World Team Tennis (Potential) Rules

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World Team Tennis (Potential) Rules

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Wed, 05 Sep 2012 04:32

A lot of you have shown great interest in starting this tour. So along with input from SlicerITST, Tamthewasp, Jayb1988 and G. Dimitrov, I've formulated a potential rule system and I'd really appreciate your feedback. This concerns, players on Xbox, PS3 and PC TE players! Thanks!

World Team Tennis Rules


The captain of a team probably has the most responsibility. The captain is responsible for setting up match schedules for home games, and matching players to play away games. The captain corresponds with each member of his/her team to ensure each member is aware of scheduling, scheduling changes (if any) and that deadlines are met promptly. A captain can be from any gaming format, Top Spin 4 or Tennis Elbow 2011 and from any console, PS3, Xbox360, or PC. A captain can choose to play no more than two matches on any console. For instance, if a captain represents Tennis Elbow, he/she can schedule the first two matches to be Tennis Elbow matches. Captains may confer with the team to suggest the schedule layout however, it is ultimately the captain’s decision in which order the matches will be played. Captains are encouraged to be fair and patient. Captains are indeed allowed to play in tournaments. . If for any reason a captain cannot or does not wish to continue serving as captain for his/her team, the team will vote for its new captain and alert management of the change.


The captain informs hosts of match schedules no later than two days prior to playing a round, otherwise a default schedule is used. . No more than two matches of the same, console, game or gender class can be scheduled consecutively, meaning if the first two matches are Xbox, then the next match cannot be Xbox. If the first two matches are Men’s Singles, then the next match scheduled will be for Women’s Singles. Captains are to ensure that each member of their team has an opportunity to play. For example, if in the first tournament, a captain has scheduled two Xbox matches first, then PS3, then Tennis Elbow, he is to put the last scheduled match from the previous tournament first, when making the schedule for the next tournament. In this case, a Tennis Elbow match would be placed first on the schedule.

Playing Matches

Top Spin 4 matches will be the best of 2 full sets and a Super-tiebreaker for the final set (if needed). Tennis Elbow matches will be the best 2 of 3 sets. Each member will receive a match schedule from his/her captain. A player has two weeks to complete his/her match once scheduled. Even though a player has won a match, the format of the schedule determines if his/her team has an overall win, meaning, if an Xbox360 (WS) match was scheduled to be played last but the players from each team has completed the match, the Xbox360 (WS) match will not be factored in until the previous matches scheduled have been played. Teams are encouraged to have all matches completed, and the format of the home captain’s schedule that was submitted prior to the tournament, will ultimately decide the winner of the entire round. If there is only one player on a team for each genre (Xbox360, TE, PS3), and the schedule calls for two consecutive matches to be played on one gaming format, that player may play twice, unless there is an alternate player who plays on the same format.

Scoring Points

Points are won in each match. During a round in a tournament both teams, losing and winning are eligible to win points. For instance, a match is played on TE, the AWAY team wins 6-2 6-4. The AWAY team for that match will be awarded 12 points because 6 games were won in each set, and the opposing HOME team will receive 6 points for winning 2 in the first set and 4 in the second set for that round. If any match goes more than two sets, only the winner of the final set will receive the points earned for his/her team. The loser of the final set of any match does not receive points.


If a player is scheduled to play a match but does not feel he/she can play within the time given, the captain may substitute that player with an alternate in the same genre. If there is no alternate available to play in the scheduled player’s position, the team will lose that particular match by default. If a Tennis Elbow match is scheduled to be played and the player in position cannot play for any reason, only a Tennis Elbow player can be substituted in his/her position. This will be the same rule for ALL gaming genres, including Xbox360 and PS3. In a Top Spin 4 match, if a player is scheduled to play a match and does not have a created player specific to the gender required for the match, he/she may substitute using ONLY two skilled Pro players provided in the game. Male pros would be Tomic and Lendl and female pros would be Zvonareva and Bouchard.


Each team will select a home court. This should be the same court for each gaming format. If a team selects clay as their home court then each match at home will be played on that clay court and so on. It is possible for two or more teams to choose the same court, though there are many courts to choose from. Choosing a court should be a team effort and not completely left up to any one individual. For the first of these World Team Tennis games, the HOME and AWAY teams will be chosen randomly thereafter, HOME and AWAY games will alternate. If your first tournament was an AWAY game, then your next tournament will be at HOME.


