It is with great sadness that I bring to your attention that Cro Morgan has left the management team due to personal reasons. He could no longer combine things that where happening in his life with ITST. We are of course quite sadden by this news.
Cro Morgan has been very important for ITST in the past few years. He has been writing the news almost non-stop for several years. He also joined the management team during this period. Starting as senior host going all the way up to the ITST Manager position. Without him ITST would not be where it is today.
We really have no choice then to move on though. This period is very busy for us and we need an organisation that is able to handle the workload thrown at us. That is why there will be a few changes in Management structure of ITST that I want to bring to your attention.
Me (floris) and Djarvik (Al) will both assume the role of ITST Manager. To help us out we decided to expand the Senior Host team. Besides Moralspain, Rob ITST and Sherlock 117 will now be part of the Senior Host team.
We also had to make some changes to the news writing team. Of course Fedfan will continue to be part of this team and provide us with news. We are very happy that TomBs has agreed to join the team. You will be seeing a lot of articles from these two guys concerning ITST tournaments in the very near future. In this light i would like to stress to everyone to keep sending in detailed match reports. Only this way our news reporters are able to report in detail on tournaments.
I would like to end this announcement with a special thanks to Cro Morgan for all the time and energy he spent in taking ITST to what it is today.