TE new tips,correct playstyle?What way Te is taking?

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TE new tips,correct playstyle?What way Te is taking?

Postby eliomelma » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 18:45

I made this video because i will show new tips that take off realism to this beautiful game. I included in this video only 2 drop shots-lobs (total 10-15 with 100% points won) and some returns of my opponent that positioned himself in the middle and could reach the ball always.I think that to avoid the lost of realism of this fantastic game, something must be done.....In a week i saw 2 new tips......
What do you think?
Algo, do you still think that is a correct and realistic tactic?:wink:

Last edited by eliomelma on Sun, 02 Sep 2012 22:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TE new tips,correct playstyle?What way Te is taking?

Postby costiiforzaa » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 18:58

eliomelma wrote:I made this video because i will show new tips that take off realism to this beautiful game. I included in this video only 2 drop shots-lobs (total 10-15 with 100% points won) and some returns of my opponent that positioned himself in the middle and could reach the ball always.I think that to avoid the lost of realism of this fantastic game, something must be done.....In a week i saw 2 new tips......
What do you think?
Algo, do you still think that is a correct and realistic tactic?:wink:

Drop shot+lob must be ban! Maybe one-two times in match to be use - because it can happen.. lol.. I never had seen drop host+lob in real tennis. Maybe at every 100 matches there is 1 drop shot+lob. ;) What about the return from the middle? - I saw it a lot of times in MG tour and online matches ( not in ITST), this is unrealistic. And I think that one of the esseantials thing for that ITST is better from MG is the more REALISTIC.
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Postby Ugadalou » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:07

This is what you should do after a drop shot and a lob : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXB4MApF4Lo

Too bad you can't do it on TE though.
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Postby o Sinna o » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:21

Ok I can cleary understand this drop and Lob Tactic is a cheesy Methode if we have no single Possibility to counter it.

And that is what cheesyness is in my eyes. It's simple a Methode to guarantee a Point for the Player because you can not counter the Gamneplaymethode.

This is always as cheating to the fullest in my eyes.

The return thing is a lil bit another thing what i don't how to estimate it exaclty.

I mean are these Returns made with a slowly autopossetup or not?

And is it the Case, that all you gotta do is standing so wide behind the Court as possible and to stand in the Middle of the Servicefieldline?

Sure is, it's not realistic, but I would question what Manutoo could do against it.

The Servicegame is already a really strong Point in TE and returning against a fast and good Serviceplayer ist difficult enough at least for me as a Beginner who is trying to get better at it.

But I don't know. I am for sure on your Side to make this Game a so flawless Simulation as possible.

And you know, that I really appreciate this Game especially with our ITST Mode.
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Postby Algo4 » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:25

Not knowing why my name is here, I'll answer

I can live with that service return style (I mean, if I can handle being aced 30+ times as I was against Fox, this is the same).
But I've always complained about those volley lobs, but it's more of a "that shot being too effective" kind of complain, something that manutoo only could change.

As I mentioned manutoo, a little suggestion.
Maybe randomize the output of a volley lob, making it a very attackable high but short shot most of the times but not preventing it from being a real resource altogether.
Last edited by Algo4 on Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby o Sinna o » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:31

Maybe all you can do is making drop shots harder to control and bring it on that Level of Risk how it would be for a Pro on a real Court, because I mean what you wanna do against the Lob?

I mean you can't defuse it.

Or what you think Guys?

The dropshot seems to be a save shot from a good Position and we all know that's not the Case in real Life, even for Federer.

The same takes effekt for the Servicegame

Maybe also the Servicegame is something that can be tweaked to a still more realistic way. Because the Servicegame is really easy to master, even for me as a Beginner.

But manutoo would have to be carefully by doing those things not to mess up the things totally.

Those things would have to be done well thought out and considered.
Last edited by o Sinna o on Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:42, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby costiiforzaa » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:35

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Postby o Sinna o » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:39

G.Dimitrov (BUL) wrote:http://www.intertopspintour.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9288 ;) We all have to read this. ;)

Well those Discussions exist in Videogametennishistory since the first serious Developments. XD
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Postby o Sinna o » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:58

You know all Manutoo would have to do is to create a harder Timing-Tolerance to place your Service exactly on the Lines or always go for the Lines.

Then Players would play much more save Servicegames in not such a extreme way and also returning would maybe need a lil Tweak to create a excelltent Balance.

