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Postby VillaJ100 » Wed, 23 Nov 2011 02:16

Hello all! Would like to say hi and say why (if anyone noticed) i have been away for so long. Basically, the day of my last post before this one, i played a practice set with a friend at a clay court near where i live. Its autumn, and in pretty bad shape, but it was sunny so we give it a go.

Big mistake. Some moss had begun to grow in no-mans land and while stepping backwards my foot buckled and i held out a arm to stop myself... me now its unlikely i will play tennis properly again, the bone is too mashed and it will take months to heal properly, because the bone is covered with cartilage and gets next to no blood supply. (if anyone had happy stories of coming back, let me know!).

In some sort of denial rage i literally cut everything tennis related out of my life, including here, probably to make it easier to deal with or something. Anyway, today i saw some fed-nadal by accident, and realised that i just couldn't stay away from the game. So i thought i would pop by!

I would also like to sincerely apologize to the management team, hosts and players who i abandoned. if i was going to go off in some lame strop/depression then i should have finished my duties first and not run off like a girl scout. I'm really sorry for any damaged schedules and inconvienices it might have caused. And i hope everyone is well!

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Postby DarkTunde » Wed, 23 Nov 2011 03:43

My goodness, that sounds like a horrible injury VillaJ. :nono

Sorry, to hear about it - especially the possibility of not playing tennis. That said, keep your head and chin up. As you know, people have made recoveries from bad injuries and returned to their sport.

Stay positive, and take it slow and steady. :)
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 23 Nov 2011 17:42

Wow man. I really feel for you. :(

If you want a "feel good story" I have one for you. Granted, it is not a hand injury, they are worse for tennis, but it is a rather serious one. I had a complete tear of ACL, nice size tear in MCL in my right knee and meniscus was all messed up. I had a BIG guy land on my back when playing basketball. We both jumped for a rebound, I got the ball and landed first. He landed second and momentum carried him over my back. My knee snapped and when all the way backwards.

I had to have a surgery. I was told that there is a chance of me not being able to bend my knee after the surgery. Recovery was over a year. The doctor said I have to forget about sports, let alone tennis. My knee was not stable enough, it would "give in" if I tried to rotate it even a little bit and I would fall down, like a broken toy or something. I walk forward just fine, but side stepping or rotating at the knee would trigger my brain to shut down the knee muscles and I would fold.

I am now a shadow of a player that I used to be, but I am no pushover. Through excise and sheer determination I have learned to move and to balance myself differently. I am now capable to play, keep up and beat 5.0 players. My forehand is better then ever. I used to be a SV player, but had to develop a baseline game more....and so I did. I may not have a great starting speed, but am rather fast and can out run many on the court. By backhand is my trouble spot. The mechanics of that stroke doesn't let me completely to shift the balance off that right knee and distribute it correctly and even though my knee is now very stable (muscles around it developed and take the load now) and the last time my knee "gave in" was years ago, it is still tough to get set-up for that BH. If I have time I do just fine, but when rushed I am forced to slice more then I want to.

Bottom line, if you want to play - you can play. You may not be the same player, but that doesn't mean you cannot be successful and enjoy Tennis. You will have to adapt, change, but that can be fun (even if frustrating) if you like the challenge.

Man, I am glad to see you back. I wish you fast recovery, both, physically and mentally.
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Thu, 24 Nov 2011 20:08

Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery. I hope this will turn out to be one of those cases where the doctors say one thing, and the result is the complete opposite (i.e. you playing tennis again).

Good to see you on the forum's though! :wink:
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Postby emate007 » Fri, 25 Nov 2011 00:15

Major bummer man. I wish you all the best
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Postby VillaJ100 » Fri, 25 Nov 2011 04:43

Cheers guys for your words, this means a lot.
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Fri, 25 Nov 2011 20:14

wow villa , this sounds really for a horrible injuring . puhhhhh
its really nice to hear you feel better.
i had a few years in past a horrible bike crash . . i needed more than one year till i drived a bike again . but since that time i drive different .healthy is the most important thing !!

so i know how you feel

welcome back mate , and a good time in life -you are allways welcome
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