Chris ITST wrote:Na Coria isent talent. Hes an all out clay courter with insane drop shot ability and pushing skills.
Ir0kuM4t4 wrote:Chris ITST wrote:Na Coria isent talent. Hes an all out clay courter with insane drop shot ability and pushing skills.
He was the only one who pushed Nadal to the limit on clay sucessive times. About "Hass" that would be another player the dutch one.
Rocketsfall wrote:Ir0kuM4t4 wrote:Chris ITST wrote:Na Coria isent talent. Hes an all out clay courter with insane drop shot ability and pushing skills.
He was the only one who pushed Nadal to the limit on clay sucessive times. About "Hass" that would be another player the dutch one.
No, that's "Haase"
Amazing Matheja wrote: (as Nadal...Thinking tennis,tennis,tennis,and nothing else but tennis...) so as soon as he's reached the top his focus abilities slowly went down and down..
See ya'll mates!
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