The best ever Server.

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The best ever Server.

Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 12:44

Who is the best Server ever?

In recent years big BIG serving is coming through strong with the likes of Delpi Roanic and Isner. In the past you had Roddick Goran Edberg and Sampras.

Taking the whole serve into account and not just aces who was the best. Mixing it up disguising it kicks and slices ball toss motion accuracy and so on.

I remember Sampras being a great server and also Roger has a really effevtive serve.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 12:53

Roger offcourse. He's got variety, precision, consistency, and he uses his serve to his benefit, constructs the point using his serves.. Mix up his serve beautifully, especially that second serve top spin to the opponent's back hand side is amazing, his serves are hard to read

Other guys like raonic, roddick, delpo have got good serves as well but I guess all they look is for power in their serves, as a result deriving a error from their opponent.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 13:06

Obviously you would say Roger and it is hard to say he is not but i think Sampras was a better Server than Fed not only did Sampras have a powerful but he had so much more than that. Fed has a more "graceful" "delicate serve, if you will. Sampras could mix it up much better. Probably a lot to do with his.SnV style of play.
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Postby Corbon » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 13:45

Sampras was overall a better server than Roger imo.

There's nothing wrong with power serves, whatever gets you to win the point outright and avoid a long rally will do it, whether it's a 140 mph down the line or a 100 mph kick.

In the end it could only come down to 1st serve percentage and 1st serve points won and maintaining high figures on pressure points. However first serve also means winning the rally after a successful return, something big servers like Karlovic aren't particularly good at.
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Postby Corbon » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 13:51

I also greatly admired Boris Becker's twist serve. He's definitely in my all time top 10.
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 14:06

Delpo and Edberg? :? Not even in the running....not even close. Kinda surprised Tamthewasp that you even have a mental picture of them being up there as far as serves :?

If you take serve as Stroke alone, then the best is Karlovic.

If you take serve in relation what it has done to the player possessing it - Samprass all the way.

Federer has nice serve, but best? No way.

Looking into the future, Raonic and Isner are the two players that have that pure stroke talent. But there serves so far yield nothing but beautiful aces. Samprass was winning slams on his serve alone, serving second serve aces at clutch situations.
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Postby Ugadalou » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 14:10

Most guys can rip a first serve.

I think what makes a great server is the second serve.In that aspect, Sampras is second to none.
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Postby Corbon » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 14:16

Edberg's serve was actually quite weak but precise enough to get him to the net and close the point but his amazing volley abilities were unrelated to his serve.

Also don't get fooled by mid 90's serve speeds, many machines at that time were calibrated to measure the distance from the baseline to the net, at which point the ball had already lost a great deal of speed, especially on second serve.

But then, placement >>>>>>> speed ... nis_serves

Some interesting numbers (if they're correct, don't think Delpo's fastest was just 140 mph) but Murray's 145 mph is quite a surprise.

What's more interesting though is the almost complete lack of Grand Slam winners among the Top 30.
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 14:25

Corbon wrote:
But then, placement >>>>>>> speed

well yeah....until the serves climbs into 130pmh and up mark. At this point, placement takes second stance (assuming you are an ATP player and have at least some direction on your serve). I'd take 130mph consistent first serve over Edbergs placement any-day. Hell, I'd take that serve over Feds serve :shock:

Gulbis number 10 yey! :lol:
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 14:30

Everyone is wrong... Safina's serve is the best :lol:
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Postby Corbon » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 14:34

Gulbis also has one heck of a second serve. On average they were faster than Haas' first serve in round one, almost always in the 115-120 range and he even kicks it a bit.

I dunno, a mega kick in the corner by a tall player can just be as unreturnable as a flat cannon down the line. Raonic hit a monster kick against Wawrinka at Cincy that literally bounced over Stan's backhand at 110 mph.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 15:31

Edberg had an effective serve for it not being as strong as the others but he used it to his advantages and hence why I mentioned him.
Delpo has a good serve granted it was stronger before.

Not seen enough of Karlovic to say. Roanic I think is better than Isner but is there not a lot of big Servers about to start coming through the ranks in the next few years?
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 15:46

Tamthewasp wrote:Edberg had an effective serve for it not being as strong as the others but he used it to his advantages and hence why I mentioned him.
Delpo has a good serve granted it was stronger before.

Not seen enough of Karlovic to say. Roanic I think is better than Isner but is there not a lot of big Servers about to start coming through the ranks in the next few years?

Title of this thread: The best ever Server.

Edberg has no business here whatsoever. DelPos serve now is better then it was and is still the weakest part of his game. Especially the second serve. He is not even in top 10 servers in current era, let alone best ever.

Raonic VS Isner is an interesting debate. Personalty, I love the motion of Raonic's serve, he also has a bit more variety, it is a more "flexible" serve if you will. But Isner has the clutch first serve. He delivers time after time in big points.
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 15:53

the most effektive serve ever,no doub´t about had PISTOL PETE SAMPRAS.

one of the best mixed serve had MICHAEL STICH .
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Postby JohnCurveo » Tue, 04 Sep 2012 15:58

Best 1st serve Goran Ivanisevic, best 2nd serve Sampras. The best wide server of all time Ivanisevic.

Then it comes the new era, with extremly powerful serves. Roddick, Karlovic, Raonic, Isner...

And the best serve motion of all time is:
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