The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby Rob ITST » Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:51

JohnCurveo wrote:Realistic doesn't mean better.

I think to most people here (including myself), realism is the only thing that matters. I don't care if I'm controlling stick-men, as long as the controls and physics are well done.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby eliomelma » Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:56

JohnCurveo wrote:C4ill, with all my respect, i repeat myself, i think your annoying as hell.

Fifa has taken 10 years to be at such a level of realism... TE as well : in 2009-2010 it began to be a great tennis game. As Fifa, it's now not far from perfection

This just defines why im discussing. Comparing Fifa with TE. I have nothing more to say. Just... laugh.
U say Fifa is almost perfection. But with your terms (anything but gameplay), ISS for the N64 is the best football game ever created.

I never said TE is not realistic, also the opposite, i said "great gameplay". What i said is Top Spin is better game. Is an arcade-sim game, so? Realistic doesn't mean better. If i want to play with my friends, u think i will play TE? I should recommend to people that never played a tennis game TS4 or TE? and the most important question, u think a completly realistic tennis game is fun to play? For who? Top spin with TE gameplay would be a completly disaster for 2K. TE is an "amateur game", created to satisfy some people. Top Spin is a game created by one of the most important company of the world of gaming to satisfy a way more big target. They are not on the same league.

"they totally agree on that and they got better results than the PS3 Tour that you will ever have", im playing itst since 5 months and they played almost 1 and a half year. But...if they are better, doesn't mean nothing. No need to talk about me when ure defending TE.

watch a real tennis match for like 10 minutes on youtube (Fed vs Djoko or things like that).

I prefer to see tennis live, like on Basel final of 2009, 2010, 2011 and perhaps 2012.

What irritates me is over-exagerating with TE. But ok, Tennis Elbow is better game than TS4. Im tired of talking about this. Not gonna say anything else.

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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby djarvik » Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:00

Rob ITST wrote:
JohnCurveo wrote:Realistic doesn't mean better.

I think to most people here (including myself), realism is the only thing that matters. I don't care if I'm controlling stick-men, as long as the controls and physics are well done.

Amen to that.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby VMoe86 » Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:04

The right term is "Indie Game", not "Amateur Game". Even though I also had a good laugh over "TS4 is a way better game than TE" (just typing it gives me a wide smile :p), but JohnCurveo really cannot make his points clear.

Maybe he should not have used the term "game" in that comparison, but rather have said that TS4 as a whole package is a better entertainment product for a wider audience. The real tennis fans, to my impression the core of ITST, obviously value great and realistic gameplay higher than other aspects of a tennis game. Therefore it is no surprise to see those preferring TE. His whole point was not about gameplay, but about other aspects.

It's no secret that games tend to have far more "casual" aspects than they had a couple of years ago (all genres). This is because publishers target a wider audience, to make more profit. If it means sacrifying depth in gameplay, they'll do it. This is the reason why TS4 tour is dying.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby JohnCurveo » Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:32

Its funny how i start saying crap about top spin and i end defending the game and being crushed by everyone :lol:
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:36

Like someone said before that top spin 4 has completed it's time. It came out, gained popularity, ITST sign ups reached its peak, now game getting older=sign ups falling. No big deal. Same has happened with other top spin games. Sign ups decreasing doesn't mean that TE is better than top spin 4. Although I don't deny that TE may have a better gameplay than TS4 but during it's peak TS4 gained sign ups more than any other game. Even still massive players play world tour and 2k open. So all this argument that TE better than TS4 and TS4 tour dying because of TE doesn't make sense. TS4 tour of ITST is dying but TS4 as a game outside ITST isn't dying
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby Cro Morgan » Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:41

The beauty of TE is the game can be modified -- by the gamers themselves. If something is troubling/unrealistic/not fun - you can change it. This adds years and years and years to the life of a game. Not true of TS4. What you have now is what you're gonna have forever. Kinda like being married. :P
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby Tamthewasp » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 01:15

Chill out boys, play nice. This was never meant to be about what game is better because TE is fully customisable making it much more attractive to our community, it's great for the site.

Will the topspin 4 end up being stopped? How many sign ups is not enough to continue the tour? Is this on the minds of the management yet?

I will play TE i. The new year most likely but 2k fecked us big time and i may be wrong but wont ts5 be a ps4 release?
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby Cro Morgan » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 04:30

Tamthewasp wrote:Will the topspin 4 end up being stopped? How many sign ups is not enough to continue the tour? Is this on the minds of the management yet?

Top Spin games are the bread and butter of the ITST. As we have with past editions of Top Spin, we'll run her into the ground (i.e. will continue to host/support until the release of TS5).
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby C4iLL » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 10:58

You're totally right on one thing John : TS4 is far better for a guy who just ant to play a tennis game for one hour. Its target is the casual as I said, and in this domain, it's by far the BEST. Te can really be hardcore for some people.

Some guys indeed catch directly the gameplay while some people don't understand it, get frustrated and stopped it (it's maybe your case ?).

