallow anything before 10 AM, so this is a good wake-up routine.

Ali-Iqb93 wrote:I read an article once in the papers that even a properly cooked meat of pig will still cause health problems. You mentioning that you had stomach issues most of your life, so I thought this might be one of the reasons.

Yeah, there are a LOT of information on available on this. But the opinions vary drastically and are heavily influenced. I still think a trial-and-error is the best tool. I prefer ones trustworthy personal experience to studies.

Like wine for example. :P My grand-grand mother lived to be 99 years old. Her routine: Daily glass of red and daily walks. She walked up to 9th floor of her apartment taking the stairs, every day. A real inspiration for me. I think it is a good idea to follow proven diets within your family, I think this is the best source of what may be good for your body.
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Postby Puttu puttuu » Wed, 18 Jul 2012 18:27

My golden diet when training for a marathon was brown rice with chicken and broccoli.

Porridge with honey , dry fruit and eggs.

But most of what Moralspain mentioned is spot on. That chart is perfect.
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