Rob ITST wrote:
Q Reese came the closest of all who dared try - but with only 67 posts to go, fate intervened, and no one has heard from him again.
thanks god /jehova/whoeva for this.
the devil is dead
Rob ITST wrote:
Now, at a pace that would make Mama Reese proud, Djarvik is closing in on the hallowed Level 10. At his current rate of 8.44 posts/day, he will reach Level 10 on November 12th. Does he dare tempt fate even further, increase his intensity, and reach Level 10 on 11/11/11?
i´m 100%sure AL will reach LEVEL10 much earlier.
suppose so at 31 december 2011
go DJARVIK ,show us that you are the one and only level 10 edberg
congrats ROB for reaching level 7 edberg

maybe one day i m a LEVEL 7 EDBERG too.