When I talked about your level, it's because I just point out the fact the best TS4 players admit the tactical aspect of TS4 is ridiculous in comparaison with TE ; and if the opinion come from the top players, it's more relevant.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby JohnCurveo » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 14:16

Maybe he should not have used the term "game" in that comparison, but rather have said that TS4 as a whole package is a better entertainment product for a wider audience.

A game is to entertain. This is not cinema. I don't understand your point here. Fifa is better than Pro and EA gain more money. That's the gaming industry. You game is better, u win more money.
U said u lauch because u read "Top Spin is way better than TE", u lauch because someone thinks some game is better than other? I though this communty is more mature than WOW-GOW, PRO-PES, BAT-COD and many others.

I think to most people here (including myself), realism is the only thing that matters. I don't care if I'm controlling stick-men, as long as the controls and physics are well done.

Realistic in which way? If u have a game with great animations and graphics but poor gameplay, and a game with poor animations and graphics but good gameplay. Why A is better than B? B cannot be better than A? When i said realistic i was talking about gameplay. But there are different ways to say something is realistic.

Some guys indeed catch directly the gameplay while some people don't understand it, get frustrated and stopped it (it's maybe your case ?).

I played the game just 5 hours. I stopped because i don't like amateur (when i say amateur it means games made by the people) games, and i have to play almost 4 games at same time plus my strange i don't like to play computer games :mrgreen:

TE is a beautiful game for tennis fans, im sure, i didn't say the opposite. Also it's beautiful to see this great TE community. But i don't like the game. That's all. And i think TS4 is better than TE.

Saying things like "people don't play the game because it's too hard (xd)", ure despising people that plays other tennis games. I can say some people don't play the game because graphics and animations are from 2000's. And they opinion is as respectable as yours.

I'm tired of you C4ill, just because when u talk it seems if u play Top spin, ure not a tennis fan or u don't know about tennis. And if u play TE, ure knowledge about tennis is way higher. TE and Top Spin are different games. No need to compare.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby L Sanchez MD » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 14:51

Topspin 4 is a casual arcade game with nice graphics and animations.
TE is a great simulation game with poor graphics and animations.

If you're happy playing short crosscourt forehand rallies for an entire match, play TS4. If you're playing with your mates, play TS4. If you play tennis in real life, and want a game that is similar to real tennis, play TE.

TS4 was great fun, and I await TS5, but after playing TE, going back to it feels like you're controlling a tanker lorry instead of a player, and you can't position your shots where you want. The movement is really really slow and scripted (which is how they're able to have the nice animations). It's just incredibly frustrating to play, once you've played the better game (TE) for a while.

TS still looks nice, and it's still fun for casual play, but it's not satisfying for more than that. I think everyone agrees TS3 was the way better game.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby djarvik » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 15:15


you voiced your opinion, others voiced theirs. No one is "acting crazy" as you say, they actually do the same exact thing you do. I don't think flaunting the fact that you are a game-tester doing you any justice here, on this forum, in fact the opposite maybe true, it makes you indirectly responsible for all the garbage games the industry puts out as of late and how they screw the consumer out of their money regularly, in my honest opinion.

You are looking at the subject more from a "spectator" point of view, rather then a "player-participator". Sorta like judging the wrapper of a candy but not the taste of it - sure you can touch the wrapper, look it it, unfold it, fold it, place it from one hand into another, and the wrapper may even influence your brain to a degree, causing you to like the candy more, but in a blind taste - you would prefer the candy that truly taste good, without the "wrapper" influence. Or preferring a restaurant with a fancy setting to the one with great tasting food, the "feeling" being able to afford and participate in such restaurants mask the food taste for your brain most times. There tons of studies on this, this is not a guess, rather a consensus.

This is the way the masses think, most of the people out there "operate" the same way. And indeed for them, this is "it", this is the "substance" the "pinnacle" and indeed there is nothing wrong with that.

To me, one of the key components of a game is interaction. The lasting appeal of a "wrapper" is rather short, the major game developers realized that a while back and started to concentrate their effort there. It is "perfect" formula, a person buys the game, he is thrilled with it for about 9 month, then he gets tired and buys a new version/or game, thus pumping more funds into industry. It is a machine meant to capitalize on this.
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 15:19

Gameplay doesn't even matters when a new game is released. Everyone looks at the graphics and animations. In other way "presentation" of the game is all that matters to most of the people. When you recommend someone to play a game, people will look how good is the animation and graphics, no one will ask that what is gameplay. TE sucks in terms of graphics but its gameplay may be great. TS4 has nice animations n graphics. Just take away that flat short cross control control shot, timing of the shots should have been the key. "too soon" timing should go to net, "too late" timing should have gone out of court and then ts4 would have been better than any game and very much realistic
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Re: The death of topsin n the rise of TE...

Postby costiiforzaa » Fri, 26 Oct 2012 15:41

I didn't read all your comments, maybe 1-2 from the start of the topic, but I stopped doing this, because all this topic is ridicilous! A lot of rock'n'roll bulgarian fans are against the Bulgarian pop folk music, so there is a great dispute between this two styles from the beginning of Pop folk music. So one of the very wise person in Bulgaria said: "I don't think that by dishonour another music style, you are making your style better. To be your style better that the other one, just make it more popular". ;)

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