Teams are made up of at least four players, this includes the captain. Each team must have at least one Xbox player, one Tennis Elbow player, one PS3 player, and a captain that plays on either console. The team is responsible for completing each scheduled match within the time allotted for each tournament. A team collectively chooses their home court venue, logo and team name. Teams may also choose team colors or specific clothing for players to wear during tournaments. Ultimately, the job of the team is to encourage each other during these games. Team unity is key in succeeding in this type of tour. If for any reason a team member chooses not to continue with his/her particular team, the player must inform the captain, the captain will then alert management to have that team member removed from that team’s roster. Remember, there is no “I” in team. Each member of every team is equally important.

Anchor and the Tier System

Reaching the top of the tier is the ultimate goal for each team. The team with the highest amount of overall points will obviously be placed at the top of the tier. The team with the lowest amount of points will be at the bottom of the tier. The advantage for the higher ranked team is for one match during a tournament, the points are doubled. The only rule for doubling points is the Captain must submit the particular match for which points should be doubled BEFORE the tournament begins and not after. The advantage for the teams ranked lower on the tier is that during any tournament, after rankings are calculated, if a team is ahead by 2 matches, for only one match, the captain can call in the team’s anchor. The Anchor is usually the most skilled player on the team and may even be the captain. The Anchor can be used by any team NOT at the top of the tier. The Anchor can be substituted for the 3rd and 5th matches of the tournament. The Anchor is called on to get a team out of a jam if they’re down 0-2 or settled a tie at 4-4. Calling in the Anchor is the ONLY time a schedule can be changed during a tournament.
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Postby costiiforzaa » Wed, 05 Sep 2012 11:42

Great rules! So when is going to be open the registration? When the registration is open I'll form my team. :)
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Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Wed, 05 Sep 2012 14:25

G.Dimitrov (BUL) wrote:Great rules! So when is going to be open the registration? When the registration is open I'll form my team. :)

Let's hope REALLY SOON! :lol:
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Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Thu, 06 Sep 2012 15:39 are some questions I've been getting as far as the rules go for WTT...


Can a member of a team play on two or more consoles?
Yes. Having a member that plays on two or more consoles ensures your team will have an interchangeable alternate.

Can a member of a team be scheduled to play more than two matches in a tournament?
No. If a member has already played two matches during a tournament, he/she should not be scheduled to play until the next tournament.

What is the role of the Anchor?
The Anchor is usually the most skilled player of the team. He/She can be scheduled to play any match but is typically depended on for the 3rd match match if for a needed tiebreaker at 2-2. Use your Anchor wisely. Anchors should be established early on and submitted with team rosters.

How many members should each team have?
A team should consist of at least 4 members and no more than 8 maximum.

Is it possible to play on more than one team if you play on a different console?
No. If you've committed to a team, then you cannot play for another team.

Can a member be added to a team during a tournament?

No. A team roster has to be turned in to the host at least two days prior to the tournament. Players may only be added before the roster submission or after a tournament is over.

Is it possible to schedule all Men's/Xbox/PS3/TE matches for a tournament?
No. There can be no match of the same style played more than twice in a sequence...Meaning if the first two matches scheduled are Men's Singles, the third scheduled match must be Women's Singles. If the first two matches are Tennis Elbow, then the next match has to be either played on Xbox or PS3. Remember, if for the first tournament, Men's Singles is the first scheduled match, then for the second tournament, Women's Singles is scheduled first. If Tennis Elbow is the first scheduled match of the first tournament, then PS3 or Xbox is scheduled scheduled first in the second tournament.

Who schedules the matches?
The HOME Captain is in charge of scheduling each match. The HOME Captain submits the schedule to the AWAY (opposing) team's Captain before submitting the roster and schedule to the tournament host. The HOME Captain does not include the name of the player playing the matches to the AWAY captain, ONLY the console of the scheduled match. The name of the scheduled player is only submitted to the host by both Captains.

Please pm me any more questions you may have. Thanks guys!
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