by Cro Morgan » Wed, 26 Jan 2011 19:34
An update...
Since Djarvik took on the role of Senior Host in June, his responsibilities have slowly morphed into those closer to that of management. He has been helping both Slicer and myself in the adopting of policy, creation of tournaments, monitoring the forum, promoting the site, torturing cheesers, etc., etc. All considered, at this point, it's only fitting that Djarvik (officially) be given the title of the job he currently holds.
As "Assistant Manager," Djarvik's ITST duties will remain the same - though he will carry a bit more clout (and keys to the ITST liquor cabinet). In short, you won't notice a world of difference.
In any event, and needless to say, we're very happy to have Djarvik's time, energy and knowledge in our corner.