Sports drugs.

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Drugs in sports

Total votes : 12

Postby Tamthewasp » Sat, 21 Jan 2012 03:00

coke4 wrote:I find it a bit strange you have no problem with athletes using PED's but have a problem with them using other drugs

Other (recrearional drugs) are,for enjoyment. PED enhance pormance. After their career ends the can play on the magic roundabout all they want.
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Postby MrMackNasty » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 07:42

Really guys? A drug is a drug. Whoever said," I would love to see my heroes be the best they can be" is moronic. They wouldn't be the best they could be. Don't you understand PED's ruin your body and can ruin your life/kill you? It might be all good for a year or 2 but after that the drugs will take a huge toll on your body. People will be overly addicted and it would ruin a bunch of lives. Not just the atheletes themselves, but their family, friends etc.

Drugs should never be legal and theres no arguement, sorry. Even PED's are very addictive, ruin lives, and kill people. So no, I would never want to see PED's legal in sports. I think anyone who is for it doesn't have half a brain, sorry.
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Postby o Sinna o » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 07:44

MrMackNasty wrote:Really guys? A drug is a drug. Whoever said," I would love to see my heroes be the best they can be" is moronic. They wouldn't be the best they could be. Don't you understand PED's ruin your body and can ruin your life/kill you? It might be all good for a year or 2 but after that the drugs will take a huge toll on your body. People will be overly addicted and it would ruin a bunch of lives. Not just the atheletes themselves, but their family, friends etc.

Drugs should never be legal and theres no arguement, sorry. Even PED's are very addictive, ruin lives, and kill people. So no, I would never want to see PED's legal in sports. I think anyone who is for it doesn't have half a brain, sorry.

true absolutely agree. :)
o Sinna o
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Postby maximo » Thu, 26 Jan 2012 01:43

The drugs can lead the sportsmen to obtaining new records, and probably we might see to someone running 100 m under 9 seconds, it would be something incredible, but totally artificial.
The most talented will be the most talented with or without drugs and certainly, in a sport in which all the sportsmen were taking drugs, God would continue disguising itself as Federer to show us how to play tennis.
BTW, are very strict the controls in the NBA or UFC? :roll:
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Thu, 02 Feb 2012 14:52

normally i´m pro drugs
,but to allowing doping in professionell sport is on a different paper
i say definitifly no.
it would be the end of sport like we know him.
than everybody is not winning coz he trained hard ,he win coz he had the better medicament,equipement to bring up better drugs.

to allo9w doping is a bad signal for the kids where start a sport .
be sure that when doping is allowed also kids would use it to become the best.
there are much more points ,

so i say "no drugs in sport
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