John Curveo

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John Curveo

Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 00:47

John. I'll apolige here on the forum for my over reaction to your religious questioning. Even though I over reacted a touch you where wrong, so whatever don't do it again.
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Re: John Curveo

Postby JohnCurveo » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 08:09

No worries m8, u know it :c

Also i understand
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Re: John Curveo

Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sun, 30 Sep 2012 15:02

Tamthewasp wrote:John. I'll apolige here on the forum for my over reaction to your religious questioning. Even though I over reacted a touch you where wrong, so whatever don't do it again.

what happens??
i don´t followed the forum often in past
normally i never would ask but you bring it to puplic in itst forum ,so i ask .

i liked his thread from JOHN CURVEO :what do you prefer? A$$E$ or B%%BS unfortunatly the thread is closed :shock:

unnecessary cencoring (in my little opinion) .
how can a$$es and b%%BS offend someone ? mean come on ,every boy aged 12 likes B%%BS and A$$ES -

be free -legalize b%%bs and A§§es :lol: :D
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Re: John Curveo

Postby Moralspain » Sun, 30 Sep 2012 16:15

Tamthewasp wrote:John. I'll apolige here on the forum for my over reaction to your religious questioning. Even though I over reacted a touch you where wrong, so whatever don't do it again.

what happens??
i don´t followed the forum often in past
normally i never would ask but you bring it to puplic in itst forum ,so i ask .

i liked his thread from JOHN CURVEO :what do you prefer? A$$E$ or B%%BS unfortunatly the thread is closed :shock:

unnecessary cencoring (in my little opinion) .
how can a$$es and b%%BS offend someone ? mean come on ,every boy aged 12 likes B%%BS and A$$ES -

be free -legalize b%%bs and A§§es :lol: :D

Matthias we have female members that i'm pretty sure don't like this kind of threads, plus one of my "jobs" is to moderate the forum, that's what i did.
"Off topic" doesn't mean -i can post whatever i want-.

Welcome back btw, it's been ages since your last post no?
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Re: John Curveo

Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Mon, 01 Oct 2012 12:51

thx xavi .
yeah,made a longer ITST break -
before i travelled to thailand i wrote a few posts in forum .
but at moment in the itst forum is not much fun , action .how can i say it.... little boring at all.
so in generell i like treads like "WHAT YOU PREFER -B%%BS or A$$ES??????
-i understand your job xavi and you do a good job -but i can´t understand how b%%bs can offend someone .okay you mention the girls here.
okay so first here for our itst girls...... equal rights for all
:D :D

oh my god - now i´m offended from the pics i already posted myself -oh my god.

no problem mate ,just fun .
sometimes i hope that threads got not closed that early .

hey i see you have now a spoiler button here by itst - maybe we duplicate that into a age 18 button :wink: :c
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