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how tall are you?

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5 "-5'3"
Or are you a freak of nature and be pointed at by kids
Total votes : 37

Re: Height.

Postby DennieFR1908 » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 17:14

djarvik wrote:Well, I am not sure what the definition of "very" flexible is, but I am rather flexible for my height. Would I like to be more flexible? ...who wouldn't.

DennieFR1908 wrote:You have a big serve btw?

Yes. Big serve, I can place both very well too. I can kick and slice them as well. Big forehand too. I am from the old school of tennis, no grinding for me. I either hit an error or a winner. I play a lot of SV too.

Cool style man. I was an allround baseliner before I quitted. Big Backhand, playing down the line was my speciality and my forehand was 5-10% less. Weaknesses where my serve and volleys, I was a pure baseliner.. I'm kinda jelous at ppl who can serve and volley very well. Sadly I wasted my tennis 'career'.
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Re: Height.

Postby djarvik » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 17:15

Sadly I wasted my tennis 'career'.

What did you play?
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Re: Height.

Postby DennieFR1908 » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 17:19

I wasn't special or something. I was 17 when I quitted tennis, at the time my rating was 5 for singles. Don't know if that means anything where you live though. But I was getting better fast at that time since my fysiek was improving at that age and I even started to beat 3 players on the training. Sadly I got that injury and my lifestyle started changing so eventually I never got higher then 5. 7 years later now...
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Re: Height.

Postby djarvik » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 17:28

I mean did you play on Junior tour? At 17 you could have/should have played Futures and Challenger as well. I played them at 14-18.
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Re: Height.

Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 17:29

DennieFR1908 wrote:I wasn't special or something. I was 17 when I quitted tennis, at the time my rating was 5 for singles. Don't know if that means anything where you live though. But I was getting better fast at that time since my fysiek was improving at that age and I even started to beat 3 players on the training. Sadly I got that injury and my lifestyle started changing so eventually I never got higher then 5. 7 years later now...

Poor wee baba. Let's start an appeal for DenniS could have been a pro footballer and a pro tennis player.
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Re: Height.

Postby Corbon » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 20:32

To Djarvik or anyone else.

Is there an "ideal" height range for playing tennis? At which point does a tennis player become too short or too tall so that it might hamper his gameplay. I am aware that very tall and comparably small players like Delpo 6'6 and Ferrer 5'9 can be very successful but these are rather exceptions. Or otherwise asked, if you were to be a successful tennis player without a particular playing style, how tall would you want yourself to be?
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Re: Height.

Postby Moralspain » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 21:10

Federer, Nadal, Sampras: 185cm :D :D , seriously speaking, only a biomechanical analysis could tell
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Re: Height.

Postby Corbon » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 21:47

I figured it would be around 6'1-6'2. Djokovic, Sampras or Federer are genetically blessed :)

BTW Nadal is smaller than Fed, I don't know why his ATP profile says 185cm :wink:
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Re: Height.

Postby Moralspain » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 22:32

Corbon wrote:BTW Nadal is smaller than Fed, I don't know why his ATP profile says 185cm :wink:

:D He is definetely 185cm, i've stood next to him :wink:
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Re: Height.

Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 18 Sep 2012 22:52

Moralspain wrote:
Corbon wrote:BTW Nadal is smaller than Fed, I don't know why his ATP profile says 185cm :wink:

:D He is definetely 185cm, i've stood next to him :wink:

:angry :tu YOU ARE NADAL
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Re: Height.

Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 19 Sep 2012 12:10

djarvik wrote:I mean did you play on Junior tour? At 17 you could have/should have played Futures and Challenger as well. I played them at 14-18.

Up to my 15/16th I played regional junior tournaments close to my home city, and after that I played regional senior tournaments in categorie 6 and 5. Don't even know how these tournaments have been called tbh, my mind wasn't busy with that I just played for fun.. I know some things about the pro tour and I know you also have Futures and Challangers and if thats what you mean you must be really good but I don't know what it was that I played tbh if those tournaments even had a title.
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Re: Height.

Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 19 Sep 2012 12:11

Corbon wrote:I figured it would be around 6'1-6'2. Djokovic, Sampras or Federer are genetically blessed :)

Thank you 8)
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Re: Height.

Postby JohnCurveo » Thu, 20 Sep 2012 00:15

I played a future, here on Vic (near Barcelona). I smashed 2 racquets that day. :lol:
I had a "big" serve with "big" forehand, but i think my style was not apreccaited here those days. Also my character was/is not the best to play tennis :stupd
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Re: Height.

Postby SteyololBANNED » Sun, 02 Dec 2012 03:15

I am a little tennis player at 5'3/5'4 mark.

Its true what they say about, height effecting serve and volley. But I can play at the net when I choose to do it becuase I work at my volleys, but my serve isn't as strong as some of the tall players or as powerfull. But I make up for lack of serve with some of the best movement on court possible.

Footwork is possibly the strongest aspect for a shorter player, as well as acceleration and court coverage making defending really an easy aspect of the game if that's the style you want to play with (I dont)

The ideal height to play tennis is about 5'9 to 6 feet. In my opinion :D
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