We currently have a mixture of players living in various locations around the world with the majority being based in Europe.
We have noted that when players from different time zones arrange matches there is often confusion over the times. So Player A in Argentina is talking about X time & Player B in Germany is talking about Y time & this can be open to confusion when people use terms like 'we'll meet @XX:XX my time'. Alot of guys don't necessarily know which country their opponent is from so it can make it tough to actually meet.
Therefore from now on please arrange all matches using & quoting Central European Time (CET) only in your PM's regardless of what timezone you are actually in.
Obviously you need to use some common sense, so for example if both players are from the same country & it's not a CET timezone then there is clearly no need to use CET to arrange your match. But for all other situations please only use CET & work out the actual time you need to meet according to your timezone for yourself.
What we want to avoid are PM's between players quoting lots of different times with different timezones. If we all talk in CET in our PM's then the risk of confusion is lessened considerably we hope.
I hope this is clear to all but please feel free to ask if you need any further explanation.