What do you think?
Is Federer THAT good? Or is it a bit of an illusion because the rest of the Top 10 are really of quite a poor standard....(Nadal aside)
I wonder how well Fed would have faired in the last decade with so many really gifted players populating the Top 10 for alot of the time like Agassi, Becker, Rafter, Ivanisavic, Kraicek, Sampras, Chang, Courier, Stich, Muster, Philappousis.......
My opinion is that these guys named above were not just a bunch of one dimensional players they were players who could really adapt their games to different circumstances, most of them Grand Slam winners in their own right, they knew a thing or two about going out their & winning the points through their skilfull play.....
The current Top 10 seem to know nothing about this....they all bash the ball as hard as possible from the baseline & wait for an error.....where's the skill in that?? Yeah they hit winners & some passing shots but that's mostly because their opponents are clueless when they get to the net....anyone could hit passing shots against most of them in that position.....
So I ask is Federer really that good or is his current competition making him appear better than he actually is?......wouldn't Sampras have faired equally as well in this decade.....hell until Agassi's body let him down he was still defeating most of these current guys & was winning Grand Slams until as recently as 2003 aswell as other titles up until 2005!!! That says alot for me about Federer & the current Top 10....
What do you think?