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Postby JimmyMc1311 » Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:26

Hey guys, I've just completed my second tournament and will start my 3rd one on Monday.
Can anyone tell me when I will get a ranking? I keep hoping to see my name on the rankings board (even if it's at the bottom!) but can't see it yet.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Couldn't see the answer for this anyplace else so apologies if the answer is around!
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Postby Moralspain » Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:39

Hello Jimmy and welcome aboard.

It's true you've played 2 tournaments so far (SA Tennis and Helibron both for PS3), but they're still in progress, so once they're finished you'll get your points and finally find your name on the list :D
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