by djarvik » Mon, 24 Jan 2011 16:20
It's going to be tough for Dolgo.
Against Soderling it was relatively easy match once he figured Soderling out...and all this "Soderling was playing bad" crap just annoys me. Dolgo took it to him, returned every serve of his, Murdered his second serves, brought him down to his knees on his BH side by slicing it low and made him pay. A clear and very good strategy against Soderling. Not many can pull it off thou, he can....come to thin of it, its a great match up for him.
Against Murray it will be tough. Problem is that Dolgo cant trade BH with Murray. He is going to win every FH to FH rally, but BH to BH he would need to send down the line more so then with Soderling. Slicing to Murray's BH is a suicide. One thing is for sure - if Dolgo will find a way to read Murrays serve as well as he did Soderling's - Murray is going to be in for a world of pain, screaming, cussing, losing his cool and the match.
As it stands - Murray in 3-4. (unless Dolgo can read his serve, then Dolgo takes it in another 5 setter)
Level 13 Edberg and counting...