I once drove up to a non-drive thru ATM to take money out. Cops saw it and actually approached me with "WTF!!!" mid transaction. Luckily for me, one of the cops was an acquaintance of mine.
Another good one was some 10 years ago, we were going fishing somewhere with some friends. Some 20 friends. 6 cars in total. All the alcohol was in one car, same car I was in. Sometime mid way of a 4 hour trip we decided to enhance our driving experience of interstate 80 with some beer and a joint. Well, 10 minutes after that decision, I see blue/red lights in my mirrors. 3 people in a car, each with a second bottle of beer started and about a half of nice-size joint going around. The next decision was the only rational one to be made at the time - speed up, roll the windows down, finish the joint, finish the beer, stuff a full mouth of whatever gum/candy you have, turn-signal, pull over, act sane and sober.
I think we managed to pull most of it, even the bit about the beers being drunk much earlier while parked, but, when they asked us to open the trunk and take a gander onto the back seat - all hell broke lose. As I was saying, there were about 20 people on this trip, all healthy drinkers and all the alcohol supply for a 3 day trip stored in my vehicle.
...they made us take everything out of the car and start placing the bottles onto the closed truck on my Boneville, a rather large flat surface. When we ran out of room they decided to to place handcuffs on us and lock us on the backseat of their car until the call the center and decide what to do with us. Our explanations of 6 cars and 20 people total where not seriously taken at all, the two officers looked down right scared for their lives. Three guys, with bold heads, talking with an accent, big guys too (I was the shortest at 6'3).
At the end of all this - all 3 of us got tickets to appear in court and were released with all of our alcohol to go our Mary way fishing. Bottom line, there was nothing real they had against us, considering they believed that beers were drank much, much earlier and they had not actually seen us drink them or smoke the joint (it was dark and we were speeding, hence the stop), and the bottles where empty - so no "open container" law applies.
The story is not over though, as we all simply forgot to show up for court date, we were probably busy planing another trip or something.....