Latest news about Nadal (yeah he is still alive hahaha):
In october 15th he still had pain in his knee and he had not started to play tennis yet, golf that's all (playing some tourneys btw). Long recovery is going well though because the first 2 months he had pain when walking, and in october he started to feel better and the pain was less intense so things are going well. He plans to be back in january.
Last interview (sorry haven't found it with english subtitles, so it's only for people who understand spanish) to media in Spain this is the video he watches to stay motivated during this long journey it'll be interesting to see if he's be able to be what he used to be and get the number 1 back again. Obviously during the 1st 6 months he will lose all the points, because he won many tournaments, but during 2nd part of the season he can win a lot of points, nothing to defend.

Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are just better at hiding it than others.