Corbon wrote:ICEMAN_9588 wrote:Corbon wrote:I would still watch. I mean I am still watching sprint races and swimming events where so many athletes in the past were doped.
Yes, but it's not even close to what's happening in cycling world.
I don't know if I would keep on watching tennis anyway, it's a situation I should "live" through to give a sure answer.
I think doping is extremely widespread in swimming and track & field but relatively few athletes are actually exposed. Some are protected by organizations, some go to great lengths to mask their cheating. Physically, the TDF is the most demanding sports event in the world and it has become a "sport" to find out the most efficient enhancing drugs on a big and lucrative market only to be able to compete with the top guys.
And tbh, I find Nadal's appearance since USO 2010 and now his long break very suspicious. Tennis, like Football (Soccer) is one of those sports where doping isn't talked about much but it would be foolish to think that these sports are devoid of it.
Ben Johnson, Marion Jones, Justin Gatlin, BALCO, Sotomayor even my fellow countryman Schwazer...And I'm talking about Olympic Champions and World record-men.
To not mention West Germany...
Therefore, I think also athletics got some scandals.
But when I say "not even close", referred to cycling, I mean there's no sport that has got its gold books re-written like this one.
I mean, ALL Tour de France winners from 1996 to 2010 have been disqualified, condemned, or just suspected due to doping.
Same thing about 2nd and 3rd ranked ones! Ullrich, Zulle, Basso, Vinokurov...
You can't find this "level" of doping in any other sport. Yes, anti-doping in cycling is really really more advanced than other sports, I give you that, absolutely.
But there's got to be a reason to explain it.
I'm not a cycling fan, so I understand that to me it could be easier to say "How can you keep going on watching all this?" but seriously, how a normal fan can watch a race without asking himself "is this guy regular?"
And by the way, even Armstrong was protected by UCI (we all know), and look how all this thing has ended.
Of course I agree with the decision of privating him of his titles, and honestly I hope he will got radiation.
But I also know that his accusers, couldn't ignore what was going on in US Postal...