New Member - Question on Schedule Match & Procedure

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New Member - Question on Schedule Match & Procedure

Postby Tennis_Maestro » Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:22

Dear ITST Team,

Thank you for accepting my application to participate on a rather intersting forum.

I have to questions as I new in the site:

1. When you arranging with someone to play a match and the players do not agree as to the time and the day of the match, what is happening?

2. How do I find the other player to play the match? I have ps3, do I add him as a friend, I select the venue and then I invite him to play? What is the actual process?

3. Are the actual name in the ITST website the same with the nick names of the people in the psnetwork?

Thank you for your time.

Posts: 1
Joined: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 13:37
Location: Athens

Re: New Member - Question on Schedule Match & Procedure

Postby Cro Morgan » Mon, 04 Mar 2013 15:44

Hi Yannis, welcome to the ITST.

Tennis_Maestro wrote:1. When you arranging with someone to play a match and the players do not agree as to the time and the day of the match, what is happening?

First, with regard to the proper way to schedule a match, have a look at this thread:


If you follow these guidelines, you'll have a much greater chance of successfully scheduling and playing your match.

If the match remains unplayed when the deadline arrives, a "No Match " will be issued if A) both players genuinely attempted to play but couldn't due to work and/or time differences, or B) neither player showed any interest in playing (no messages sent, etc). If one player shows a greater interest in playing, he will likely receive a walkover (free pass) into the next round.

Tennis_Maestro wrote:1. How do I find the other player to play the match? I have ps3, do I add him as a friend, I select the venue and then I invite him to play?

Pretty much, yes.

Tennis_Maestro wrote: Are the actual name in the ITST website the same with the nick names of the people in the psnetwork?

Sometimes. Not always. When you send a PM (private message) to your opponent, give him your PSN id. Ask for his.

A few other things:

A host can only verify messages sent via the ITST forum (private messages). When scheduling your match, use PM's. If you communicate only via PSN you will have no chance of receiving a walkover should the match not be played.

If you have any other questions, post them here. Lots of people willing to help.
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