Lately there have been some pictures posted that are too big for the normal size of the forum. We dont mind that these pictures where posted but big sized pictures can be very annoying. Mainly because posts underneath these pictures become stretch which basically means you have to scroll sideways to read the post.
Thats why we would like to ask you to use thumbnails from now on if you picture exceeds 640x480 pixels. Also, if you see that your signature is stretching the forum sideway think about altering the size of your signature.
How to convert your pictures into thumbnails?
Its actually quite easy. If you upload a picture to a uploading site like imageshack or photobucket you also get a thumbnail link besides the normal picture link. Just post the thumbnail link on here between IMG tags ().
These thumbnails will give the viewer a good idea what the picture is about but details will become invisible. To solve this just make the picture a link by putting the normal picture link in an URL tag.
So the final code would look something like this (but without the () in the tags):