The same takes effekt for the dropshots. It's all about the Timing-Tolerance to place so those Shots very good or not so good but still in or totally missed.

I mean I don't have to say again how great the Game already is. But if it is Manutoos Goald to create the best Possible Simulation, you have to admit the Game is still not near to Perfection but the best to date.

So it's still Room to improve, based on this great Mechanic.

The Rallieshots are ok if you ask me. Maybe also a lil bit to easy, if we talk about a Simulation but ok and the Game is fun ofcourse.
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Postby manutoo » Sun, 02 Sep 2012 09:34

About drop shot followed by lob at the net,
I just tuned the lob when at the net, so it will be less controllable ; to be sure to get the ball in, you'll have to stand near the service line, so this will give space for your opponent's passing shot. And if your opponent gets to the dropshot and does an acceleration, there's almost no chance your lob will stay in, even if you stand on the service line.
=> It'll be in tomorrow new Build ! ;)
As it's delicate to tune it perfectly, don't hesitate to let me know if the result still leads to too much exploit.

About off-centered return position,
the returner on that video is actually not in the middle of the court, he's at 2 or 3 meters max from the realistic ideal position. And as it is, it's already way better than what we were getting before v1.0e : returner standing in the real middle of the court & starting to run to the side before the serve was hit => an abomination..! :evil:
So like that, I guess it's not that bad, especially when you notice that his stamina bar loses 1 stick right away ; in a long tie match, that's a sure handicap. Plus it's much easier to serve-volley against such kind of returner, as it's pretty hard to do a short acceleration on the run. So all in all, I guess it's fair enough.
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Postby L Sanchez MD » Sun, 02 Sep 2012 12:02

manutoo wrote:About drop shot followed by lob at the net,
I just tuned the lob when at the net, so it will be less controllable ; to be sure to get the ball in, you'll have to stand near the service line, so this will give space for your opponent's passing shot. And if your opponent gets to the dropshot and does an acceleration, there's almost no chance your lob will stay in, even if you stand on the service line.
=> It'll be in tomorrow new Build ! ;)
As it's delicate to tune it perfectly, don't hesitate to let me know if the result still leads to too much exploit.

About off-centered return position,
the returner on that video is actually not in the middle of the court, he's at 2 or 3 meters max from the realistic ideal position. And as it is, it's already way better than what we were getting before v1.0e : returner standing in the real middle of the court & starting to run to the side before the serve was hit => an abomination..! :evil:
So like that, I guess it's not that bad, especially when you notice that his stamina bar loses 1 stick right away ; in a long tie match, that's a sure handicap. Plus it's much easier to serve-volley against such kind of returner, as it's pretty hard to do a short acceleration on the run. So all in all, I guess it's fair enough.

Good job, sir!
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Postby o Sinna o » Sun, 02 Sep 2012 14:01

excellent manutoo.
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Postby Algo4 » Mon, 03 Sep 2012 15:18

Didn't know where to post this:

Actually haven't seen anyone using this tactic here (but oh my I've seen it in MG) but I guess it's even better this way.
Forbid short slices (or the abuse of them).

For people not knowing, is done by preparing a short strike and then before hitting, switching to slice button.
Pretty easy if you have remapped short strike to a single key.
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Re: TE new tips,correct playstyle?What way Te is taking?

Postby Michael.D » Mon, 03 Sep 2012 15:51

eliomelma wrote:I made this video because i will show new tips that take off realism to this beautiful game. I included in this video only 2 drop shots-lobs (total 10-15 with 100% points won) and some returns of my opponent that positioned himself in the middle and could reach the ball always.I think that to avoid the lost of realism of this fantastic game, something must be done.....In a week i saw 2 new tips......
What do you think?
Algo, do you still think that is a correct and realistic tactic?:wink:



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Re: TE new tips,correct playstyle?What way Te is taking?

Postby VMoe86 » Mon, 03 Sep 2012 16:02

Michael.D wrote:ELIO and VMOE

Please... Min 1:23
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgBH88ihmDo :roll:

There is a difference between using and abusing a tactic in a tennis video game. There are sometimes shots which are too effective in a videogame, which rarely work that effectively on a real tennis court because executing them is difficult.

Deal with the decision that this drop/lob combination is considered cheesy in 1.0e at ITST -- in Build 93 of TE it will limit itself. ;)
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