Am I too cynical?

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What do you make of this story?

Poll ended at Sat, 19 Nov 2011 00:01

Couldn't really care a less one way or the other
No votes
Really touching story which we could all learn from
No votes
Didn't like it - insincere unrealistic nonsense
When's Family Guy on?
Total votes : 3

Am I too cynical?

Postby beltic caldy » Sat, 12 Nov 2011 00:01

How you react to this story/account...well, perhaps it says something about who you are, or your perspective on life....would be interested in peoples' sincere/honest opinions, as opposed to opinions that might look better......: )

Married or not… you should read this

Happy to share my own opinion once a few replies/votes come in - would like to present as neutral until then :D
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beltic caldy
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Postby emate007 » Sun, 13 Nov 2011 12:52

Link is provocatively titled, but broken.

I would like to contribute to this poll when I know what the hell it's about.
I was effectively teased by your intro.
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Postby beltic caldy » Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:54


no teasing was intended!!!!!

copy/paste this into your browser man: ... -marriage/
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beltic caldy
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sun, 13 Nov 2011 18:56

Tbh I am completely bemused by this...

So when is family guy on?
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:05

I actually just had a read over this. I find it difficult to believe tgis actually happened.
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Postby beltic caldy » Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:54

i found this response to be pretty sharp....: ) ... olls-eyes/
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beltic caldy
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Postby tigerofintegrity » Sun, 13 Nov 2011 23:39

beltic caldy wrote:i found this response to be pretty sharp....: )

I presume that 'critique' is meant to be just a light-hearted joke since it's in the humour section. If that's the case then it's actually not very funny at all, it's more someone being obnoxious than being clever. And if it's supposed to be serious, well that's fine since nobody really listens to a retard anyway. :)

I think where people are missing the point is that it really doesn't matter whether this story is true or not. It never claims to be true, it's just told in a storywise fashion. To me it's kinda more like some sort of bible or fable story with the moral ending. It's a nice read but I wouldn't put too much emphasis on whether it 'really happened or not'.

I think it makes me feel what any clean cut moralistic bible story would me feel, not a lot. It's basically a little short story and I've read it now, great but now moving on to other things.

Probably this is where my cynical side comes in, I'm sure to some people it would feel like some sort of revelation and evoke happy and sad emotions but for me I'd think 'So the moral of the story is to appreciate the little things about being a couple to maintain a relationship. Great well any person with reasonable common sense should already know this and I'm one of those people so this is completely useless to me.'
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Postby kiplaird » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 22:54

well i believe what Tiger is sayin the gospel truth - it just comes down to who or what kind/type of person you are really....
my philosophy is you're either a moaner/whinger or should we just focus on what is good for our own personal souls...?
Na Fek it - LOOK AFTER NUMBER 1 - that's all you need to worry about..!
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