I think the game is pretty fun to play so far. Power in particular seems to be too good, while stamina/serve don't seem to do enough.
I have 2 characters so far. A S&Ver and a counterpuncher of sorts
- S&Ver actually feels really fun to play. His only problem is that the power players can power through every shot regardless of positioning and stamina. So even when I think I have them on the run and reaching for the ball, they can hit a blistering winner by me or a really angled 100 MPH shot that puts me in a losing spot. He can't rally for shit and with all the power coming at him even chip and charge your opponent's serve is very difficult

- Counter puncher. Now I wanted to replicate my all rounder from TS4 but did things a lil bit different. He was an allrounder at first, lol, infact he was an exact replica of my TS4 character but the power game was just too much for him to handle so I respecced. Now he's a bit more heavy on strokes and reflex. Running with Wrong foot expert, crushing passing shot, and inside out master. I actually wanted to use Reach swings expert, approach shot expert, and topspin invasion but you really can't proc reach swings expert on shots cause most points end in outright winners from all the power coming at you. You also can't approach the net either cause everything is just power blasted back at you. So went with wrong foot, inside out, and crushing instead. Super fun build to play as well.
What are you guys thoughs on the game so far?