Cyclism... Shave your legs before posting !

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Postby Amazing Matheja » Fri, 13 Jul 2012 22:03

Gaaaaahh !!!... It's the first time since a veeery long time that I can't watch the Tour !... :/ I didn't see any of the Alpes stages...
Just read and watched best of of what happened...
Cadel Evans tried a big attack !... Nice ! Sometimes you have to risk it all to win big... But he failed...
Nibali tried to attack also ? Didn't see the images but that's what I read...

And Di Gregorio ! :D Same defense as Virenque ! "I didn't cheat ! If I did, it was unbeknown to me* !..." :D

* ( = "without my knowlegde of it"... Best translation I could find...)
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Postby Amazing Matheja » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 14:54

It's going to be a superb Time Trial today in the Vuelta !
40 Km long, a beginning for pure "wheelers", then it's more for pure "climbers"*...
Usually I'm not fond of Time Trial, but this one is exciting me a bit ! ^^
Froome can kill the race if he's in his TDF shape (1 minute ?, 2 ?), if not, we can have a fantastic end of Vuelta...

Edit : First "surprise" : Tony Martin out for the win of that stage...

Edit 2 : * Well, more or less... ^^

--> Richie Porte takes the lead !
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Postby Amazing Matheja » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 16:51

Well it was a nice one !
Kessiakov won the stage (didn't really know him), Rodriguez did an awesome job and keeps the Red jersey, Rodriguez, Contador, Froome and Valverde in less than 1' :shock:
(With Contador at 1 sec' of Rodriguez !).
It's been a very long time since I last enjoyed a Time Trial like today ! (89 ? ^^).

Now can't wait for Saturday !...
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Re: Cyclism... Shave your legs before posting !

Postby Amazing Matheja » Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:57

Did you guys read USADA report about Armstrong's way of practicing his sport ?...
It's... wow !... It goes beyond all I have imagined !!!... Lance really trampled all "sport spirit" !!!... I knew he was cheating, but at this level... Wow !... :nono
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Re: Cyclism... Shave your legs before posting !

Postby Moralspain » Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:15

Yep, don't know what to say , not a surprise though, don't know nowadays but in the past everyone had drugs, everyone. Like David Millar explained in a TV program month ago or so, still the most talented riders won because all of them had the same drugs (EPO) so they competed under the same conditions.
In my opinion they were lying to the fans but not to themselves
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Postby Amazing Matheja » Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:30

Mmmh... I don't agree 100% man... From what I've read, and from what I know, Armstrong teams had the best prods... And the brand new way of doping the others didn't have... In the beginning of Armstrong's era, Ferrari, former Gewiss team doctor, worked exclusively for Armstrong teams... Same for Del moral (ex-ONCE, where there was also an organised high level doping programm), and same for Jose "Pepe" Marti (until 2003) or Celaya... Ferrari introduced EPO in cycling in beginning of the 90's, and then pushed the limit to the max with Armstrong exclusively... So it was not fair at all ! Not even between cheaters !
i strongly believe that Armstrong would have never been able to win a race without the newest prod/method... Ullrich was better than him...
EDIT : And don't forget the fact that Armstrong paid UCI's silence ! (I higly doubt others did that... But I guess it's because UCI was higly interested in developping cycling in the USA...)
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Re: Cyclism... Shave your legs before posting !

Postby SlicerITST » Mon, 15 Oct 2012 10:59

Errani and Ferrer have worked with Del Moral. Trust me, cyclism is not the "dirtiest" sport. Officials in other sports just look the other way.

Maybe Nadal's injury is just a silent suspension? Could the UEFA suspend top players like C.Ronaldo without hurting their own income too much?
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Re: Cyclism... Shave your legs before posting !

Postby Moralspain » Mon, 15 Oct 2012 15:05

SlicerITST wrote:Errani and Ferrer have worked with Del Moral. Trust me, cyclism is not the "dirtiest" sport. Officials in other sports just look the other way.

Maybe Nadal's injury is just a silent suspension? Could the UEFA suspend top players like C.Ronaldo without hurting their own income too much?

don't even mention other sports!, you're right, if we check the NBA i can hardly believe there's a "clean" player. NBA players agree to play the World Championship and Olympics only if they don't have to get a blood test.( In 1992 Barcelona, this was the deal, well known for everybody)
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Re: Cyclism... Shave your legs before posting !

Postby JohnCurveo » Mon, 22 Oct 2012 20:11

FIFA and ATP are joke, and this "Quaid" also. So, after several years, now, because amrican doping organitzation, they discover Armstrong is guilty. Come on, they didn't know nothing! this is a **** big joke...

I would like to see ATP making some investigations about doping and betting frauds. Also, Football doping system is a joke, they only take 1 bottle of urine... With that, even a retard can avoid being caught
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