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New Registered User

Postby Corbon » Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:57


after reading this forum shortly after getting TS4 for PS3 I finally decided to register because there's always something to say :) I think it was the wonderful Top4 Calculator that drew my attention.

About me...

I'm from Germany, in my mid 30's I and have been playing tennis games and watching tennis since the mid 80's. Before the Becker boom there wasn't a huge interest in the sport here but Wimbledon '85 changed everything. And that was only the start, before Steffi owning everyone. Game-wise it was Match Point on C64 that got me into the game. I would also play the crap out of Nintendo Tennis and Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour on SNES.

Not much happened after that, I was focused on job and turned into a WoW addict for 3 1/2 years (thankfully cured). I sorta lost interest when all the players from the 80's like Lendl, Becker, Edberg, Wilander started disappearing. I did follow Sampras until the end though but kinda missed the early Federer craze. It was the Federer-Nadal rivalry that got me into tennis again. And when I read all the rave reviews about TS4 I decided to pick it up. My first TS game, not counting earlier, short rentals.

Overall I would give it an 8.5/10. In some aspects it's nearly perfect but in other's there still a lot of room for improvement, especially the LCD Soundsystem :P The graphical presentation is excellent though.

I consider myself a lousy online player but I've been switching from Normal to Professional CPU in Career Mode (WTA) and I have yet to lose a match after 2 years in.

Now excuse me skimming through the boards.


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Posts: 1735
Joined: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:37
Location: Germany

Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 28 Nov 2011 08:48

Welcome Corbon good to see another Jimmy Connors Tennis lover here :lol: That game's awesome man...

Anyways have fun, there's a lot of others from Germany here too in case you were wondering
Posts: 9242
Joined: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 15:25

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