Troicki and Cilic doping cases

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Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Corbon » Sat, 27 Jul 2013 14:53

Viktor Troicki banned for 18 months for denying a doping test in Monte Carlo ... oicki.aspx

It's getting hotter.

Edit: Just in, Marin Cilic failed a drug test in Munich :shock: ... 6686912689
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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Murderface84 » Sat, 27 Jul 2013 23:48

If Federer is ever found to have doped I WILL KILL MYSELF
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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Vieira151 » Sat, 27 Jul 2013 23:50

I doubt it. Federer plays a game too reliant on risk and finesse that I doubt there would be any drugs that would enhance that.
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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Moralspain » Sun, 28 Jul 2013 09:09

Probably, they all have taken drugs during their careers. Has any of you played a 5 hours tennis match with the intensity these guys play??, i've been a sportsman since i was 7 years old, and i have never played at that level of intensity, never ever.

PS: Federer also plays 5 hours match (mainly on clay) and run after every ball when he's defending, problem is that Murray and Nadal (just an example), are just better athletes so under same conditions (everyone taking drugs) they're still better athletes than him.

My question is, imagine you're a professional athlete (tennis player, football player, swimmer......) and you know (and you'd know these things) that your opponents take illegal substances that make them stronger, with more stamina, more endurance, more power, more speed etc, what would you do??

You're training 8 hours a day during 4 years to get ready for the Olympics, and like i said, you do know your opponents will take drugs, and if you wanna have any chance to get a medal you will have to take that substance or you would have wasted 4 years of your life, you know the difference between success and failure will be 0,1 sec, 1 cm etc. wouldn't you take that substance?? come on!!

Even people who don't compete and go to the gym 3 days a week take steroids to have a better body, insane but true most of the times, and you're telling me that people that their lives are based on getting results to make money don't take anything (pro athletes)??, i don't believe it
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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Corbon » Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:57

Federer has gotten a lot slower recently and he still looks like the skinny brat he was in 2003. He does have an outstanding 5 set record though. Other players like Nadal and als Murray have made some noticable physical transformations (Murray's legs) which I cannot explain by never going to the gym (Nadal). Some Spanish doctors' reputations haven't made things easier.

Probably everyone has taken something during his career, the difference in income of being a Top 10 or Top 100 player must be very tempting if you realize that your skill and current physical condition can barely qualify you for a Slam. Of course, with wealth come better (legal) training methods too. I really wonder what happens if one of the Big Four is about to get caught, will the ITF go to great lengths and protect them or just hand them on a silver platter?
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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Uchiha Muss » Sun, 28 Jul 2013 13:04

I'm basically arguing myself on this.
For one, most tennis players drink energy drinks and eat banana a lot. That's definitely helpful in some way. Besides they're professionals. Once the body warms they might not even notice fatigue for some time.

I'm not sure this is the right example but Monfils's yesterday match against Fognini at Umag Open SF was like that. Monfils lost 1st 6-0 but then apparently his bandaged right hand started working because his ligaments heated up. After that he played at his normal intensity. The next 2 sets were really hit-and-miss opportunities for both players. I imagine players without any little injuries can play and endure more. Who knows.

Federer is safe. Even he gets tested positive for illegal substances he has nothing to lose. Nobody will take away all of his money. He'll still have 2-digit millions. Nadal Murray Djokovic they all have upwards of over 20 million euros at least. They can probably buy off the doctors just in case.

There is an article that says "Roger Federer was tested 17 times in 2009: 12 urine tests, four blood tests, and one test for EPO (one of those tests was out of competition, the rest were at tournaments). That's quite a lot actually, more than I expected.

P.S. @ITF Conspiracy
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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby supinesmokey13 » Sun, 28 Jul 2013 13:14

Uchiha Muss wrote:I'm basically arguing myself on this.
For one, most tennis players drink energy drinks and eat banana a lot. That's definitely helpful in some way. Besides they're professionals. Once the body warms they might not even notice fatigue for some time.

I'm not sure this is the right example but Monfils's yesterday match against Fognini at Umag Open SF was like that. Monfils lost 1st 6-0 but then apparently his bandaged right hand started working because his ligaments heated up. After that he played at his normal intensity. The next 2 sets were really hit-and-miss opportunities for both players. I imagine players without any little injuries can play and endure more. Who knows.

Federer is safe. Even he gets tested positive for illegal substances he has nothing to lose. Nobody will take away all of his money. He'll still have 2-digit millions. Nadal Murray Djokovic they all have upwards of over 20 million euros at least. They can probably buy off the doctors just in case.

There is an article that says "Roger Federer was tested 17 times in 2009: 12 urine tests, four blood tests, and one test for EPO (one of those tests was out of competition, the rest were at tournaments). That's quite a lot actually, more than I expected.

P.S. @ITF Conspiracy
i think he also submitted samples to keep for comparative analysis, to see if there were any changes .

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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Corbon » Sun, 28 Jul 2013 15:04

He was actually one of the few players who admitted that he hasn't been tested within a 6 month period.
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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Florian » Sun, 28 Jul 2013 17:57

Fed would have been on drugs during the Olympics he would have won the gold medal after his marathon vs Delpo ^^
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Re: Troicki and Cilic doping cases

Postby Murderface84 » Mon, 29 Jul 2013 00:42

*puts fingers in ears*

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